The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 115 - Attack On Kaiju's (Part 3)

Yuki swirled to a Kaiju taking it down in a slash with her twin Katana, with a nudge of her hips she was back straddling the Hellhound behind Hiro.

'Good thing I asked for an extra Katana... I'm much faster this way' she thought rotating the Katana's around her hand, the bloodstain waving off.

"Yuki," Hiro said gaining her attention.


"Something doesn't feel right," Hiro said sternly.

Yuki blinks.

"Why do you say so? We have taken out all the Kaijus, there don't seem to be anyone coming" she states.

"That's the point, Yuki," he said.

"All we know is that the Kaijus attacks randomly... but... they just happen to be waiting beneath this place that we will pass".

"What are you saying, Hiro?"

"I'm saying for them to do something like that... they must have gotten orders to do so" Hiro states.

Yuki froze at his words.

"Are you saying the Kaijus might be acting on someone's orders?" she said with a straight face.

'The random attacks... the surprise attack... there's something on it... mindless monsters or not they were still able to pull something like this off, could they be being controlled?' he thought with shaky eyes. 'I have to tell Commander Shino'.

"Commander Shino!" he hissed as he connected his comm.

Haya behind him just watches him with puzzled eyes.

*Static Noise*

"Yes Ten!" he replied.

"There's something odd about the Kaiju's movement, I don't think they are attacking randomly," Ten said.

"What are you saying Ten?"

"I'm saying there might be something or someone controlling them," Ten said for certain without a doubt.


Shino froze at Ten's words. 'Someone is controlling them?' he thought with shaky eyes.

"Commander Shino1" General Anzai's voice sounds through the comm.

"Yes sir!" he replied with a strong voice.

"What's your status ever there... report!"

"Yes sir... we have succeeded in taking down the Kaijus" Shino said.

"Good, then enclose the Formation back" he commands.

"Sir there's something you need to know" he began.

"What is it?"

"Ten believes the Kaijus are being controlled"


"Yes sir that means they are most li-"

Suddenly a 'BOOM' sound came in loudly, at the noise they turned in alert and worst it came from the... CENTER!

Shino's eyes widen in horror as he watch the Hellhound carrying their supplies flip, in slow motion it levitates up in the air, about 2 Kaijus caused it, as they burst out also along with the Hellhound.

The Supply Team watches in total shock, and then it came down.

"LOOK OUT!" Shino shouts in horror.

All driving actions stops that moment.

Anzai at front stops his Hellhound abruptly along with the others.

The Hellhound drops to the ground making a loud sound also causing a crater to the ground and a wild breeze that pushed everything in sight, the 11 members of the Supply Team clashed with the Medical team and then the Gadgets Team, as they dispense to the middle, moving continuously, scattering the formation from within as their Hellhound's jammed.

Homura's Hellhound clashed with two, Yumi behind held on tightly but for how long, they feared for the worst as they were about clashing into another.

But instantly the front of a Hellhound jammed with theirs, putting a stop to the disperse movement from within.

Yumi flew out of the Hellhound from the force but Hiro caught her, he was the one who stopped the collusion with his Hellhound.

"Hiro!" Homura said in shock.

Hiro just saved their lives, he came out of nowhere and stopped the disorder.

The 2 Kaijus who cause the attack roared about attacking from the center.

"Get down!" Hiro hissed at Homura, bringing out his gun.

In panic he did as he was told as he held his head, bringing it down, giving Hiro a better view. One shot of the red bullet, it came fast at the Kaijus.

Daiki shouts in horror as well as Himari behind him as the Kaijus jumped at them, like in a speed of lightning the bullet came at the Kaiju head slamming into it and then passing through to the other Kaiju's head, the force pushed them away.

Hiro took harsh breath as the adrenaline in his body reduced, his hand holdinpg the gun shaking, he sweats profusely.

'He..' Ten thought with wide eyes. 'Took down 2 Kaiju with just a bullet' he was stunned.

Shino watches the scene with shaky eyes.

"How did he pull such a thing off?" Sumi said slightly amazed and puzzled.

Homura still had his head bent as he trembled in fear.

"Are you okay Yumi?" Hiro asked turning his head to face her, she was still enclosed in his arms.

"Y-Y-Yes" she said still in shock of what happened, she really thought for sure she gonna fall to her death but luckily Hiro caught her in time.

Yuki had her eyes fixed on Hiro. 'It happened so fast' Yuki thought... she was still enthralled by the way he turned and pulled such a thing off, he was so fast with the Hellhound, almost impossible.

"YUMI!" Mirai shouts as Kaneki drove his Hellhound to where they were, they stopped. Mirai rushed down running to them.

"Mirai-chan" Yumi said in tears.

Mirai took a deep breath of relief seeing she was okay.

'Thank God... no causalities!' Anzai thought with shaky eyes. 'What Hiro pulled off worked... if not it would have been a disaster' his teeth clenched. His eyes lands on the boxes of supplies lying on the ground, his fist tighten. 'They went after the center, our weakest point in the formation... Shino was right, there's something or someone controlling the Kaijus' he thought for certain, his eyes feasted upon the Bio-genetics once more. 'This is far from over!'

Suddenly the ground shook tremendously.

The Supply Team picking up the boxes back on the Hellhound, paused staring at the ground.

"The ground" Touka said with shaky eyes.

Shino's and Sumi's eyes on the ground as it vibrates but then his eyes widen in realization.

"INCOMING" he shouts as instantly Kaijus clawed out.

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