Marshal Mu, Director Li, and Director Qin watched Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun serve the country and even hesitate to delay the feats of their engagement.

They all applauded it!

“Worthy of Professor Xiaojiang!”

For the sake of the Dragon Kingdom so bowed, the country will never forget you! ”

“Professor Xiao Jiang has sacrificed so much.

Within a month, a new hydrogen bomb can definitely be developed! ”

“Whether Professor Xiaojiang can study it or not now I don’t care, I only care about Professor Xiaojiang’s spirit of dedication to the country!”

Worth chanting for generations! ”

The sentence “There is no country, where there is a home” of the little girl of the Mu family is also very exciting!

If it weren’t for this little master, he would have supported Professor Xiao Jiang so much.

Professor Xiao Jiang couldn’t have done it so decisively! ”

“The combination of these two is simply a pair made in heaven, and a pair of earthly settings!”


A group of people sincerely admired Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun.

Jiang Chen laughed unkindly:

“Marshal Mu, General Feng, Director Qin…

This new type of hydrogen bomb is not something you can do with this praise!

Hurry up and take me to Yanda and the like to find experts to help! ”

Jiang Chen did not dare to trust it this time.

Although the solution of the new hydrogen bomb can be directly handled by one hand.

But that huge formula reaction equation superposition…

It’s not something that can be solved by a supercomputer alone.

At the beginning, the desert hydrogen bomb research team paid a lot to develop a hydrogen bomb.

Jiang Chen could not have said clearly.

Now the new hydrogen bomb he can indeed lead the team, but the reason why he wants the permission of experts in the nuclear field.

Of course, these expert professors are not allowed to play soy sauce.

If there are no experts in these nuclear fields professors.

Within a month…

Even if it’s him Jiang Chen.

Nor will it be done!

He just bound the god-level scientist system…

Not a god-level robot system…

Secretary General Guan heard Jiang Chen’s words and quickly patted his head!

Every minute and every second from the beginning of Prente’s proposal, the national wind crisis of the Dragon Kingdom will be one step closer!

Now is not the time to greet Professor Xiaojiang.

“Professor Xiaojiang.

If anyone you want doesn’t comply, I’ll bet on you and bet it on you! ”

Jiang Chen looked at Secretary General Guan and smiled.

“Not really.

The experts I need help with are basically the ones I know…

It’s not up to the punch…”

Secretary General Guan blushed and smiled awkwardly.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took Mu Shijun to Old Marshal Mu and Mu Linjiang and Su Qianyun.

“Old Marshal Mu, Uncle Mu, Aunt Su…

I’m sorry for something like this today.

I may not be able to agree on the details of the engagement in a short period of time…

Even if I pulled my crotch myself, I also pulled the teacher away…

Really can’t afford you three of you…”

Mu Shijun also climbed his head.

“Grandpa, Dad, Mom…

I’m sorry, I promised you to get married early…

But now the country needs me and Jiang Chen…

Our engagement ceremony and wedding are probably only …”


Old Marshal Mu looked at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun with an apologetic look and smiled unkindly:

“Together, in your eyes.

Am I just an old thing that only cares about the small family and ignores everyone’s ignorance?

Your grandfather and I were fighting bald eagles.

You weren’t born yet!

Just like Shi Yun said at the beginning.

Small family is important, but everyone is more important, no country? Where is the home?

In the eyes of this old man.

Your wedding is really important.

But compared to the security of the country.

I’m afraid it will have to be the first grade.

Not only will I not blame you, but I will give you a glorious and difficult task.

That is, the crisis in the Dragon Kingdom must be lifted this time! ”

Mu Linjiang and Su Qianyun on this side looked at each other, and Su Qianyun smiled and touched her daughter’s little brain.

“You’ve been mindless since you were a child.

It was hard to meet a boy who could also make me feel at ease.

Your engagement ceremony and wedding have to be postponed again…

From my mother’s point of view, I was definitely not happy…

But from the perspective of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, I support you two to go to the desert to develop a new type of hydrogen bomb!

But Mom also had the same view as Dad.

The state has called, the call will return, the return will fight, the war will be won! ”

Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun looked at Old Marshal Mu’s bearded and knocked high, and they also knew that this little old man was not joking with them.

There is also the fortitude and gentleness in Su Qianyun’s eyes.

The two replied with a resolute look in their eyes:

“Old Marshal Mu, aunt, Jiang Chen will live up to expectations!”

“Grandpa, Mom, and granddaughter too!”


After Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun bid farewell to Mu’s parents, they left the Mu family directly in a helicopter.

Most of the big guys here have also returned to their posts.

As for Secretary General Guan, he directly returned to the conference hall of the nine-party talks with the news of Jiang Chen’s reply.

Of course, such a big news must be explained to the big chief at the first time!

As for Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun, who left in a helicopter gunship, they naturally went to find experts in the nuclear field.

Recruitment is held on the first day of the program.

Responsible for assisting Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun in their work and contacting the secretary general of the management is Xiao Wang, a guard left by the secretary of management.

In addition to Xiao Wang, the state apparatus in the nuclear field has also begun to operate.

The supreme command obeys the character.

Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen’s first stop was Yenching University.

After all, the Mu Family Palace is not too far away from Yenching University, which is not too far.

Jiang Chen’s target is also very simple.

Experts in the nuclear field.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin, Vice Dean of the School of Physics of Yanda University.

These two were experts in the nuclear field that they had known when they were developing the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

Achievements in the nuclear field are not low.

Plus Jiang Chen knew him.

It’s easy to get started!

And Mu Shijun, who has not yet stepped into the School of Physics, has a somewhat unnatural face…

Because she arrived at school earlier than Jiang Chen.

As a talented professor of returnees, she has not yet met these two vice deans…

According to Dean Li Yumin.

The two vice-presidents are great experts in studying major national projects in the nuclear field.

The average person does not say that it is a conversation, that is, the appointment may have to be scheduled for a few months…

Although Jiang Chen was young and promising.

But it is not very relevant to these two, even if there is a national order, can you really easily invite these two to join the project team?


[ps: I was going to watch the live game tonight, but sn lost the first set… So I decided to give the guys two chapters and go on…

So today there are only 4 more, hahaha……]

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