The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

The whole place was silent!



Since the opening of the combat meeting, Professor Xiao Jiang has not spoken once, and I feel as if my ears are broken…

Are you going blind now?

How much is written on it? One hundred million ??? ”

“Yes, you are not blind, 8 zeros, indeed 100 million tons of equivalent!”

“My mother-in-law.

Billion-ton equivalent…

I finally know what a god-killer is…

Once such a nuclear bomb of such a yield is tested, I am afraid that the plots of the Azure Horizon will have to be bombed and moved, right? ”

“Hydrogen bombs of the billion-ton equivalent?

How is this possible!

The bald eagle’s ability to boost 4 million tons to 1500 tons equivalent is already very perverted.

Now with us we will be able to put 4 million tons equivalent to ten thousand tons of …

That’s 25 times more straight??? ”

“25 times the power of a nuclear explosion, this is impossible to achieve!”

“At first, I thought Professor Xiaojiang was a genius, but now it seems that Professor Xiaojiang is a madman!”


On stage, Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin Rao trusted Jiang Chen again.

Just think of what Jiang Chen said.

Such a hydrogen bomb of sufficient power to kill God…

It’s not something you can do with a casual talk!

“Professor Xiaojiang.

This joke can’t be casually made…

Billion-ton eq, this is beyond the scope of hydrogen bombs, right? ”

It is really not that Huang Shushu does not believe in Jiang Chen.

It is really Jiang Chen’s goal set a little too outrageous…

Even more outrageous than in the fifth-generation nuclear submarine project!

At the very least, the fifth-generation nuclear submarine was overcoming the technical barrier supported by existing technology.

And now Jiang Chen is ready to remove all the previous foundations.

Let’s make qualitative changes that are more qualitative than qualitative change!

Billion tons of equivalent…

It’s horrible!

It’s crazy!

Qin Hao, deputy director of the Military and Armed Forces Department who was the project leader, was already close to being forced at this time.

Since Jiang Chen entered the meeting site.

He felt bad about the whole thing…

Before he was hearsay Jiang Chen’s imagination and shocking power…

Now he could finally understand Lu Yushan’s mentality at the meeting of the Sixth Generation Fighter at that time…

That’s like a roller coaster!

Wave after wave!

It’s less than ten minutes now to crack the nuclear explosion principle of Bled Castle.

Then the nuclear explosion test target of 100 million tons equivalent was proposed…

Although he is not specialized in scientific research.

But for a little bit about nuclear bombs …

Million-ton nuclear warheads are already a horrible bunch…

If only this 100 million tons of nuclear warheads had really been built.

Then it is really possible to threaten a big country with one hand!

But this thing should not be as simple as Jiang Chen said, right?

There was one person in the crowd who looked at Jiang Chen unwaveringly.

In fact, Mu Shijun did not believe it at first.

But when she saw Jiang Chen’s uncompromising look, Mu Shijun chose to believe her fiancé.

According to her understanding of Jiang Chen.

If not with some certainty.

Jiang Chen could not have set such a goal at all!

Jiang Chen, this guy, there is a good chance that he has a certain idea!

“Jiang Chen, do you already have a plan?”

Mu Shijun’s words made everyone’s eyes focus on Jiang Chen’s body.

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun’s eyes like autumn water and was relieved.

Even Professor Huang Lao and Professor Luo Lao did not believe him, but Shi Yun still chose to believe him!

What a fiancée!

“It’s really worthy of my wife!”

Shi Yun said it well, of course, I already have a plan, I dare to make such a big fuss!


Then I put the plan I had prepared in advance on the projector.

I looked at Professor Huang Lao and Professor Luo Lao.

“Huang Lao, Luo Lao.”

The two of you are our strength this time.

The next plan sharing must be understood by you! ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin were already stupid the moment they looked at the words on Jiang Chen’s information.

“Research and Development Scheme of Nuclear Fusion Bomb Based on Magnetic Confinement Method and Inertial Laser Confinement Method”.


The well-known nuclear fusion has three constraints.

The first is gravitational confinement fusion.

The well-known sun is actually a huge nuclear fusion reaction device, endlessly radiating energy outward.

The Sun has a great mass, and the ritual produces a strong gravitational field that constrains the high-temperature plasma, which is how gravity constrains nuclear fusion.

It is also the best way currently known to science.

But it is clear that human beings have not yet reached such a level of technology.

Thus there are two fusion methods that the international community is currently conquering.

Inertial constraints.

Magnetic constraints.

Inertial constraints are best understood because fusion has historically been essentially inertial constraints.

Take the simplest example that best fits their development this time.


The hydrogen bomb is by far the only way to obtain fusion energy on Earth on a large scale by artificial methods.

But hydrogen bombs must be ignited by fission.

Therefore, it is essentially a mixture of fission and fusion, and the fission energy and fusion energy in the total energy are roughly equal.

Hydrogen bombs, in essence, use inertial forces to confine high-temperature plasma dynamically!

In addition to laser inertial constraints, there are solutions such as electron beams, but so far none have been successful.

As for magnetic constraints, it seems to be much more ethereal.

Because magnetic confinement is the hope of “controlled nuclear fusion”!

But it is also called “the technology that will always be implemented in 50 years…”

The world’s great powers are studying, but the results are clear…

None of them succeeded!

And now.

Jiang Chen actually came up with a plan called “Nuclear Fusion Bomb Research and Development Scheme Based on Magnetic Confinement Method and Inertial Laser Confinement Method”…

This means that Jiang Chen wants to apply laser inertial constraint and magnetic constraint to the new hydrogen bomb!

From another perspective.

Professor Xiaojiang has not already broken through the technical barriers of laser inertial constraint and magnetic constraint???

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