Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin thought of this.

The whole body is constantly trembling…

What this means, the two of them couldn’t have been clearer!

Once the laser inertial confinement fusion and magnetic confinement inertial confinement qualitative change are overcome.

That’s like having a new controllable energy/weapon/hole card!

Controlled nuclear fusion…

Even the current bald eagle and the furry bear dare not reach the technology!

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin and waved his hands:

“Professor Huang and Professor Luo, what you two said is not right or wrong.

Because this new hydrogen bomb is indeed a nuclear fusion based on laser inertial constraint and magnetic constraint.

But it is not a completely controllable nuclear fusion.

It is only through these two ways to further explore the current nuclear explosion power of the hydrogen bomb explosion …

Fully capable of controlled nuclear fusion…

I haven’t studied it yet…”

Although Jiang Chen was conceited, he still had self-knowledge.

The reason why controlled nuclear fusion is called a technology that will always be implemented in 50 years is not a joke.

All the claims of controlled nuclear fusion on the market today are basically bluffs.

The potential to unleash controlled nuclear fusion is not even as good as commercialization.

That is to say, even the utilization rate of 1% has not yet been hit!

Otherwise, the power stations around the world would have become fusion reactors long ago, otherwise it would not have been possible to stay in the fission reactors all the time!

Jiang Chen’s side and Huang Shuxu discussed the rise of the time.

The researchers under the stage here have already been stunned…

“I really feel like I was trying to get myself on this project…

Hemp eggs! ”

“That’s not what it is.

Whether it is Professor Xiaojiang or Professor Huang and Professor Luo.

The issues they are discussing are completely outside the scope of our current understanding.

What laser inertial confinement nuclear fusion, magnetic confinement nuclear fusion…

What is this? ”

“Why don’t you say that people are genius professors!”

At such a young age, I can talk to Tan Wen, a scientific giant like Professor Huang and Professor Luo…”

“Helplessly I have no culture, a sentence I grass in the world, hey …”


The researchers in the audience were talking about it.

The preliminary discussion between Jiang Chen and Professor Huang and Professor Luo also came out.

Mu Shijun was naturally one of the participants in the discussion.

Although Mu Shijun’s academic attainments at his age are not as good as those of Professor Huang and Professor Luo.

But in foreign Deji experience talk and innovative thinking is also the two old professors Suo Meiyu.

The three of them looked at Jiang Chen’s plan and finally took a deep breath compared to thumbs up.

“Professor Xiaojiang, you are really awesome!

According to your plan, this time the hydrogen bomb may really reach a hundred million tons of equivalent…

Megaton equivalent.

I can’t imagine it anymore…”

“I really knelt down to read your plan!”

Professor Xiaojiang, you are so good! ”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen with a small face and Wei Hong.

“Jiang Chen, let’s have a discussion.”

Go back and change the teacher-student relationship…

I want to worship you as a teacher…”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun’s aggrieved little face and smiled:

“That’s not okay, I think marrying a teacher has some feelings, and the students are not interesting…”

Jiang Chen said this.

Mu Shijun’s small face on this side suddenly turned red and spread across the mountains.

This dead bastard!

However, after some ridicule, everyone also put their minds on the “Nuclear Fusion Bomb Development Plan Based on Magnetic Confinement Method and Inertial Laser Constrained Method”.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin understood it.

But the following researchers have not yet understood ah…

The entire program sharing lasted more than three hours.

When the whole plan is presented in front of everyone’s eyes.

Everyone was shocked and admired by Jiang Chen’s “Nuclear Fusion Bomb Research and Development Scheme Based on Magnetic Confinement Method and Inertial Laser Confinement Method”.

“Professor Xiao Jiang is really a capable person in the world!”

How can it be so awesome! ”

“I bet on the development of a fusion bomb based on magnetic confinement and inertial laser confinement, if it were sold on the dark web.

Dozens of billions of dollars to say less, right? ”

“Brother, do you want to go to jail for treason?”

“Damn, I’ll just describe the value of this “Nuclear Fusion Bomb R&D Solution Based on Magnetic Confinement and Inertial Laser Confinement”.

Don’t be fooled…”

“Professor Xiaojiang was able to make such a great plan at the age of 22.

I’m 22 years old and still playing soy sauce, it’s really a Buddha…”

Therefore, Professor Xiao Jiang perfectly interpreted the phrase “If the effort is useful, what else can genius do?” “”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”



After Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin Jiangchen’s “Nuclear Fusion Bomb R&D Scheme Based on Magnetic Confinement Method and Inertial Laser Confinement Method” detailed the scientific researchers flying there.

The whole principle breakthrough is also over.

As for the next step, there are countless bugs that need to be solved temporarily during the development of equation computing.

This is a tedious project and cannot be corrected with a supercomputer.

It can only be solved by hand…

Calculators of these equations also require particularly high academic attainments.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen found so many academic experts in the nuclear field to come to the northwest desert.

Otherwise, he alone can complete this new hydrogen bomb with a yield of 100 million tons!

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