The moment a sound from outside the conference hall reached the outside of the conference hall.

Whether it is Huang Shuxu on the stage and Luo Ganglin who observes, or the students on the stage, they are all confused.

Especially the students were directly stunned.


Who is it? So hanging, Professor Huang and Professor Luo’s class dare to make trouble??? ”

“But no, Sleeper!

Professor Huang and Professor Luo are the great professors of the fourth generation of nuclear submarines that have been developed.

How dare anyone interrupt their lectures??? ”

“It sounds like it’s coming from outside the door, presumably it’s a late graduate student, right?”

“Let’s not discuss whether this guy interrupted Professor Huang and Professor Luo’s lecture.

Actually, I’m a little curious…

Is this guy right or wrong??? ”

“God knows…

This series of things I couldn’t understand, even if it was Long Wen, I couldn’t understand it.

Not to mention those formulas…”

“This must be wrong!

This question is the same as Professor Huang’s question, which was raised by such a national scientist.

Can we graduate students answer yes? ”

“As far as Nyima is concerned, I really think that when I am still in college, I can get the right to choose a mate???

Since they have all gone to graduate school, is it not fragrant to be a research monk? ”


When a group of new graduate students were talking about it.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin were confused.

These little guys can’t understand the man’s thoughts, but they know it very well!

This guy’s microscopic understanding of Ohm’s law isn’t just as graphic.

Even brought up aspects that the two of them couldn’t have imagined!

This boy is an absolute genius!

Luo Ganglin frowned slightly in excitement.

Because he felt that the voice was a little familiar…

Seems to have heard it somewhere???

Huang Shuxu directly patted the blackboard and excitedly said:

“Well said!

It was just perfect!

Little friend come in for a while? ”

As soon as the Huang Shu preface was finalized, a group of students were momentarily stunned.

“What will Professor Huang just do???”


Professor Huang seems to have the perfect answer?? ”

“Sleeper, can’t put it?

What new graduate student can answer Professor Huang’s question correctly?

Isn’t that impossible? ”

“I’m a little curious about who this person really is?”

“Can’t this buddy go faster?”


Under the watch.

Jiang Chen, who was standing with his hands in his hands, and Mu Shijun, who was absolutely beautiful and dustless, appeared at the door of the lecture hall of the Binhu Conference.

Beside them, there was a mighty guard in military uniform.

At first glance, it is the kind of soldier king who is not easy to mess with.

The appearance of these three people.

Naturally, everyone was blindfolded…

“Sleepy Groove, isn’t that Mu Shijun, the goddess mentor of our School of Physics???”

“Who’s that guy next to you?”

“I feel like I’ve seen it, but I can’t remember it, but I’m sure this guy will hit Professor Huang’s question!”


You guys don’t really just play games in your dorm room every day???

This is Professor Xiaojiang who developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine! ”

“Good guys, I’m straight on the spot good guys!”

It turned out to be Professor Xiao Jiang, no wonder he was able to answer Professor Huang’s question correctly…”


I didn’t care how awesome Professor Xiao Jiang was.

But I am more concerned about why Professor Xiaojiang is holding Teacher Mu’s hand…”

“I was just about to say, why is Professor Xiao Jiang holding the hand of our goddess mentor?”

“You haven’t even heard of Professor Xiaojiang and Teacher Mu’s fairy love story, hey…”

“5555, I cried, it used to be a rumor, this is holding hands on campus, this should be an official announcement, right?”


The new graduate students in the audience are hotly discussed.

Mu Shijun and the security guard Xiao Wang, who entered the door here, were a little nervous…

Because as soon as they entered the door, they met the eyes of the two legendary old professors, Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin.

Although Jiang Chen did answer Huang Shu’s question.

But Professor Huang and Professor Luo are giving lectures…

Jiang Chen just broke in.

Even the best tempered people will be angry, right?

Not to mention these two…

At first, they were worried that Jiang Chenren’s slight words would not be supported by Professor Huang and Professor Luo.

Now Jiang Chen had interrupted the meeting lecture of these two people.

What if Professor Huang and Professor Luo objected to Jiang Chen’s position as the project’s chief designer?

Xiao Wang couldn’t forcibly escort such a big professor to the desert???

It was when Mu Shijun and Xiao Wang were terrified.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin finally moved as well.

But this move did not seem to be a loss of anger…

Instead, it is similar to excitement and excitement???

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin saw Jiang Chen appear at the door.

Both of them were about to cry!

Although he and Jiang Chen had not seen each other for several days.

But they feel like they’ve been separated by three autumns!

You know, stay in a bunch with talented people, albeit somewhat autistic.

But there’s also the most room for improvement!

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin are not young.

But the earth’s demand for science is no less.

In the two months that Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen developed the 099 strategic nuclear submarine, the progress of the two of them was a world away from before!

At this time, when he saw Jiang Chen, he was naturally excited and almost cried.

They thought they would never see Professor Xiao Jiang again!

After all, Jiang Chen is such a genius.

Pointing to the corner and throwing it into a big national project!

And now, they actually saw Jiang Chen on the campus of Yanda University.

Huang Shuxu rushed to Jiang Chen and excitedly shook Jiang Chen’s hand:

“Professor Xiaojiang, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

You let me think tight, you see the problem of the way we discussed the restraint before, I have a new view, I give you a communication? ”

Luo Ganglin also rushed to Jiang Chen at once, and suddenly bumped into Huang Shu’s preface and smiled:

“Xiao Jiang, he’s too time-consuming.

Let’s first discuss the number of particle reversals in high-energy physics…

I have a lot of new ideas now and want to communicate with you…”

Jiang Chen had not yet had time to answer.

Here Huang Shuxu pulled Luo Ganglin’s clothes.

“Lao Luo, what do you mean?” I came first! ”

“Why didn’t I see it?” Don’t you just sleep stupidly? Professor Xiaojiang must have explained to me first! ”

“You fart! I first! ”

“I don’t care, just me first, I let you in this lecture …”


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