The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 111 - On Wheels

All set... Suddenly the floor beneath them levitates, the ceiling slide open as it did... moving all the way to the bunker.

"Protective gears on" Anzai said to the ones that needed it.

Tori, Kazuya, Hachiro, Touka, Kenta and Kashi all pressed the device clicked behind their necks correspondingly, as a helmet came up their head, light in weight, a transparent glass came up at front, an invisible cloth covered all exposed areas of their bodies.

They got to the bunker, the ground beneath them closed as then the wide big hatch at the top opened slowly.

'This is it' Shino thought grabbing unto his throttle firmly.

The light of the skies came forth.

Touka and Hachiro looks up with widen eyes, the ground continue levitating as they were brought to the top fully, the ground shutting close.

"This is..." Tori began with shaky eyes.

"The surface" Kazuya finished for him with widen eyes.

"Everything is really gone" Kashi said behind Kenta who had stern looks but his eyes shakes.

The city environment was deserted... sand coming in making it look almost like a desert, it was calm and quiet, plants and trees within 

all areas, covered with dead plants. Destroyed buildings, cracks, and broken glasses. Abandoned cars, buses, and choppers. It was cold with the harsh wind blowing everywhere, nothing like any animal's or sound of birds on air. Most of the skyscraper building were mostly buried to ground.

"It's getting worse" Shino said with shaky eyes. The last time they came here it wasn't this deserted, at least the roads and concrete stay put... but right now most of it was covered in sand, how would the outside world be in years to come if they don't inhabit it? How more lost will it become.

Ten with stern looks adjusted his glasses, Haya with sad eyes behind him.

Anzai had dark looks but then his distant looks turned serious.

"Get in position!" he commanded, the message got to all of them due to the comms. Anzai geared his Hellhound, it made a gearing up sound, the mini computer of analysis came up below at the wide space in front, showing the Hellhound controls.

The all geared up the same.

'The Hellhound is built to any compatibility, we should have no difficulties in riding' Kazuya thought holding on firm.

"ADVANCE!" Anzai shouts as his Hellhound zoomed off in extreme speed with an automatic sound.

Tori followed behind and then Hachiro and then Kenta as they spread out as planned, the bio-genetics came too as they went on formation perfectly, riding in speed.

The Field Team enclose the rest in a circle, the five Supply Team in the center had the extra Hellhound carrying supplies enclosed in a box formation, the Medical and Supply Team followed.

The superiors rode in a curve formation at front.

"Do not take our eyes off the road!" Anzai hissed.


They drove pass buildings until they got a widely derserted area with almost buried off building.

Ten heart slammed loudly in his chest as his eyes fell on all corners for any potential threats. His heart in his throat, he sweats profusely, unable to concentrate. 'We still don't know what attracts the Kaijus' his shaky eyes scanning. 'They could come out of anywhere' he gulps hard. 'Dammit I can't concentrate like this' he panics... but then he felt Haya's arm around his waist tightly, he froze.

"It's alright Ten" she said behind, minding the blowing weird that swirl around, knowing Ten could hear her she continued.

"I can't hear you... but you can... keep your eyes on the road and focus, i will do the scouting for any potential threats okay" she assured him.

Ten's eyes widen, 'I see' he thought as his looks then turned serious. He looks around the other boys riding, their gaze focused on the road while the girls did the looking. 'At this moment all that matters is trust... trust each to your riding partners' he face forward. 'Alright then..." he geared up more with the throttle amidst nervousness. 'I shall be your ears, Haya-chan!', he smirks, she had nothing to worry as long as he was here, they shall all work together to oversee this.

Hiro kept his eyes on the road while Yuki did the scouting for any sign of Kaijus. The wind carried her hair in a high pony tail weightlessly behind, she turned to Hiro for a brief second, she was so close behind him, her arms locked around his waist for balance.

'He seems oddly calm' she thought. 'And he's pretty good on the controls too... I wonder' she thought.

The tires passed a rock making them stumble a bit Yuki groaned as she held onto him tightly as she leaned more forward due to the budge.

"Yuki?" Hiro said worried noticing her discomfort.

"I'm fine" she said so close to his ear.

