The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 122 - A Three Minutes Plan Or Not?

"This can't be the end" Anzai said as his teeth clenched, never for once in battle during his time as a soldier had he run out of options, this was the first. And it pained him to the core, he felt weak, he felt helpless, his eyes shakes more.

An image of a smiling Haruto flashed in his head.

'Haruto' he thought. 'What should I do?'

Everyone looks drops seeing there was no other option to get to the others or draft out a plan or even get out of here.

*Static Noises*



"Come in-"

"Is anyone-"

They froze at the unexpected sound.

"Hiro?" Shino said with wide eyes recognizing the voice instantly.

"Hiro! Hiro are you there?" Anzai demands, a weight was lifted off his chest just by the sound of his voice, he was okay.

"Is anyone-"

"What's wrong, why is it jamming?" Anzai demands.

"It's the weak signal," Kazuya said but then her mind flashed with an idea.

"Hiro is trying to make contact... his signal trace might be the way we need to connect to the others" Kazuya said. 'Thank God, Hiro's comm is online, the rest must have dropped it because it wasn't working, with this signal, the connection can be installed back' she thought for certain.

"Is anyone there?"

"Yes Hiro, where are you? Can you hear me?" Anzai said but only static noise in return.

"We can hear him but we can't hear us... that's the far I can go for now, but I will keep trying" Kazuya said determined to connect back with the others.

"You mean everyone can hear him?" Kaname asked.


"It's Hiro, we can all hear him" Ten said as they all listened to their comm, except Haya who just watch attentively.

'Silly me, I should have known that's Engr. Kazuya's plan would have been to install communication back on, I would have kept my comm online' Ten thought with shaky eyes.


"It's Hiro's voice" Mirai said facing the others hiding in the space, Kaneki, Yumi, Daiki, Asano, Mizuki, Emiko and Ryu were present.


Another hiding space. Mosu, San, Chibi, Himari, Sara, Miel.

"It's Kimura Hiro" San said.

"Tsk" Mosu made a sound annoyed.


Another hiding space. Akira, Saho, Umeko, Ginko, Mary, Sayuri, Izumi, Sakura and Fuijo.

"Can anyone hear me?"

They listened attentively to their comm.


"Hiro" Anzai said with shaky eyes.

"If anyone can hear me.... we have to find the Alpha!"


"If anyone can hear me.... we have to find the Alpha!"

Ten froze as his eyes went wide. 'Hiro knows about the Alpha, he figured it out' he thought stunned and then he smiled. 'Good job, Hiro!'

"We find the Alpha and destroy it... then the Kaijus won't be able to take orders anymore, which means their attacks wont be effective as before" Hiro states.

"That's right Hiro" Ten cheered with a smile against his lips.

"But I don't know how many are the Alpha pack made of, I'm sure Ten would definitely would have figured it out".

Ten froze at his words, 'He believes I would have figured it out' he thought with shaky eyes. 'Hiro!' he almost teared up.

"To anyone getting this message, this could be our last chance in surviving this"


"To anyone getting this message, this could be our last chance in surviving this"

"Hiro" Kaname said with sad eyes.

"You all heard him" Anzai began sternly, all attention drifts to him.

His looks were dead serious.

"It's Project 'Take Down The Alpha'" he said facing Kazuya who was still typing.

"Engr. Kazuya" he said.

"Almost there, just give me three minutes more" she said sweating profusely, her eyes determined.

Anzai turns to Shino.

"Commander Shino!".

"Yes sir!"

"You have three minutes to think of an attack plan" Anzai said sternly.

Shino paled at his word. 'Three minutes?!' he panics in his head, how was he gonna think of a plan in less than three minutes? he gulps hard, so this was really how it feels to be in the heat of battle. he gulps hard once more at the thought.

'Well he's a goner' Sumi thought without a doubt folding her arms.

Shino's heart slammed a loud heart beat. 'Think Shino, Think!' he thought deeply. He took a deep breath as he close his eyes, everything went slow around him like time paused. 'All we know for sure is that the Alpha controls its pack by roar, no one has seen the Kaiju except, Ten, Hiro, and I' he replayed the image in his head. 'Finding the Alpha' he thought deeply.

He then flashes his eyes open.

"I got it!" he hissed gaining their attention, they turned to with wide eyes.

He blinks puzzled.

"I just said you got three minutes to figure out a plan" Anzai said surprised others nodded in agreement.

"No sir, the three minutes are up" Shino said with a frown, he was very certain he came up with a plan under three minutes, all the thinking he did was under that time frame, right?

"Connected, you can speak now" Kazuya said as their attention now drift to her.

Anzai turned to Shino, he was still a bit confused by what just happen but that was a later talk for now, they had to take down the Alpha.

"I leave the rest to you, Commander Shino" Anzai said.

He nods still having a perplexed expression but he quickly composes himself.

Sumi eyed him with suspicious eyes, she was certain the three minutes wasn't up yet and yet he came up with an plan in a blink of an eye, how was that possible?

Touka stared at Shino with shaky eyes.

'Could it be the virus is affecting him differently too?' she thought, but it wasn't a fact yet, for now.

Hachiro came behind Touka with blank white glasses.

"Touka-san" he began with a whisper only she can hear.

"Yes I saw it too" Touka said.

Hachiro nods in response with a stern look.

Kenta eyed them with suspicious eyes.

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