Chapter 222 - CHAPTER 222: TO EACH HIS OWN

"Huff…Huff…" I manage to get through Samson and Cordel barrage, though not unscathed, and regroup with Lanuvel who is still fighting Keltia.

"Not you again! What are guys even doing?!!" Keltia looks at Cordel but he is on his knees. I did strike one of them pretty hard. Still, Keltia is distracted so it is a chance. I grab Lanuvel's hand and throw her at Keltia.

"Kya!!" She screams in mid-air while holding her skirt with her hand. Put your guard up instead, what are you doing?!

I create a crescent bullet but before I can send it, somebody throws a knife at me. I catch it and when I look in the direction of the sender, I find Judy on the ground, unconscious. Velvet's team and the beta class guys apparently took care of her.

"Seven people just for her? You guys are wicked." But at the same time, that means Judy is at last strong enough if seven people needs to gang up on her together.. Perhaps she will overcome her illness with time?

"Ten minutes have passed! You may all stop now!" It's already over? I thought there was still time.


"Before I give the results and tell the different roles we think will better suit each of you, I want you all to remember that this tournament is certainly a great opportunity for those who wish to be noticed by nobles and become named warriors or noble themselves. However, please always put your own safety as the priority. Please."

Frankher tells us while Aspen and Smith distribute us papers of different colors. I receive a red paper while Lanuvel receives a green one. Judy's paper is yellow. Why are the papers from different colors even though we are in the same team?

When they are finished, Smith and Aspen return behind the headmaster, joining the other two teachers who seem to be statues, not moving, not talking, not doing anything.

"The papers which have been given to each of you represent as clearly as possible your result. There are four colors we have decided on," Frankher then raises his hands while holding a blue paper, "all those possessing this color, raise your hand then go to my right."

Joyfully, Cordel is the first to raise his hand. Why is he so happy even though he doesn't know what that color means? I bet it is actually the worst color to have. After him, Samson and the four guys of the beta class also raise their hands. Hm…No, there is no need to panic. I can't be sure yet.

"You guys are the ones with the most ability to work as a team. You have great coordination, adapt fast and rapidly evaluate the situation and apply countermeasures. Therefore, you will be the main team for the team-based events."


"Make an effort to train on your weakness and see how you can compensate them with your teammates' abilities."

"WE WILL, SIR!" Why do they have to all answer at the same time? It is so annoying. Especially Cordel's smiling face.

"Next, those with a green paper. Step to my left, please."

As he says that, Lanuvel raises her hand and moves while giving me a sad look.


"Nothing." If there is nothing wrong, why did you look at me like that?

In Lanuvel's group, there are Peter, Esteressa, Keltia, and the classmates from the gamma class.

"You all have excellent judgment skills and analyze the situation quickly but," He stares at Keltia for a moment and I see her shudders, "you don't act as much. Being able to see something and prevent it are two different things. You all need to work on that. You will be back up the main team for now."

"Tch!" One of Keltia's classmates reacts right after Frankher's speech.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, Headmaster. I don't see why we should be back up for beta class who can't even use elemental script."

"Sir Derkheil, are you contesting my decision?"

"No, headmaster. I am simply questioning the abilities of those guys."

"There is no need to. They won against your team fair and square."

"But Sir, they were simply dodging our attacks. They didn't even hurt us."

"Mister Derkheil. Can you tell me what happens when your Angas is depleted?"


"Answer, please."

"You faint, sir."

"Exactly. So, if they happened to keep the same rhythm until you couldn't use it anymore, do you really think you would win?"

"Sir, I am sure-"

"Would you?" Frankher's face becomes as menacing as a hungry predator.

"I…I don't know, Sir."

"Well, as far I can tell from what we have seen, you wouldn't. So, unless you prove me otherwise during the next two weeks, it will stay the same. Next, now, the yellow paper."

Judy, Velvet, and the guys from the alpha class all move and place themselves to Cordel's team side. They still maintain so as to not be confused with the other team.

"Well, you guys have a lot of bad points and you will need to train harder. I am personally hesitating on whether to send you with the others seeing as you can still become stronger."

Just tell them they are weak, Frankher. There is no need to act all reserved.

"We will certainly do our best if you give us the opportunity, sir!"

One of the alpha class steps forward and speaks to Frankher with his fist raised.

"Well, doing your best sometimes isn't enough. Even so, you were called here because we deem you to be strong enough. Work extra hard during the next two weeks to improve yourself as much as you can."

"WE WILL, SIR!" Like a single body, they answer with pride. Though I didn't see Judy open her mouth. Well, I am not that surprised.

"Next…" Frankher's eyes, no, even Smith and the other teachers all look at me and Germinia. "The wild beasts."


"Wild beasts?" Why does he call us like that?

"You guys are wild beasts. You just storm through everything without a care for your surroundings. As far teamwork is concerned, you guys aren't suited for it."

"Isn't the point of a fight to win the faster possible?"

"No, miss Germinia, it is not always the case. Especially if winning faster implies sacrificing your teammates."

"But, Sir. I work with my team. I don't think I belong to this group." Especially if Germinia is in it as well.

"Mister Kevin. You have indeed try to work with your group but did you assess the situation before doing so?"

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier, you helped miss Lanuvel to knock down miss Germinia, am I correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"But your sudden appearance also destabilizes her, weakening her attack. Or am I wrong?" He looks at Lanuvel and she just lowers her head and closes her head. I did see her shudder a bit when I appeared. I didn't know it affected her that much, though.

"Moreover, you didn't care about your other teammate who was swarmed by people."

"I can see everywhere, Sir."

"And that is a weakness. You must always have eyes and ears everywhere. If you can't, sharpen your sense until you do. It is not the strongest who wins on the battlefield but those who rapidly shifts the tide of the battle. And to do that, you must be way more observative."

"I understand, Sir."

"Then, we aren't going to participate in the tournament?" Germinia has a cat-like voice right now. She would almost sound cute.

"You guys would more valuable in the individual tournament. I don't think we need to have too many people participate in it since you will probably encounter each other at some point but we will see who can enter it or not. For now, let's focus on the team battles."

"Sir, I am sure I can participate in team battles as well." I fought well with Esteban and the o…Now that I think about it, even back in that cave, I went alone ahead and left them just to support me. You can't really say that I fought with them.

Even when the Longinus prince, I didn't try to assess anything. I just rushed and fought him. Does it mean Esteban and Pedro would still be alive if I did? Am I the cause of their death then?

"You are starting to realize it yourself, right? You are certainly strong, Kevin. But your strength does blend with others, you are better when you are alone. At least for now. Nothing is finite after all." Frankher's eyes…So full of compassion. I almost forgot how I hate it when people look at me like that. But I guess I don't have to complain. He isn't looking at me like I am weak, right?

"I will try to improve myself then."

"I am sure you will. And so must all of you!"

"YES, SIR!" Once again, they all answer at the same time. This is really irritating.

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