Chapter 374 - CHAPTER 374: DRAGONROAD (3)


I have never known fear. Ever since I was, I never got afraid. We are immortals and invincible. No matter what they do, we just come back as long as our hearts remains. Even when she defeated me, it was only out of curiosity that I left her to become the queen. After all, she was originally a hero. It could only have been interesting to see how deep she would fall into the darkness. 

And since she lefts me to do as I please with her sisters later on, it was worth the shot. But what is this now? This feeling…Why are my hands trembling even though I have found an enemy strong enough to break my weapon bare hand? Why is my body refusing to move even though there is someone who can compete with it? Why are eyes trying to avert their gaze from those intense and powerful-looking eyes?

"Interesting." It seems I have awakened a new feeling. "To think that I would be-"

Suddenly, the dragonroad punches me.. Not only I am send away, but I can also feel my heart leaving my body once again. What is that power he just used? That's not typical Angas!! I never felt it here, not even they have something like this. But wait, is that not…that is the same kind that his friends were using earlier. 

"Are you daydreaming?" Did I land? I didn't feel like I touched the ground though. But he is already here, huh.

"Don't get cocky!!" I pierce through with my spear but the insolent human grabs my spear just like he did with my sword and yanks it away from me. "I said not to get cocky!!" 

I fire out my hearts' soul but he even manages to dodge that. How did he? He was just before my very eyes. He plants my spear to the ground and looks at me. This insolent human!!!

"Won't you take it?" 

"Kriekkk!!!" Come!!! You who have been put to sleep and don't serve any purpose, come and reinforce me!!

The hearts of my children come to me and combine inside my body. Their strength fuse until I can reach back my real level of strength. With this, I will kill him!! I will devour him!! Limbs after limbs!! Then his head and finally his delicate still beating heart!! I will savor the sweet ne…

"Did you not hear me?" Suddenly, the voice of the human resounds next to my ear. When did he get here?

"You!!" I stab with my spear but the cocky human disappears once again and reappears on top of my spear's blade. 

"I thought I told you guys to be serious. Is that all you amount to when you are serious? Because if that's the case, then you are weak." 

Weak? Me? I am weak? I who naturally arose as the strength and soul of destruction? I who should delect myself of the human's blood? 

'You are weak.' That is what she said as well. That wretched hero who took my rightful throne!!

"Kriekkk!!!" How dare you!!! How dare you insult me!! I will show you!! I will kill you!! I will…

The human kicks my head and forces me to kneel in front of him. Only now do I notice that his feet don't touch the ground. 

"Why are you not speaking as a human anymore. I want to hear that disgusting voice again." 

"Bastard!!" I punch him but he blocks it and retaliates with another kick. How?!! How come his attacks have some much weight?! How come he can hurt me so much even though it is me?!! 

I receive another kick in the face and this time, one of the new hearts I just created leaves my body once again. No!! My children!!

"Give it b-" He kicks me again. And this time, the materialization of our desire that is covering my chest breaks and explodes. Who is this guy?!! How can the Dragonroad be so powerful?

"You!!!" I push upwards then punches from everywhere. I don't need my spear!! All I need… "Is your blood!!"

He just keeps countering my attacks times and again and none of what I am doing reaches him. What is that barrier that I never felt before? Why is that feeling amplifying like crazy?!! Come on, punch with more strength!! Push him!! Strike him!! Kill him!! Why is he still alive?!!!

"You know. I felt profound hatred towards you because you killed her but now, I feel pity and disappointment." He dares to stomp on my head. Me!!! The matriarch of destruction!!!

"Kriekk!!!!" It is time!! I cannot bear with this anymore!! Come, my dear pet!! Come and fse with me. So that we may inflict the greatest feat upon this human!!!

"Oh…Finally, I can have my rematch." 

"There won't be any rematch or anything here!!" I jump to my pet when he is near us and enter him through his mouth. Now, with his core that is designed to create destruction by destroying souls, I will have everything!! I will be complete and ready!! "You will die!!! That's the only reality right now!!!" 

Using my pet's sense, I look at the human and arm the ray of destroyed souls to obliterate him and everything that is here!! I don't care about the Saintess or the heroes!! You all will die here and now!!!

"Sigh. Yeah, I know. I will use it now. Don't worry, Cissa." Who is he talking to?

Abruptly, his Angas expands like an explosion, forcing me to back away. I also see my child being charred to death because of it. Who is this man? What is a Dragonroad for him to be that strong?!!!

His body goes completely red with lightning sparks running around him, then the red goes yellow and finally, it becomes belgium. The light then subsides and as he emerges, my hearts…My hearts start vibrating. This…This is the feeling I got ever since the beginning, my being is almost paralyzed now because of it. How?!! How could I be paralyzed by fear of all of things?!! No!! This cannot be!!!

The Dragonroad emerges and the armor that is covering his body now makes him look like my pet. 

'So that's the Dragonroad. Well, he certainly looks strong.'


'Oh…Why would you call me mistress now of all times? Anyway, I have seen what I wanted. Now, you can die in peace. I will take care of the rest.'

'You bastard!!' 

I won't die here!! Never!! 

"Never!!!" I fire the destroyed souls at him but then it is as if time stopped. What did he do?

"Remember this. I am the Dragonroad." Even though I can't see him, even though my attack should be destroying everything already, I can hear his voice. But where is he? "And this is how a dragon should roar." 

Time restarts but everything around me turns red. My pet, my hearts…Everything turns to ashes as if it never existed. Why? How did I lose when I am supposed to be the queen? 

"This is unfair…"

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