Several of the leaders of the round table looked at the proposal in their hands with a complicated face.

The heads of state who are not within the scope of the Bald Eagle’s strategic deployment are all colorful.


This is to put your hand directly on the neck of Dragon Kingdom and the Woolly Bear!

The moment the Great Chief of the Dragon Kingdom and the Mao Xiong Emperor looked at this proposal, the faces of the two emperor-level figures were almost green.

Placement of anti-missile systems in the Black Baseball country.

Isn’t that the equivalent of putting two surveillance of ballistic missile systems in front of both of them?

Let’s take an analogy.

If the Dragon Kingdom and the Woolly Bear are likened to the beauty of the bath.

This anti-missile system is like a voyeuristic telescope!

What’s the difference between this and standing on their heads and?!!!

The Grand Chief was still thinking about what to do.

The Mao Xiong Emperor had already slapped the table directly on the table and looked at Plante and shouted angrily:

“Dead fat man, don’t go too far!

Do you fucking want to install the anti-missile system in the Black Stick country?

Protect the Black Rod Country?

Don’t think that Lao Tzu doesn’t know what you’re thinking, as long as you dare to be safe, Lao Tzu will dare to bomb all the intercontinental missiles into your Bald Eagle’s territory! ”

Prente sneered and looked at the Bear Emperor.

“Emperor Mao Xiong, you have misunderstood me, I really don’t mean what you think.”

But if you want to throw an ICBM.

We bald eagles are not vain.

It’s a big deal that the fish died and the net broke, and everyone here can’t escape!

But you have to think clearly.

Our Bald Eagle’s “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle” is if one accidentally falls on your territory of the Woolly Bear Emperor.

You say, that’s not good, right?

And my request is actually not as excessive as you think, you should think about it yourself! ”

The Bear Emperor was speechless when he heard Prente’s words.

Of course, he couldn’t really use all his strength to break the fish dead net…

But Bald Eagle’s “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle” is a bit too outrageous, they are a bit unable to resist ah…

This “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle” became the best means for Bald Hawks to threaten them…

The three effects of the black stick, the white stick and the cherry blossom crane that have been silent here look at the game between the bear and the bald eagle in their hearts are angry and dare not speak,

Although Dragon Kingdom and Woolly Bear were affected.

But obviously not the one who was most affected…

The two of them are the ones who are the most affected, right?

An anti-missile system.

All the territories of their three countries will be within their radiation…

In the future, it is not a bald eagle This guy can do whatever he wants?

They are very angry, but they dare not say ah…

Plante looked at the silent people and smiled:

“I know there’s a lot of thought in everyone’s mind.

In this way, the Nine-Party Talks are expected to last for a long time anyway.

I thought it would be almost over in a month.

Let’s decide on this proposal in a month’s time!

The first thing we have to solve is the denuclearization of the white stick country…”

Prent’s dazzling look was full of force!

Between his eyebrows, he looked at the Dragon Kingdom Grand Leader who was sitting on his countermeasure.

This half a year!

The Dragon Kingdom pretended to be forced in front of their bald eagle, and he Prente finally pretended to be back!

The Grand Chieftain, who had not been speaking, looked at the mighty Prente and said quietly:

“Your Excellency Plante.

You’ll regret your proposal today! ”

Prunte looked at the muffled Dragon Kingdom Grand Chief and smiled.

I sneered in my heart.

After a month, can’t Dragon Kingdom just obediently agree?

At best, it will express condemnation and dissatisfaction, what else can the Dragon Kingdom do?

Is it difficult to find it that they really use intercontinental missiles to bomb ???

It’s impossible!

Therefore, Prente did not panic at all about the harsh words of the Dragon Kingdom leader, and even wanted to laugh!

“After not regretting, leave time to verify it?”

I think we should hurry up and discuss the denuclearization of the white stick country and come out with the results!

One more day of discussion, the White Lollipop may have one more nuclear bomb! ”


Intermission period of the nine-party talks.

Dragon Kingdom’s lounge.

Zhao Yujian, director of the Department of Foreign Affairs who participated in the negotiations with the Grand Chief, had his entire lungs about to explode.

“Big Chief, this Bald Eagle and Plante are simply inhuman!”

He even made a “world-class nuclear explosion – Bled Castle” to threaten us to agree to his shameless conditions??? ”

The Secretary-General on the side was also angry.


It’s a dog.

This Prente is a Nyima beast!

The Grand Chief took a deep breath and interrupted the two men’s cursing.

“Being angry doesn’t solve the problem…

In a month’s time, we must find a solution.

I have a preliminary proposal.

Do you refer to it? ”

Zhao Yujian and the secretary-general looked at the big leader curiously.

Worthy of being a big chief!

How could I think of a solution so quickly???

The Grand Chief took a deep breath.

“Since ancient times, our Dragon Kingdom’s martial arts have all had clouds, soldiers will come to block, and water will cover the earth.

In fact, it is very simple to deal with the threat of bald eagles.

Let’s build a nuclear explosion that is even better than “Annihilation – Bled Castle”! ”

The Grand Chief uttered these words.

Zhao Yujian and the Secretary-General here were stunned…

Make a better one than “Annihilation – Bled Castle”???

If they remember correctly.

Bald Eagle’s “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle” has been in the project for a long time, right?

It’s been five or six years…

That is, this step strategy was five years ago.

The bald eagle has already stepped down…

Now the Grand Chief told them that their Dragon Kingdom had to build a bigger one…

The deadline given by Prente is only a month away.

What did they do to make a bigger one???

With the strength of the Bald Eagle’s nuclear field, it will take five or six years…

They have to say less about this number or a price for two or three years, right?

Even if they are not scientists.

I also know that the power of nuclear explosion is not a simple 1+1=2 problem…

One month, how can it be impossible?

The Grand Chief shook his head meaningfully.

Asked Zhao Yujian and Secretary General back:

“Have you forgotten the 099 strategic nuclear submarine that we have just screened in the international community?”

Do you know how long it took to develop it? ”

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