Jiang Chen seemed to see the worry in Mu Shijun’s eyes.

But he really didn’t expect Mu Shijun to be worried about this…

Curious asked.

“Shi Jun, how do you look sad?”

Mu Shijun helplessly explained:

“Jiang Chen.

I probably know the reasons why you chose Professor Huang and Professor Luo.

After all, these two are well-known experts in the field of Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear field.

But what you may not know is.

These two are the kind of people who belong to the arrogance of talent…

They will only admire people who have achieved more than they have done in the nuclear field, and ordinary people may not even have the opportunity to speak in front of them…

I’ve been in Yanda for almost a year…

I haven’t even seen the faces of these two yet…

Although you are gifted and talented, coupled with the state’s dispatch…

Maybe you can pull them both into the project team.

But it may be difficult for them to convince them to do things in the project team…”

Mu Shijun said the truth, so what he said was very detailed.

Xiao Wang, the guard next to him, also nodded his head in agreement.

At the time of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine project.

With the big chief, he had the privilege of meeting these two…

In his opinion.

Whether it is Huang Shuxu or Luo Ganglin, they are all literati and inkers in the real scientific community.

It seems that there is already the feeling that “the son of heaven can’t get on the ship and claims to be a fairy in wine.”

They have feelings for the country.

But to people…

Even when you meet the big boss, it is a dead fish face…

Say what to answer, anyway, there is no communication…

That’s why he remembered these two old professors so deeply.

However, as soon as Jiang Chen heard this, he was immediately happy.


He’s a good guy on the spot!

It turns out that the rumors of Huang Lao and Luo Lao in the outside world are so bullish?

The Son of Heaven did not come to the ship and claimed that his subjects were immortals in wine???

So ?!!

Then he came this time really right!

No wonder when he first read Huang Shu’s paper, it seemed like he was far beyond the level of ordinary academicians.

It turns out that people are so good!

It’s just a pity…

It’s still worse than him…

“The more you say this, the more excited I become, where are Professor Huang and Professor Luo now?”

Xiao Wang looked at the class schedule that Li Yumin had just given.

“Now a lecture is held in the lecture hall of the Lakeside Conference…”


Hurry to the Lakeside Conference Lecture Hall! ”


Yan Da.

Lakeside Conference Lecture Hall.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin are giving a lecture to this year’s new graduate students in the nuclear field.

After all, the two people who had just completed the fifth-generation nuclear submarine had nothing to do.

The school also did not schedule them for the time being.

This idle time wants to find something to do…

So I gave a joint lecture.

Huang Shuxu, as one of the keynote speakers, was talking on stage.

“Everyone here should be very clear.

The current change in the ohmic coil provides the approximate number of volts required to generate, establish, and maintain the plasma current.

Polar field coil Because the polar magnetic field generated by Shfier controls the balance of the shape and position of the plasma section, the circular field coil is guaranteed with the circular magnetic field generated by Viplioer and the plasma…

The circumferential magnetic field and the polar magnetic field generated by the plasma current together form a magnetic field position with a rotational transformation of the magnetic field line and a nested magnetic surface structure to constrain the plasma…”

Professor Huang Shuxu is talking about the above with a lot of emotion.

But the students below did make a mistake.


Did Professor Huang have any misunderstanding of our knowledge reserves?

What does everyone know?

I don’t think everyone knows, right?

Good guys, let’s talk about the constraints of nuclear fusion.

I haven’t even read a book! ”

“Brother, don’t argue, it’s not a question of reading or not reading the book.

Purely because you don’t understand.

Even if you read the book, you still don’t understand…”

“This even can be corroborated, because I have seen it…”

“Professor Huang is indeed a big man in the nuclear field like the legend, and the simplest problem in their eyes is for us.”

But it is already as difficult as ascending to the sky! ”

“Otherwise, how can we say that people are leading the general establishment and negative headquarters of the fourth-generation nuclear submarines?”

“In other words, do you say that this time the 099 strategic nuclear submarine was developed by water?”

That’s awesome, isn’t it?

The Virginia-class nuclear submarine that directly hoisted the Bald Eagle! ”

“I don’t know who it is, but this one is really good!”

In more than a year, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine was released.

Hanging the whole world, this is not a random person can do, at least I think even Professor Huang on the stage and Professor Luo in the audience are probably not OK…”


When a group of students are talking about it.

Huang Shu’s preface began to give questions.

“Dear students, I just talked about the magnetic confinement method of nuclear fusion.

Everyone should have a certain understanding of Ohm’s law, a conductor in a certain state, its electromotive force is proportional to the current generated…

Therefore, the ratio of electromotive force to current, i.e. resistance, does not change with the current.

Here, the electromotive force is the voltage across the conductor…

So, are any students willing to share a microscopic explanation of Ohm’s theorem??? ”

As soon as the words of the Yellow Book Preface fell…

A group of students quickly lowered their heads.


Ask about the microscopic understanding of Ohm’s law as soon as you start.

They can’t even understand the macro level!!!

Isn’t this smoking their big mouths in front of your classmates?

Huang Shuxu looked at the graduate students who lowered their heads and frowned.

Although this question is difficult, it should not be that there is not even a little opinion, right?

Just when the Yellow Book Preface couldn’t figure it out.

A voice came through the door of the Memory Lecture Hall.

Professor Huang asked well!

In my opinion, the onlooker understanding of Ohm’s law is actually that the interval between the two successive collisions of free electrons is long and short.

We can simply think of it as a formula.

Set the mean time to t, then the directional movement rate of free electrons before the next collision vt (with t as the subscript) = at.

Then the average rate in time t v=at/2. Combined with the previously introduced a=U(e/mL), the average moving rate of free electrons is v=U(et/2mL).

The microscopic expression of the substitution current I=neSv gives I=U(ne2St/2mL…”

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