The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 107 - Mission Details

The rest of the bio-genetics whispers about their teams and the placement... seeing no impartiality on it, it was well drafted out, mostly for the field team... seeing as those chosen were the ones good in the combat field.

"We have 11 on the Supply Team, 5 on the Medical Team, 5 on the Gadgets team, 30 on the Field Team" Anzai announced as the whispers died down.

"As for the Medical Team and Gadgets Team you shall engage in a two days training with your superiors" he states.

"Yes sir!" The ones in the Medical and Gadgets Team replied in unison.

"As for the Supply Team the leader shall be Shio Fuijo and Yamamoto Sakura" Anzai announced.

Yamamoto Sakura, blushed when she heard her name, she had short white hair in a bub and fringe, having dim blue eyes.

"As for I and Sergeant Tori here who shall sometimes over see the Supply Team activities... but I will not lead the Field Team... also known as the front line team... the commander shall be Higa Shino... he shall be the one to relay my orders directly".

The froze on hearing those words.

'I thought General Anzai was the one leading the team' Touka thought puzzled.

Shino were he was seated, had widen eyes, he didn't expect this, none of them did.

"Higa Shino, step forward!" Anzai hissed.

"Yes sir!" Shino hissed standing up abruptly.

Whispers filled amongst the bio-genetics.

Shino gulps hard.

"This is getting oddly interesting" Yuki said.

Hiro stiffen by her words.

Sumi raised an eyebrow, her eyes fixed on Shino.

Gulping hard once more Shino walks to the front standing amongst the rest as he turned, hands behind his back, standing upright, he was nervous as hell seeing the stares on him.

"Commander Shino shall act right through me, inorder words he shall be the junior leader of the bio-genetics... in order words your superior" he adds the last part with a dark look.

Making the rest Bio-genetics shiver at his stare.

"In the normal note of hierarchy... I, the first rank, Sergeant Tori the second rank and Commander Shino the third rank" he adds.

Whispers filled amongst the bio-genetics.

"Tori if you would please" said Anzai said turning to him.

"Yes, General Anzai" Tori said as the details on the screen changed to the mission plan.

"As I said before, we shall be setting our base in this location" he said pointing on the map of Japan.

Ten froze seeing the location, 'Fukuoka? All the way there?' Ten thought with widen eyes.

"It takes 11hrs 36mins to get there by automobiles, there we shall set our base for operations, this location was specially considered by Prime Minister Kiyoshi" Tori explained.

"Due to the location we are gonna be spending a lot of time on road but thanks to Engr. Kazuya we won't be on foot" Anzai states.

Kazuya chuckled deeply, while licking her lips.

"We will form a tactics we will use in travelling, we are most likely to encounter Kaiju's on our way... so there shall be a riding style" he said turning to Kazuya.

She smirks stepping forward.

"The automobiles available are 30 in number... to make this work we shall travel in twos, which means we will all occupy 29, the last remaining bike shall carry some of our supplies but not all of it, which is why each of the bikes will carry supplies also" she explained.

The view of the bike came up, the bio-genetics stared in awe at the Cruiser Motorcycle, big than the normal one and heavily modernised.

"I present to you The Hellhound" Kazuya said.

"It's heavily customised" Kaneki said in awe, he had a bike once, one his dad bought for him, he could only ride it when he had come of age, and the smooth steel and making was nothing like this, he was sure there where hidden weapons to it.

"Able to contain weight of any kind... auto perfection, ecstacy isn't it" she said in a high-pitched voice as she licks her lips.

'This lady is good, the model, the style' Haya thought with shaky eyes, it traveled to the engine side. 'The battery... 25.5MV, a megavolt is 1 million volts.... amazing it could run for years or more, could it be what's running the base? In more sense it could more than that' she gulps hard.

"As you see on the screen, the tactics in which we will ride is already in place" Tori continued as the position of the bikes showed on the screen.

"Yuki" Hiro said.

"General Anzai on the lead, followed by Sergeant Tori, the supply teams are within the circle of movement since its the most crucial team, followed by the Medical and Gadgets team, the Field team are spread around enclosing the circle" Yuki explained.

"I see" Hiro thought sternly. 'The Field Team is most likely the backbone of the circle another most rucial part' Hiro thought sternly.

'The driving tactics is well drafted' Ten thought deeply, his hand against his chin. 'Using the field team as the main course is a good idea, we still don't know how the Kaiju's operate... but in our last mission they had a habit of attacking from front in a group, General Anzai is the one taking the lead in front' he thought with shaky eyes. 'Could he... ' He gulps hard sweating profusely. 'Could he have the hunch that the Kaiju's attack may change? It could be' his eyes drifts to the screen once more. 'The circle format is widely spread leaving no single personnel at the back... ah i see it now... General Anzai isn't called a military expert for nothing, he got all loopholes covered, overseeing himself in front making him the stronger point of the circle, along with Sergeant Tori... he killed two birds with one stone... no matter where the Kaiju's attak from we will be able to overpower them from all sides and corners' he grinned.

Shino's eyes fixed on the screen, it shakes seeing the tactics. 'A well drafted plan' he thought facing forward as his hand behind his back tightens. 'This has to work.... it has to!'

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