The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 113 - Attack On Kaiju's (Part 1)

More and more Kaiju's burst out from the ground about 30 of them on their tail fast and more.

Ten panics where he was as he increases the speed of his Hellhound.

'They came out of nowhere!' He thought trembling. 'from beneath' he thought observing how they burst out. 'Like they were laying in waiting' his eyes widen in horror.

"Ten!" Haya hissed behind him, snapping him out of his trance. 

'Dammit! Haya-chan can't hear the order!' He thought in realization as he turned slightly to face her, she had a scared look on her eyes not knowing what to do and she can't exactly read his lips because he can't turn fully for her to see. Ten faced the road back. 'I have to think of something... I don't know any sign languages, the one thing I didn't bother to learn' he panics more. 'THINK TEN! THINK!' He hissed to himself.

Haya's eyes widen when she turned to the side, seeing a Kaiju busting out of the ground and launching at them in the air.

Ten turned as his eyes widen in horror. 'THIS IS BAD!' 

The claws reach them but suddenly like a zap of speed, blood splashed, the Kaiju was suddenly inbound by an arrow to the head as the force pushed it backwards into a far distance.

On seeing the arrow Ten quickly turned to Shino a far distance away. 'Shino!' it was him, he shot the arrow.

Their Hellhound stumbled from Shino's lost of control, Sumi held tightly around his waist from the harsh unstable movement.

Shino quickly turned to the throttle back to steady the Hellhound back on a straight path.




A Few Days Ago

Tokyo Underground Base 

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level 

General Anzai's Office 

The doors slide open as Shino step in, he walks to the table where Anzai was seated before saluting.

"Sir!" he hissed, standing upright.

"Commander Shino" Anzai began in a serious tone, his hands against his jaw, his elbows resting on the table.

"I'm sure you understand the gravity of the position I gave you" he said sternly.

"Yes sir, I'm well aware" he said gulping hard.

"I trust in the future you will be able to lead not just the Field Team but the bio-genetics in the future"

Shino's eyes sadden by his words.

"But sir..." he began as his fist tightens.

"Why me? Why did you choose me to lead them, I feel Ten is a better candidate for this position... he's good at analysing and forging tactics in the heat of the battle... I don't think I'm capable" Shino said adding the last part faintly.

A smile found Anzai's lips. 'Sought of remind of someone' he thought as a picture of Haruto face flashed in his head.

"No" Anzai began.

Shino raised his head facing Anzai.

"You're more than capable of leading the bio-genetics, over the past one year I have studied you and seen the qualities you possess, you carry the bio-genetics along like your brothers and sisters. In order words you are play well with the rest, that's exactly what you need when you need people to follow you... relate with them like the back of your hands... and more gaining their trust... I expect that from you and more" Anzai said rising to his feet, hands behind his back.

Shino shaky eyes on him.

"On this journey we will most likely encounter Kaiju's" he faced him.

"In order words we will end up fighting them while we ride, a very difficult task but thanks to the Gunbelt we might have a chance in those dire situation" he states.

Shino's looks turn serious.

"Which is why I leave that to you Commander Shino!".


Present Day 

The Surface

Ruins Of Tokyo

At the memory Shino's fist tighten on the throttle. 'General Anzai predicted something like this would happen if the Kaiju's attack... its up to the Field Team to defend!'.

"Field Team! Defend the Kaiju's while maintaining formation... I repeat do not break formation!" He hissed, the message got through to everyone through the comm.

'We can't afford to break formation, if we do then we have weak points, the Kaiju's attacks randomly, not in a pattern so we use that to our advantages' he thought sternly.

"ROGER!" The Field Team hissed back.

Shino froze, he wasn't exactly expecting a response from them. He smiled.

Sumi's eyes were on shino, staring at him with unreadable expression. 'To think he would come up with a plan like this' she thought, she looks around. 'All that matters is that I survive, I don't care what happens next... the chose the perfect partner after all' she smirks devilishly.

"Sumi!" Shino hissed snapping her out of her trance.

"Get ready!" he hissed.

"Tsk" she just made a sound annoyed. 'Only relying to your commands because it's our best chance of surviving this chase' she thought observing the Kaiju's hot on their tails.

Shino moved his hellhound out of the line but still maintained formation.

The rest of the Field Team moved their Hellhounds too as they covered the rest of the team in a circle.

"Commander Shino has given order" Yuki said to Hiro.

"Concentrate on attacking" Hiro said gearing up on his Hellhound.

Yuki smiled. 'I don't need to worry about him riding, he seem to know what he's doing' she thought, Hiro almost seemed like an expert in riding, she wondered how he learnt it, but that will be a question for later.

She turns to the running Kaiju's catching up to them, fast.

Behind her back, she had twin Katana swords placed in an x format, she reach for it, her Gunbelt making an automatic start up sound.


"I'm so sorry Ten I won't be of much help" Haya said on verge of tears, she felt useless in their situation.

'I'm so sorry' she thought with shaky eyes but then it lands on Ten's raised hand.

She froze as her eyes widen. 'Is that......'

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