The two listened to the words of the Grand Chief and fell into contemplation.

Although the two did not care about the work of military research and development, they must have some understanding of the great power heavy weapons of the Dragon Kingdom.

As far as they know, Dragon State’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine project was established more than a year ago.

Being able to complete such an upgrade in more than a year would have been great.

The most important thing is that the 099 strategic nuclear submarine can directly win the reputation of the world’s first nuclear submarine!

It’s something they didn’t expect anyway…

They can only say a word of cattle criticism for this.

But is there any inevitable connection between this and the world-destroying nuclear explosion in the mouth of the Great Chief?

The Grand Chief heard these two words and laughed:

“You’re right or wrong.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine project was indeed established more than a year ago.


Until two months ago, our R&D progress had not been pushed to 10%…

With the addition of a scientist, we easily completed the research and development of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine in just two months!

And successfully became the world’s first strategic nuclear submarine! ”

The Grand Chief uttered these words.

The Director for Foreign Affairs and the Secretary-General were stunned…

What the heck???

In two months, the world’s first strategic nuclear submarine was developed???

Is the Grand Chief sure he didn’t lie to them?

“Big Chief, this joke is not funny…”

The big chief laughed without anger:

“At first, I didn’t believe it, but knowing that 099 came out, I immediately believed it!”

If we give this task to this scientist.

I believe, a month!

The extinction-level nuclear explosion will surely be successfully developed!

At that time, we will not be afraid to face the threat of the bald eagle! ”

The Grand Chief uttered these words.

Zhao Yujian and the secretary general also took a deep breath and looked at the big chief.

Since the head of a country has said so.

Can they still argue against it?

Compare the feasibility of the programme.

They were more curious about who the guy who could develop a strategic nuclear submarine in two months was…

The Grand Chief took a deep breath and looked at the Secretary-General.

“Secretary General Guan.

You immediately went to Yanjingmu’s house to find a little professor named Jiang Chen.

Tell him about the crisis in the Dragon Kingdom.

And tell him about my solution if he says he can do it!

Let him serve as the chief designer, an expert in the national nuclear field, and let him choose, in short, mainly Professor Xiaojiang!

If Professor Xiao Jiang says he can’t do it…

Then I’m afraid we’ll be in danger this time…”

When the Grand Chief finished talking about this arrangement.

The whole person also laughed for no reason.

If he remembered correctly, today was the day when Professor Xiao Jiang proposed to his relatives…

It is really calculated that the bald eagle actually made such a show…

He also had to come up with such a plan to entrust to Professor Xiaojiang.

This is also an alternative kind of “pro-support group”, right?

Secretary-General Guan Chenglin also knows the importance of the task that the chief has given himself.

Hurriedly saluted and left the lounge and went straight to Yanjing Mu’s house!

The Grand Chief sighed helplessly after watching Guan Chenglin leave.

I hope Professor Xiao Jiang can do it…


Yen Ching Restaurant.

Mu family.

Many people who were discussing the engagement ceremony and wedding details of Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun were bustling with excitement.

Marshal Mu’s guards had the latest information about the “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle”.

When Old Marshal Mu informed the news.

The whole discussion scene exploded in an instant.


What the heck???

Annihilation – Bled Castle “??? ”

“15 million tons of equivalent?


This eighty is really eighty levels of extinction…”

“What is the Bald Eagle doing to eat such a show?”

How to discuss the denuclearization of the white stick country, and we must first engage in earth-shattering nuclear explosion negotiations before we can continue? ”

“No, my intuition tells me that the Bald Eagle is probably not going towards the White Rod Country…”


When the dignitaries here express their opinions.

Old Marshal Mu took a deep breath and sighed:

“General Feng’s guess just now makes sense…

I also think that this “extinction nuclear explosion – Bled Castle” nuclear explosion test is not so simple.

Bald Eagle definitely wants to have more rights in this nine-party talks.

This is Baldhawk’s consistent tactics.

Show muscles, threaten…

I’ve seen it countless times in my day…”

A group of people listened to Marshal Mu’s words and bowed their heads.

This Nyima is really a day dog…

On such a happy day, the good mood was all destroyed by the disgusting country of the bald eagle…

The hand of Mu Shijun, who was led by Jiang Chen on this side, trembled slightly.

He is a scientist in the nuclear field.

Mu Shijun really knows too well the power of the 15 million equivalent explosion…

So the whole body trembled involuntarily.

Jiang Chen smiled and squeezed Mu Shijun’s hand.

“Shi Jun, don’t be afraid, there I am!”

When comforting Mu Shijun.

Jiang Chen also fell into contemplation…

“Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle”…

How does this nuclear explosion test sound so familiar?


Remember, Bald Eagle conducted the most powerful nuclear test in the atmosphere at Guinel Atoll!

But in his world…

This thing is a nuclear test that was conducted decades ago…

Didn’t expect this world to happen now?

However, Jiang Chen did not get entangled.

After all, these are two worlds, not the same day…

As Marshal Mu just said, since this “world-class nuclear explosion – Bled Castle” is now exploded for no reason…

Surely it can’t be because of the simple problem of the white stick country…

It must be the means by which the bald eagle seeks its interests.

It’s just that he doesn’t know what Bald Eagle wants to get this time from the “Annihilation Nuclear Explosion – Bled Castle”?

A group of people in the lobby were discussing the time.

Outside the Mu family’s palace, another helicopter arrived!

A group of people looked at the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes coming down from the helicopter and was shocked.

Isn’t this the secretary-general next to the big chief?

Now the Secretary-General did not follow the Grand Chief to participate in the Nine-Party Talks, but ran to the Mu family to do what???

Guan Chenglin was taking care of the suit he was wearing at this time, and directly ran in regardless of his posture.

Watching a group of old acquaintances say hello without having time to fight.

Looking directly into the lobby, he gasped and shouted:

“Big Chief Emergency!

Professor Xiaojiang is not there??? ”

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