The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 123 - On Motion

Shino's heart slammed a loud heart beat. 'Think Shino, Think!' he thought deeply. He took a deep breath as he close his eyes, everything went slow around him like time paused. 'All we know for sure is that the Alpha controls its pack by roar, no one has seen the Kaiju except, Ten, Hiro, and I' he replayed the image in his head. 'Finding the Alpha' he thought deeply.

He then flashes his eyes open.

"I got it!" he hissed gaining their attention, they turned to with wide eyes.

He blinks puzzled.

"I just said you got three minutes to figure out a plan" Anzai said surprised others nodded in agreement.

"No sir, the three minutes are up" Shino said with a frown, he was very certain he came up with a plan under three minutes, all the thinking he did was under that time frame, right?

"Connected, you can speak now" Kazuya said as their attention now drift to her.

Anzai turned to Shino, he was still a bit confused by what just happen but that was a later talk for now, they had to take down the Alpha.

"I leave the rest to you, Commander Shino" Anzai said.

He nods still having a perplexed expression but he quickly composes himself.

Sumi eyed him with suspicious eyes, she was certain the three minutes wasn't up yet and yet he came up with an plan in a blink of an eye, how was that possible?

Touka stared at Shino with shaky eyes.

'Could it be the virus is affecting him differently too?' she thought, but it wasn't a fact yet, for now.

Hachiro came behind Touka with blank white glasses.

"Touka-san" he began with a whisper only she can hear.

"Yes I saw it too" Touka said.

Hachiro nods in response with a stern expression.

Kenta eyed them with suspicious eyes.


"Are you sure they could have gotten your message?" Yuki asked.

They both still hid at the small space.

Hiro sighs.

"I don't know I hope they would" he said wiping the sweat off his forehead, before placing his palm on it.

"They have to" he adds faintly but Yuki heard him as she blinks.

*Static Noises*

Hiro froze at the sound of it.

"Yuki do you hear that?" 


"Bio-genetics! This is Commander Shino" he announced.

"Commander Shino?" Hiro and Yuki said in unison.

"Yes and I can hear all of you"

'That means they got my message' Hiro thought with a smile against his lips.

"I got your message Hiro and we have a plan"


"I got your message Hiro and we have a plan"

"Alright Commander Shino" Ten cheered.

"Do you ever stop cheering?" Raiden said sweating dropping behind his head.

"Why should I? Two of my friends are awesome!" He exclaimed.

Raiden sighs but then smiled.

"Don't worry Haya-chan, I will explain the details to you right after" he said to Haya.

She smiled as she nods.

"Ten!" Shino said through the comm.

"Yes Commander Shino!" 

"Have you been able to know how many the Alpha's pack are?" 

"Since one year ago till this date, the total number are 350, the remaining 150 here are the last of the Alpha pack" Ten said.

"I see... then our plan will be on motion then".


"I see... then our plan will be on motion then" Shino said sternly.

'I still don't get why General Anzai is letting Shino take the lead' Tori thought puzzled, even though Shino is Commander, by right it should have been Anzai executing the plan while Shino will follow on to replay the order. 'Or is General Anzai training Shino to be a leader?' He thought as his eyes landed on Anzai, the smirk on his lips said it all. Tori's eyebrow twitched. 'He surely is, even in this predicament we're in, he's still training' he thought with white eyes. 

"Here's the plan" Shino began.

"We still don't know where the Alpha is, but we know the roaring sound is coming from it, what we need to do is attract that sound once more which involves us attacking the Kaiju's" Shino said.

"Which means we need a distraction so that Ten, Hiro, Yuki, Haya, and I, will find the Alpha and take it down!"

They froze at his words.

'Selecting the brain of operation, a deadly fighter who makes irrational decisions but also good in firece attack and two bio-genetics like a nuclear bomb' Anzai thought smirking. 'Smart!'

"The rest will stay behind and fight the remaining Kaijus" Shino said as he looks at Anzai for approval.

He nods.

"Taking down 150 Kaiju's will be no problem, even thought the odds are against us" he states.

"Which is why Commander Shino, you have to take down the Alpha on time so that we can defeat the Kaijus easily, we will buy you some time" he adds.

"Yes sir!"

"I'm coming with them" Touka said gaining their attention.

"Touka-san!" Hachiro hissed not liking her words.

"At least lemme be of use, incase you guys get injured along the way, we can't predict what's gonna happen, let me follow" she said with determined eyes.

"Hey Touka, you would only delay them, do you even know how to use a gun?" Anzai said raising an eyebrow.

Instantly she brough put a gun cocking it as it made an automatic start sound.

"There are no slackers on the battlefield, if we really wanna ensure this plan works, we leave no room for mistakes" she said sternly 

They gulped hard.

"Okay okay, easy there tiger" Anzai said sweat dropping behind his head.

"From the last sound of the Alpha, it seems pretty near, we need another roar from it so that we can trace it, but how to" Shino said.

"I got you guys covered" Kazuya said licking her licks as she handed Shino a small computer device.

"Once the Alpha roars that will trace the sound" she said smirking.

Shino nods taking it.

Anzai connected his comm.

"Bio-genetics you all heard the plan from your Commander, yes!" He hissed.

"Yes sir!".

"Good, for the rest of us distracting, we will attack from higher grounds only, attacking below can be risky, understood?!"

"Yes sir!"

"We can't stop here neither can we abandon our Mission, we are destroying this fucking pack that took our comrades away you hear me?!" He hissed, their death and screams still replaying in his head, he was super pissed.

"Yes sir!"

"We strive to reclaim the surface!" He hissed their motto.


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