The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 116 - Attack On Kaiju's (Part 4)

Daiki shouts in horror as well as Himari behind him as the Kaijus jumped at them, like in a speed of lightning the bullet came at the Kaiju head slamming into it and then passing through to the other Kaiju's head, the force pushed them away.

Hiro took harsh breath as the adrenaline in his body reduced, his hand holding the gun shaking, he sweats profusely.

'He..' Ten thought with wide eyes. 'Took down 2 Kaiju with just a bullet' he was stunned.

Shino watches the scene with shaky eyes.

"How did he pull such a thing off?" Sumi said slightly amazed and puzzled.

Homura still had his head bent as he trembled in fear.

"Are you okay Yumi?" Hiro asked turning his head to face her, she was still enclosed in his arms.

"Y-Y-Yes" she said still in shock of what happened, she really thought for sure she gonna fall to her death but luckily Hiro caught her in time.

Yuki had her eyes fixed on Hiro. 'It happened so fast' Yuki thought... she was still enthralled by the way he turned and pulled such a thing off, he was so fast with the Hellhound, almost impossible.

"YUMI!" Mirai shouts as Kaneki drove his Hellhound to where they were, they stopped. Mirai rushed down running to them.

"Mirai-chan" Yumi said in tears.

Mirai took a deep breath of relief seeing she was okay.

'Thank God... no causalities!' Anzai thought with shaky eyes. 'What Hiro pulled off worked... if not it would have been a disaster' his teeth clenched. His eyes lands on the boxes of supplies lying on the ground, his fist tighten. 'They went after the center, our weakest point in the formation... Shino was right, there's something or someone controlling the Kaijus' he thought for certain, his eyes feasted upon the Bio-genetics once more. 'This is far from over!'

Suddenly the ground shook tremendously.

The Supply Team picking up the boxes back on the Hellhound, paused staring at the ground.

"The ground" Touka said with shaky eyes.

Shino's and Sumi's eyes on the ground as it vibrates but then his eyes widen in realization.

"INCOMING!" he shouts as instantly Kaijus clawed out from the particular area they once bursted out, clustering in numbers.

Sakura screamed as her butt lands on the ground, the others ran past her back to their Hellhound, but she was immobile on the ground not knowing what to do.

Fujio running turned.

"SAKURA!" He shouts running to her.

The Kaiju jumped coming but Fuijo slides to where she was grabbing her. His Gunbelt shoot a wire behind them pulling them backwards abruptly away from the Kaijus claws.

An arrow inbound on the Kaijus head instantly, shot by Shino.

Fuijo used that opportunity as he grabs Sakura dashing back to their Hellhound.

With the fast speed of the Kaijus, they clawed at the bio-genetics, devouring them as they shout.

"KIYO!!" a boy shouts in horror.

On hearing him, the Kaiju dashed after him, but before it could reach him Anzai drove his Hellhound sliding, as the body of the machine hit the Kaiju off but it got back up, Anzai shot at it.

"QUICK BACK TO YOUR HELLHOUND!" he shouts as the boy dashes out in tears.

Anzai cocks his gun with clenched teeth shooting at about Kaijus.

More came from beneath.

"WE SHOULD MOVE OUT, I HAVE DETECTED CONCRETE A MILE AWAY!" Kazuya shouts as her transparent iPad beeps.


With a nod Tori drove ahead, followed by Hachiro and Kenta along with the biogenetics.

Screams, shouts, blood slashes can be heard as both bio-genetics were devoured and Kaijus killed.

The rest moved ahead but the Kaijus clustered about hundreds of them.

'We can't take them all' Anzai thought with widen eyes of horror as he watch the wave of Kaijus.

He starts his Hellhound driving to catch up with the rest speeding, while shooting at many Kaijus as he can.

The kaijus were fast speeding aggressively as they jumped at the bio-genetics clawing them off the Hellhounds as shouts could be heard, the empty Hellhounds somersaulting causing a mild explosion as they connected to the ground.


"I'M, RIO! JUST KEEP SHOOTING!" Matsu shouts as Rio took the lead of shooting at the upcoming Kaijus.

But one came at them jumping at them, they screamed as their Hellhound somersaults causing an explosion.

"Hanka, face forward! Don't look back, ya know!" Sand hissed to his partner, they were just ahead of the explosion.

Hanka with her shaky eyes turned.

"We won't survive this" she said trembling.

"Soldiers or not we don't stand a chance against those things" she adds turning back to face the incoming Kaijus.

Her teeths clenched.

"Keep riding Sand and don't stop!" she said her tone laced with seriousness, her eyes changed to her bio-genetics ones.

Sand froze at her words as he felt her weight off him from behind.

In panic he turns in slow motion.

"HANKA!!!" he shouts.

She was up on the air with the help of her Gunbelt shooting at the Kaijus to buy them time.

But then about three jumps up at her at once.

The wire sticking to the Hellhound pinned off due to the force, Sand caught it, his cheeks stained with tears not wanting to let go.

Hanka smiled as she pulled the wire off, the Kaijus taking her as blood slashed.

Sands body went petrified, as the wind carried his sandy hair up revealing his dark brown eyes circled in tears.


"Hey do you wanna be riding partners?" Hanka asked behind.

Sand paused his walking action turning to a girl with dark blue hair packed in twos, she also had light black eyes.

Sand smiled curly.

"Yup, you ain't too bad" Sand said.

She giggled at his accent.

"Are you a rapper or something? That's so cute" she remarked.

Making Sand blush lightly.

"And why is your hair so out grown covering your eyes? You need to get it cut" she said assessing him closely making Sand sweat profusely.

"Oh I know... once we get to Fukuoka will help you cut it, what do you say?" She offered with a smile against her lips.

Sand smiled curly.




Sand gasps breaking out of his trance, that moment as three Kaiju's jumps at him.

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