Everyone in the entire Binhu Conference Lecture Hall looked at Jiang Chen, Huang Shuxu, and Luo Ganglin on the stage.


I just seemed to be deaf on the spot.

What did you just say to Professor Huang and Professor Luo?

Would you like to ask Jiang Chen questions??? ”

“That, you should not be deaf, to be precise, Professor Huang and Professor Luo want Professor Xiaojiang to know them and solve the puzzle…”

“Good guys, I’m straight on the spot good guys!”

How old is Professor Xiaojiang?

Even if he is a genius, his age is about the same as ours, so why do Professor Huang and Professor Luo still have to ask him questions??? ”

“Yes, I thought, even if Professor Xiaojiang developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine technology.”

That’s also the optical level, how can Professor Xiaojiang still have a relationship with nuclear physics? ”


The whole scene when the students were stunned.

Mu Shijun and Xiao Wang, the security guard, who were standing next to Jiang Chen, were the most ignorant.

Look at Huang Shu’s preface and Luo Ganglin’s expression.

It seems that he has known Jiang Chen for a long time…

I already knew it.

Why did such a legendary professor have to ask Jiang Chen a question???

The most important thing is this little expression…

It’s so humble…

What earth-shattering big things did Jiang Chen do behind her back?

Mu Shijun looked up at Jiang Chen doubtfully.

Jiang Chen obviously couldn’t explain it to her now, and squeezed his eyes with a smile.

As if to reassure him…

Then he looked at Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin, who were fighting over here, and smiled helplessly:

“Huang Lao, Luo Lao.”

We’re not in a hurry, I’m sure I’ll take care of all of your problems!

But now I have something very important to discuss with you!

Let’s go out and talk? ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin, who were red-faced and red-faced, heard Jiang Chen’s words and quickly stopped.

The two of them blushed and coughed softly.

“Professor Xiaojiang, let’s go out and talk…”

Jiang Chen was also not angry with a smile with Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin in addition to the Binhu Conference Lecture Hall.

Empty left the conference hall full of students in the conference hall to think wildly.

Walk to the edge of the unknown lake.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin also looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

What important thing is there that Jiang Chen personally came to them both?

When Jiang Chen finished talking about the Bald Eagle’s world-destroying nuclear explosion of Bled Castle, the ruins were a threat to the defense and security of the Dragon Kingdom.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin’s faces grew darker as they listened.

“Is there such a thing?”

The bald eagle is simply too deceitful!

Actually want to install the anti-missile system in the Black Baseball Country, isn’t this on the head of our Dragon Country? ”

“This can’t stand!

Professor Xiaojiang, I think you and the Grand Chief made the right decision.

We’re going to build a hydrogen pop that is even more powerful than a bald eagle to blow up the stupid turtles! ”


After the second elder was excited, he also knew Jiang Chen’s intentions.

“So Professor Xiaojiang, are you letting the two of us join the desert new hydrogen bomb project team???”

Jiang Chen nodded.

That’s exactly what he meant.

To say that experts in the field of nuclear science, he knows a lot.

But Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin are definitely in the top few!

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin did not respond in one mouth, but fell into contemplation…

The expressions of these two people suddenly looked at Mu Shijun’s heart tightened.


Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin hesitated…

She had anticipated this.

What if Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin refused…?

The guard Xiao Wang is also jumping tight in his heart, Professor Huang and Professor Luo must not refuse ah…

Jiang Chen was not at all worried about these two refusals.

After all, the same scientists.

He knew this opportunity, and these two of them would definitely not be able to give it up!

Sure enough, Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin had the following.

The two scratched their heads a little awkwardly and looked at Jiang Chen:

“Professor Xiaojiang, in fact, we are very happy that you invited us.

I also want to participate in this new hydrogen bomb research and development project…


This sentence but one exit.

Both Mu Shijun and the guard Xiao Wang’s heart was half cold.


The two of us are afraid of dragging you back…

If you have time to regret it now…”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin said this.

Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun were all directly stupid…

My heart fluctuated, and I almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood!

“Xiao Wang, what did you just hear?”

“Miss Mu…

I would like to hear Professor Huang and Professor Luo say that they are afraid of Professor Tuo Xiaojiang’s hind legs…”

“I thought I heard it wrong…”

“You heard that right… I’m confident in my hearing! ”



Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin laughed helplessly as they listened to the shock of Mu Shijun and the guard Xiao Wang:

“You two little ones, don’t think we’re being polite…

Professor Xiaojiang’s strength…

It’s beyond our reach…”

Mu Shijun: ………………

Guard Xiao Wang: ………………………………

Jiang Chen looked at the different looks of several people in front of him and smiled unhappily.

“Huang Lao, Luo Lao.”

Don’t be modest.

How could I regret it?

The two of you are glad to join us before it’s too late!

Now the situation is really urgent…

So please start to get ready to get up in the desert right away! ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin were also overjoyed to see Jiang Chen’s serious look!

“Professor Xiaojiang, let’s go pack up our things and fly to the desert!”

“Right, right, right!”


Mu Shijun and the guard Xiao Wang looked at Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin, who were running wild like two children, and they were already stupid…

Mu Shijun took a deep breath and grinned at Jiang Chen.

“These two should have been known to you for two months after you were missing, right?”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun with a blank face.


It is worthy of his fiancée of Jiang Chen.

This insight is also too good???

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