Jiang Chen’s explanation that Bled Castle was a nuclear test accident made all the scientific researchers on and off the stage stupid.

Why would Professor Xiao Jiang say that the nuclear test was an accident???

Huang Shuxu also looked at Jiang Chen incomprehensibly.

“Professor Xiaojiang.

Why do you say Bled Castle is an accident crisis? ”

In fact, Huang Shuxu had previously read the report on the nuclear explosion test of Bled Castle released by Bald Eagle.

But Huang Shuxu always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn’t say where the problem was.

Now that Jiang Chen said this, he instantly felt a little bit of a feeling!

Huang Shuqian asked.

It’s not just his own doubts.

It is also the doubt of everyone here.

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the Huang Shu preface:

“Professor Huang Lao.

In fact, if you read the announcement of the nuclear test at Bled Castle carefully.

You can easily see it.

In thermonuclear weapons experiments before “Bled Castle”.

Almost all nuclear bombs, whether fission or fusion!

Both used the ultra-high temperature of the atomic bomb to promote the fusion of liquid hydrogen fuel, and in the details of the experiment announced at Bled Castle.

This time “Bled Castle” uses lithium hydride as fuel.

In the experiment at Bled Castle.

The main reactant originally conceived was li-6 (three protons, three neutrons), but scientists ignored the large amount of li-7 (three protons, four neutrons) contained in the fuel (70% of the fuel and 30% of the li-6).

Bald Eagle’s scientists did not fully consider the reaction cross-section of li-7, and in the actual reaction, one of the neutrons in li-7 was stripped to become li-6, that is, the fuel that can carry out thermonuclear reactions…

This results in a reaction in which the actual amount of fuel is much larger than the amount of fuel originally calculated. The 4 million ton level has become the 15 million ton level!

That is to say, from the very beginning the Bald Eagle was a bragging extinction nuclear explosion, which was actually an accident! ”

The moment Jiang Chen finished explaining.

The doubts that had existed in Huang Shuxu’s mind were instantly connected.

“I get it!

I had wondered before whether there was something wrong with Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle.

But I can’t understand what the problem will be!

It turned out that the reason for the sudden increase in the power of this nuclear explosion was the neutron number peeling! ”

Huang Shuxu and Jiang Chen’s discussion sounds to the people below…

It’s like listening to a book from heaven

But it does not prevent everyone from feeling that Jiang Chen and Huang Shushu are bullish.

“Professor Xiaojiang is also too bullish, right?”

Without a word, the principle of nuclear explosion of Bled Castle of Bald Eagles was solved! ”

“That’s not why…

This is the real big guy, right? ”

“Load, just hard load!”

I can’t understand the discussion between Professor Xiaojiang and Professor Huang Lao.

Do you and I pretend to understand each other? ”

“Is that the discussion between legendary professors?”

It’s really puzzling, I can’t understand a word…”

“If Professor Xiao Jiang explains it like this, then can’t we use such an accident to develop a Bled Castle of the same level??”


It’s an accident, but it’s a coincidence that can be copied! ”


The following researchers can think of.

How could Huang Shuxu not have imagined, looking at Jiang Chen with an excited face:

“Professor Koe, since the sudden increase in the nuclear power of the Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle is the neutron stripping.

Does that mean that our new hydrogen bomb can also be reproduced once in a neutron stripping to enhance the nuclear explosion power of the hydrogen bomb? ”

Mu Shijun also directly calculated the equation of neutron stripping and excitedly said:

According to Jiang Chen.

Through neutron stripping, it is indeed possible to achieve 3-5 times the increase in the power of nuclear explosions! ”

A group of people listened to Mu Shijun’s conclusion and became excited.


They are good guys directly on the spot!

In less than ten minutes, the principle of nuclear explosion at Bled Castle really gave Jiang Chen a breakthrough???

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun and raised an eyebrow.

Worthy of genius!

He only made a slight remark.

The equation for neutron stripping and the nuclear explosion principle at Bled Castle can be easily solved!

If only he hadn’t bound the god-level scientist system.

Maybe not as strong as his wife…

Looking at Mu Shijun with a smile under everyone’s expectant eyes:

“Shi Jun’s equation is perfect.

But what we want to develop this time is not a waste hydrogen bomb developed by luck like Bled Castle! ”

Jiang Chen said this.

Everyone was shocked.


The 15-million-ton Bled Castle became a waste nuclear bomb in Professor Xiaojiang’s mouth??? ”

“Relying on luck is called waste?”

Isn’t so much of the world’s scientific and technological inventions a waste? ”

“There is one saying …

From a scientific point of view, it is true that luck should not be relied upon.

Instead, it should rely on strength! ”

“So the question is, how does Professor Xiaojiang want to develop it?”


15 million tons of equivalent is waste, then is it difficult for the little sister to create a 30 million tons of hydrogen to pop up? ”

“Big brother, you’re dreaming…

15 million tons is a few times more by luck…

You tell me about 30 million tons? ”


Many researchers in the audience were confused and shocked.

Jiang Chen wrote a long string of numbers on the board in the conference hall.


“Our goal this time is very simple, that is, a 100-million-ton god-killing nuclear bomb!”

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