The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 112 - Death Path

"Hey Raiden! Keep your eyes on the road" Samato Aimi hissed with white eyes, she had purple shoulder length hair and green eyes.

"Sorry" Raiden said facing the front road back.

"You keep looking at Asano, why?" She demands.

"I don't like her arms around Mizuki" he said bluntly.

"Huh? Is that what you are seriously thinking about right now?" Aimi said in awe.

"There's something going on between you two isn't it" Aimi said smirking.

"She's my girlfriend!" Raiden hissed.

Due to the the breeze around, no one heard.

"EEHHH..." Aimi made a sound with white eyes. 'To say something like that... this blunt' she thought still in awe.


"You should focus... Asano-san" Mizuki said with a smiley face.

Asano paused knowing he caught her staring at Raiden a far distance away.

"Sorry" she said blushing as she continued scouting.

"It's understanding where your feelings lies but that shouldn't get in the way of the mission" he adds in amusement.

"Yes" Asano said with sad eyes knowing his words were true.


"Still no potential threats... are you sure these Kaiju's really exist?" Kazuya said pointing the transparent iPad she held at every distance for analysis.

"Hey Kazuya! Stay properly or you will fall off the Hellhound!" Tori hissed.

"Oh are we dropping the formalities so soon?" Kazuya said huskily.

"That's not what I'm saying!" he hissed with white eyes. 'Dammit I should just focus... its not like she's gonna listen' he thought with twitching eyebrow.

"Still nothing Hachiro" Touka said looking around.

"Yes it appears so" Hachiro said sternly. 'Something doesn't feel right' he thought, then his eyes lands on Anzai in front, leading. 'I'm sure he might have sense it too'.

'This is hardly convenient...' Anzai thought sternly, his eyes fixed on front. 'We have passed most of the building areas, the potential place the Kaiju's could be hiding, on a free path like this we are off the red zone... but' his eyes shakes. 'Why do I get this feeling like someone is watching us...' his eyes scanned.

'Or something... since the very moment we stepped foot on the surface, that stalking feeling'.


Anzai's eyes widen... 'Not even a presence was detected!' He thought stunned.


'What??' He turned.

From beneath the ground a Kaiju burst out coming for him in speed.

A creature unlike anything they have ever seen. It was 5 feet tall with long legs, having sharp large claws. Hunched back like position, having meat-like skin which was reddish-brown, no eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no shape, vibrating like a humming sound. Mouth wide with shark-like teeth, sharp and deadly.

Anzai's eyes widen at the scene.

'It came from beneath' he thought in awe as in slow motion the Kaiju's deadly shark like teeth came for him.

"You maybe immune to the atmospheric condition of the outside world but that doesn't mean you're immune to the Kaiju's deadly bites, as we have seen the bites to the bio-genetics are deadly, their wounds heal slowly, imagine if you're the one who gets clawed or bitten, you could be infected" Touka said.

He remembered her words clearly back when they were in the base, his eyes shaky as the jaws came for him. But then it harden as he used his arm to block the bite, the teeth came at his uniform instantly but didn't bite through, their clothes were made of a special linen material, their bites couldn't reach him.

With beaming red eyes like a laser, he waved his arm with enough force to push the Kaiju's off him sending it to a distance with his immense strength.

He then brought out his gun.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" he shouts.

Like in response to his words more Kaiju's burst out of the ground running on speed to catch up to their speeding Hellhounds.

"ON FULL SPEED! FIELD TEAM ON GUARD!" he shouts once again as he shot at an incoming Kaiju, it drew back with blood splashing. If the Kaiju's were coming underground then they had to get out of the desert area but it was still miles away before they could reach buildings and concrete floor.

"YES SIR!" The Field Team shouts in unison as they brought out their blood weapon, but it was mostly the girls riding on the back that can fight because the boys were focused on speeding the Hellhounds so that the Kaiju's wouldn't catch up.

More and more Kaiju's burst out from the ground about 30 of them on their tail fast and more.

Ten panics where he was as he increases the speed of his Hellhound.

'They came out of nowhere!' He thought trembling. 'from beneath' he thought observing how they burst out. 'Like they were laying in waiting' his eyes widen in horror.

"Ten!" Haya hissed behind him, snapping him out of his trance. 

'Dammit! Haya-chan can't hear the order!' He thought in realization as he turned slightly to face her, she had a scared look on her eyes not knowing what to do and she can't exactly read his lips because he can't turn fully for her to see. Ten faced the road back. 'I have to think of something... I don't know any sign languages, the one thing I didn't bother to learn' he panics more. 'THINK TEN! THINK!' He hissed to himself.

Haya's eyes widen when she turned to the side, seeing a Kaiju busting out of the ground and launching at them in the air.

Ten turned as his eyes widen in horror. 'THIS IS BAD!' 

The claws reach them but suddenly like a zap of speed, blood splashed, the Kaiju was suddenly inbound by an arrow to the head as the force pushed it backwards into a far distance.

On seeing the arrow Ten quickly turned to Shino a far distance away. 'Shino!' it was him, he shot the arrow.

Their Hellhound stumbled from Shino's lost of control, Sumi held tightly around his waist from the harsh unstable movement.

Shino quickly turned to the throttle back to steady the Hellhound on the straight path.



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