He gulps facing forward properly, he could see everything thanks to his hasten senses, they appeared as lines and structures before him.


"Hold on Mirai" Kaneki said knowing they will be passing some rocks ahead.

Mirai nods holding on firm, in the mist of scouting her eyes drift to Yumi, safely at the middle at the back of Homura, clinging tightly.

"I guess she's okay there" Mirai said with a smile against her.

"Yes... so don't get yourself worked on too much, everything will be okay" he states.

Mirai just rolled her eyes.

"As expected of Kaneki Senpai" she tease.

"I know riding is an easy thing for you, I bet you're proud right now".

"Hey... I'm not proud, its just a piece of cake" he reasons.

"Ha yes... even when your dad told you, you shouldn't ride yet you still did with your big brother at night... I saw both of you once" she said smiling at the memory.

Kaneki paused, surprised she knew.

"You were so happy clinging unto your big brother from behind" she adds.

"How did you..." he said stunned.

"Idiot, Kaneki Senpai... we were neighbours remember... before we moved to our own estate" she said.

'How could I have forgotten that fact' he thought with shaky eyes, they particularly lived close to each when they were kids before Mirai and her family moved out and then they met in school as junior and senior.

"I didn't know you still remembered" Kaneki said with a smile against his lips.

"How could I have forgotten... it was mine memory too... I had fun with you guys, growing up in a house full of girls wasn't exactly comforting" she said as her eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

Kaneki smile broaden.


Daiki's body shook vigorously where he was, his hands against the throttle shaking.

"Idiot Daiki will you stop shaking? You are making me nervous than I already am" Himari scolded.

"Daiki is sorry... Daiki doesn't know what he's doing... Daiki is panicking" he hissed sweating profusely.

"Relax Daiki, you put the ride on automatic didn't you?" She said.

He nods vigorously.

"Idiot... then we are good to go, as long as we're at the center, we shouldn't worry about riding too fast" she assured him.

"Okay Himari" Daiki said calming down a bit.

Himari sighed... this was gonna be a long ride.


"Hey Raiden! Keep your eyes on the road" Samato Aimi hissed with white eyes, she had purple shoulder length hair and green eyes.

"Sorry" Raiden said facing the front road back.

"You keep looking at Asano, why?" She demands.

"I don't like her arms around Mizuki" he said bluntly.

"Huh? Is that what you are seriously thinking about right now?" Aimi said in awe.

"There's something going on between you two isn't it" Aimi said smirking.

"She's my girlfriend!" Raiden hissed.

Due to the the breeze around, no one heard.

"Ehhh..." Aimi made a sound with white eyes. 'To say something like that... this blunt' she thought still in awe.


"You should focus... Asano-san" Mizuki said with a smiley face.

Asano paused knowing he caught her staring at Raiden a far distance away.

"Sorry" she said blushing as she continued scouting.

"It's understanding where your feelings lies but that shouldn't get in the way of the mission" he adds in amusement.

"Yes" Asano said with sad eyes knowing his words were true.


"Still no potential threats... are you sure these Kaiju's really exist?" Kazuya said pointing the transparent iPad she held at every distance for analysis.

"Hey Kazuya! Stay properly or you will fall off the Hellhound!" Tori hissed.

"Oh are we dropping the formalities so soon?" Kazuya said huskily.

"That's not what I'm saying!" he hissed with white eyes. 'Dammit I should just focus... its not like she's gonna listen' he thought with twitching eyebrow.

"Still nothing Hachiro" Touka said looking around.

"Yes it appears so" Hachiro said sternly. 'Something doesn't feel right' he thought, then his eyes lands on Anzai in front, leading. 'I'm sure he might have sense it too'.

'This is hardly convenient...' Anzai thought sternly his eyes fixed on front. 'We have passed most of the building areas, the potential place the Kaiju's could be hiding, on a free path like this we are off the red zone... but' his eyes shakes. 'Why do I get this eeling like someone is watching us...' his eyes scanned.

'Or something... since the very moment we stepped foot on the surface, that stalking feeling'.


Anzai's eyes widen... 'Not even a presence was detected!' He thought stunned.


'What??' He turned.

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