The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 108 - Onward

'The driving tactics is well drafted' Ten thought deeply, his hand against his chin. 'Using the field team as the main course is a good idea, we still don't know how the Kaiju's operate... but in our last mission they had a habit of attacking from front in a group, General Anzai is the one taking the lead in front' he thought with shaky eyes. 'Could he... ' He gulps hard sweating profusely. 'Could he have the hunch that the Kaiju's attack may change? It could be' his eyes drifts to the screen once more. 'The circle format is widely spread leaving no single personnel at the back... ah i see it now... General Anzai isn't called a military expert for nothing, he got all loopholes covered, overseeing himself in front making him the stronger point of the circle, along with Sergeant Tori... he killed two birds with one stone... no matter where the Kaiju's attak from we will be able to overpower them from all sides and corners' he grinned.

Shino's eyes fixed on the screen, it shakes seeing the tactics. 'A well drafted plan' he thought facing forward as his hand behind his back tightens. 'This has to work... it has to!'

'Nicely done General Anzai' Touka said with smile against her lips... knowing he got this.

Hachiro adjusts his glasses as it turned blank white.

"Engr. Kazuya" Anzai said.

"Yes, yes" Kazuya said stepping forward.

"Everyone shall we all head to the training hall... its time for some gadget practice" Kazuya said huskily, while closing her eyes and licking her lips.

They sweat drop behind their head.

"Then I guess we should head back since the meeting is over" Hachiro said adjusting his glasses.

"I don't think so Dr. Hachiro" Anzai said smirking as he faced him.

He raised an eyebrow.

"This next meeting is what is gonna ensure your life on the surface... its best we all cooperative" he states.

Kashi shivers in fear. 'Dear God' he thought sweating profusely, all this preparation just for stepping foot on the surface... what dangers lies in store for us there' he panics.


Level 10: Training Facility

"Is... is this really necessary?" Touka said with heated cheeks feeling Anzai's hand around her waist, the movement sent a shiver down her spine.

"And click" Anzai said as he straddled the belt around her waist properly. His gaze then drift to her face.

He sweat drop behind his head, seeing her fumming face like a pepper.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"I'm... I'm... I'm fine!" She said nervously as steams came out from the top of her head.

Hachiro clicked is on, it set perfectly around his waist.

Others did too along with the rest of the bio-genetics, all wondering what the strange looking belt was.

"This belt as designed by me, it's known as Gunbelt" Kazuya announced smiling.

"Must she name everything?" Tori thought with white eyes.

"Gunbelt... what a funny name, what does it do? Shoot at Kaiju's?!" Mosu said in amusement, placing his hand on his waist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Kazuya said with a straight face.

In response to that the belt made an automatic sound as a tiny wire shot from it in lightning speed all the way to where Anzai stood, with a nudge of his head to the side as it connected to the wall behind him.

The bio-genetics gasps in awe.

Mosu was practically shaking in fear at the deadly stare Anzai gave him for almost cutting his head off clean with it.

"Saionji Mosu! 200 push up!" Anazia hissed with beaming red eyes.

"Yes sir!"

Kazuya chuckled deeply knowing the kid deserved it for mocking her precious invention. 'Serve you right kid' she thought darkly.

"To answer your question its not just for shooting at Kaiju's, it's for balancing your weight in the most dire situation" she said.


"This is so cool"

"A Gunbelt huh?"


Whispers filled amongst the bio-genetics, Kazuya chuckled proud.

"Which is why all of you're here... so that you can get a better working to the Gunbelt" Anzai said to the rest.

"Inorder words no one is getting out of this training hall until we have mastered it" he adds with scary looks.


Level 17: Bio-genetics Level 

Room hall

"Man I'm beat, this past few days has been hell" Ten said with anime tears lying on his bed flat out of steam.

Hiro laid on this bed, in a drop move, he faced the ceiling.

"It's tomorrow" Hiro said.

"Ah... tomorrow back to the surface" Ten said as his mind replayed one year ago, he gulps hard just by the mere thought of it.


"Tomorrow" Shino said with tighten fists.

Daiki on his bed shaking tremdously as he gulps hard.


"Everything is gonna be okay Yumi just stick with your team" Mirai said to Yumi.

She nods with a pouting face.

"So tomorrow... back to the surface" Mary said with shaky eyes.

Mirai nods.

That night none slept, either anticipated or trembling in fear of their mission tomorrow, eager for what might transpire.


Before Holly's wake up call, the bio-genetics were already awake dressing, their new uniform consist of a military camouflage uniform with a hoodie. But rather than the mix shades of green, it had the mix shades of red, dim in colour, along with black combats boots, black fingerless gloves, it was the same for both boys and girls. The bio-genetics badge at the right pocket side and widely drawn at the back, the badge black in color with tiny dot blues on it, at the center was a symbol, it was Japan symbol of a round red circle with two white wings attached to it, spread out gloriously.

Hiro set his Gunbelt in place careful not to activate it, he then sat on his bed tiring his boots. He paused for a minute as a memory flash in his head, his dad in his room tiring his boots, Hiro was just five years old as he hid at the door watching him tie, unknown to him that was the day he learnt it, who knew it would be useful later in the future.

Haruto then pause raising his head, sensing his son's presences as he smiled warmly at him.

Hiro's lips pressed in thin line at the memory. 'Dad' he thought. 'Your son is now what you least expected he would become....' He tired the black knot tightly. 'A Soldier!'

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