The Arrancar

Chapter 20 - Grimmjow

The Battle between Di Roy, Ichigo, and Rukia was in full swing as Ichigo and Rukia began pushing Di Roy back. A Black Sword moved at an extremely high speed aimed straight towards Di Roy's neck. A Hand Grabbed the blade mid-swing before it could meet its intended target.

Di Roy looked out at the outstretched hand and trembled. "L-Lord Grimmjow, II-I am So-rry the--y were strong." Di Roy Looked at the cold Blue eyes that stared at him and felt dread.

"It's fine, just the fact that you could push them this far is good enough for me, Plus the fact that a Faccion can hold two Soul Reapers of their caliber down is very impressive. As I said in the briefing, just fall back and regroup with the rest of them." Grimmjow stood with his back to Ichigo who stared wide-eyed at the number 5 on his back.

Di Roy nodded his head then used Sonido to leave the area. "My, My, My." Grimmjow lifted the sword in his hand to eye level.

"Zommari said you were trash but wow. It's like a wobbly-legged baby standing before a giant, this is too much." Grimmjow let his spiritual pressure rain down which caused Rukia to lose her ability to breathe. Shawlong laughed harder when he felt this Spiritual pressure while the soul reapers grew solemn.

"The Last Espada to come to the world of the Living was Number 8, who is now Number 7 along with Number 4. While Not as powerful as Lord Ulquiorra, Lord Grimmjow is far more ruthless." Shawlong said this as he looked at the surprised faces of the Soul Reapers.

"I thought you would be more interesting. Lady Layla said you're important but I don't see it." Grimmjow let go of Ichigo's Zanpakuto and punched him in the face, sending him flying into the pavement.

Using Sonido Grimmjow arrived on the ground and slowly walked towards the hole. "Your Spiritual Pressure is nothing impressive, in fact, it seems like you're holding back. It seems like you are afraid of yourself and what you will become if you let loose." Taking a step at a time, Grimmjow's words echoed, flowing into Ichigo's ears.

"It's sickening. Your weakness disgusts me. Looking at you I see the Hollows that wanted to advance yet never took the initiative, you lack the will to move forward. You lack the mindset to grow, and you lack the intelligence to understand this." Grimmjow walked to the edge of the crevice created when Ichigo made impact and looked down.

"Look at you. That light tap reduced you to such a state. What are you going to do during this war? You know what's at stake yet you act as if the power will fall into your ŀȧp. Each day that goes by our goal gets closer and we work to grow stronger yet you….you think that everything will be okay. You haven't tried to look deep within yourself and uncover the secrets to your power. What are you afraid of? Dying?" Grimmjow walked into the hole until he stood over Ichigo, he looked down at the orange-haired teen with an indifferent expression.

"If you want to die I can do that for you." Using his index finger Grimmjow charged up a cero. The blue energy illuminated the area as Grimmjow's eyes turned cold.

"Every meeting we have your name somehow comes up and I don't understand it. A Naive child that invaded the soul society to save a woman he has known for a month. It's ridiculous, your 1-dimensional way of thinking, the fact that you wildly swing your sword with no real direction, the fact that you have one real technique, yet somehow you fought and won against a captain that has been training for that position since his youth. You are Trash."

The Cero fired, causing a much more oppressive amount of spiritual pressure to rain down on the area. However, a kido shield defended Ichigo from the blast, "That's enough." Grimmjow looked at the new arrival and saw the face of Director General Tosen. 'It's as Lord Hexxius said.' Negacion fell down on all the Arrancar as well as Tosen

"Aww, we are leaving without fighting. Such a waste, only Di Roy got a chance to stretch his legs a little." Inside the Yellow energy, Shawlong complained as he looked at the Soul reaper captain before him. "Later, Little Captain."

In the Throne room, Grimmjow and Kaname stood before Aizen. "You brought Arrancar to the world of the Living without permission, taking matters into your own hands. What would you have done if the Arrancar Lord Aizen created were killed? How would you have taken responsibility?"

Grimmjow's eyes contained immense rage as he looked at Kaname. "Is this the way a Director-General should act? You spout this nonsense abuse justice yet you are always the first to act on emotion like a fuċkɨnġ Child! I am literally a Hollow, yet you act like a high school student, you have no real goals. You are nothing more than a simple-minded egotistical bastard that can be manipulated to do anything because you don't have the ability to do something for yourself. It's sad actually."

Aizen looked on at the duo before interjecting. "Grimmjow, I think that you just wanted to ȧssist in the overall mission. Am I right?"


Hearing the exchange between the two, Kaname's face dropped slightly. "But Lord Aizen-"

"Kaname it is fine, there was no harm done and the Arrancar are fine I don't really see the issue."

After hearing what Aizen said Kaname grabbed his Zanpakuto, drawing it quickly he attempted to slash Grimmjow's arm but, instead of that his Zanpakuto made contact with a Dagger.. The pink hilt and star-shaped guard came into Grimmjow's view as he noticed that someone was now sitting on his shoulder.

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