The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 106 - Mark Time (Part 5)

"Bio-genetics assemble at the briefing classroom for your mission details!" Holly's computer voice announced.

"It's time" Sumi said sternly.

Once again the bio-genetics were brough to reality at their current situation, their soon mission to the outside world to face those creatures.

Homura gulps hard, his body trembling in fear.


Briefing Classroom 

The bio-genetics were assembled, all seated facing forward. General Anzai, Sergeant Tori, Dr. Touka, Dr. Hachiro, Dr. Kenta, Dr. Kashi and Engr. Kazuya were present.

"Bio-genetics.." Anzai began.

"The people you see before you are the ones that will follow us through this mission" he said.

"As you were informed there have been a change of plans in the mission, we will be setting up an operating base there... while we complete our goal, in order words we will need all the help we need".

"The doctors you see before you will be our medical team, Engr. Kazuya here will be our gadgets personnel" he announced.

"Within you guys, you all will also be broken in groups to assist them... some will join Engr. Kazuya on her work line. Some will help out the medical team, some will be listed only as the supply team responsible for handling all our supplies, the rest will be involved mostly in the field, in order words four teams... the lists and name has already been drafted out according to your capabilities in the past year, trust me no impartiality was done, it was well drafted out by the Prime minister and I" he states as the list came up on the screen in display.

The four teams consists of; The Supply Team, The Medical Team, The Gadgets Team and The Field Team... the names listed below.

"As you can see this are the teams and their members" Anzai said.

Whispers filled the classroom as they each check which they belong to.

"We're both on the field team, Shino-san" Ten said happy he was with his friend on this, Shino smiled too.

Hiro was having a hard time sensing the details the screen was too bright, the aura around was on high illumination because of the computer screen.

"Yuki..." he said.

She turns to him, tilting her head to the side.

"Could you..." he began gulping hard.

Yuki sighs knowing what he meant, not because he was a nuisance or anything but because he didn't wanna say it. 'Idiot' she thought.

"We're both listed on the Field Team, General Anzai was right there's no impartiality" she said.

"I see" Hiro said as his body tensed a bit.

"Mirai-chan... I'm listed on the supply team" Yumi said sad, seeing that Mirai was listed on the Field Team.

"Seems like it" Mirai said frowning.

'Alright Kaneki... you are on the same team as Mirai, you must protect her no matter what' Kaneki thought to himself determined.

Sumi's eyes fixed on the names, 'it appears they took their time to draft this out' she thought sternly. 'Annoying', she saw her name on the Field Team.

Asano frowned seeing her name on the Medical Team, Raiden's on the Field Team.

Sand smiled curly seeing his on the Field Team.

'Thank you God!' Homura exclaimed in his head seeing his name on the Supply Team, he took a deep breath of relief seeing he wasn't gonna be in the area of fighting. 'I might just survive this' he thought a smile against his lips as a tear slide down his cheek.

Mosu at the back seat, leaning on his chair with folded arms... stared at the screen, only one of his friends Kaneko was with him in the Field Team, his other friend San was on the gadgets team.

"Tsk" he made a sound annoyed, but then he smirks when he saw Hiro's name on the field team. 'At least not all disappointing' he thought smirking devilishly.

"Medical Team?" Mary said pouting.

"General Anzai" Haya raised her hand gaining their attention.

"May I request I join the gadgets team, I'm pretty good with fixing stuff" Haya requested.

'The girl who manipulate sound... the genius in the few' Kazuya thought licking her lips.

'Too bad though, it was the higher up official who set this up, it can't be helped' she thought once more frowning.

"That request can't be answered, Haya, the teams have already been placed... its best you stay on the Field Team" Anzai said firmly.

"Understood sir!" Haya said with a frown reading his lips, she drew her hand back down.

"Lucky you Daiki... you don't have to worry about fighting... you're with the Supply Team" Kaname said smirking, seeing Daiki's name, his on the Field Team.

"What do the supply team do? Daiki don't understand" Daiki said with a frown against his features.

Kaname's eyebrow twitched, 'Now you have to worry about your team... you damn idiot" he thought with a sigh.

"I hope you survive" he frowned.

Ren saw his name on the Field Team.

"Seems like we're in the same team" Mizuki said grinning.

"I guess so" Ren said, his fist tightens. 'Surviving this is all that matters' he thought with fire in his eyes, otherwise Rin would scold him for coming to heaven too soon.

The rest of the bio-genetics whispers about their teams and the placement... seeing no impartiality on it, it was well drafted out, mostly for the field team... seeing as those chosen were the ones good in the combat field.

"We have 11 on the Supply Team, 5 on the Medical Team, 5 on the Gadgets team, 30 on the Field Team" Anzai announced as the whispers died down.

"As for the Medical Team and Gadgets Team you shall engage in a two days training with your superiors" he states.

"Yes sir!" The ones in the Medical and Gadgets Team replied in unison.

"As for the Supply Team the leader shall be Shio Fuijo and Yamamoto Sakura" Anzai announced.

Yamamoto Sakura, blushed when she heard her name, she had short white hair in a bub and fringe, having dim blue eyes.

"As for I and Sergeant Tori here who shall sometimes over see the Supply Team activities... but I will not lead the Field Team... also known as the front line team... the commander shall be Higa Shino... he shall be the one to replay my orders directly".

The froze on hearing those words.

'I thought General Anzai was the one leading the team' Touka thought puzzled.

Shino were he was seated, had widen eyes, he didn't expect this, none of them did.

"Higa Shino, step forward!"

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