The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 124 - Operation "Take Down The Alpha" (Part 1)

"Taking down 150 Kaiju's will be no problem, even though the odds are against us" he states.

"Which is why Commander Shino, you have to take down the Alpha on time so that we can defeat the Kaijus easily, we will buy you some time" he adds.

"Yes sir!"

"I'm coming with them" Touka said gaining their attention.

"Touka-san!" Hachiro hissed not liking her words.

"At least lemme be of use, incase you guys get injured along the way, we can't predict what's gonna happen, let me follow" she said with determined eyes.

"Hey Touka, you would only delay them, do you even know how to use a gun?" Anzai said raising an eyebrow.

Instantly she brough out a gun cocking it as it made an automatic start sound.

"There are no slackers on the battlefield, if we really wanna ensure this plan works, we leave no room for mistakes" she said sternly.

They gulped hard.

"Okay okay, easy there tiger" Anzai said sweat dropping behind his head.

"From the last sound of the Alpha, it seems pretty near, we need another roar from it so that we can trace it, but how to" Shino said.

"I got you guys covered" Kazuya said licking her lips as she handed Shino a small computer device.

"Once the Alpha roars that will trace the sound" she said smirking.

Shino nods taking it.

Anzai connected his comm.

"Bio-genetics you all heard the plan from your Commander, yes!" He hissed.

"Yes sir!".

"Good, for the rest of us distracting, we will attack from higher grounds only, attacking  below can be risky, understood?!"

"Yes sir!"

"We can't stop here neither can we abandon our Mission, we are destroying this fucking pack that took our comrades away you hear me?!" He hissed, their death and screams still replaying in his head, he was super pissed.

"Yes sir!"

"We strive to reclaim the surface!" He hissed their motto.



The Kaiju's roamed the area in clusters, while snarling and growling, on all fours as they moved back and forth.

A Kaiju close to a building walked while growling deeply, suddenly it felt some tiny building stones fall against it's head.

It snarled loudly looking around, although it had no eyes it looks up.

Kaneki was against the wall, like a spider, his hands and legs against it steady. His Gunbelt activated, two wire on neither side of him holding him in place.

He smirks as he dives down, the wire making a squealing noise, he brought out a small device, with his blood flowing through it, it shifts to his blood weapon consisting of a long thick sword and a gun above it.

The Kaiju roared jumping at him. But then Kaneki fired, the bullet slamming the head of the Kaiju, blood splashed as the Kaiju drops to the ground dead.

The wire slides Kaneki back up.

This gained the attention of the other Kaiju's as they roared coming at Kaneki but more bio-genetics were out, all on top of a building as they slide down attacking from above while the Kaiju's jumped at them.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Mosu gave a loud battle cry.

"THIS IS FOR KANEKO YOU MONSTERS!" he shouts once again as the spear which was his blood weapon, pireced the head of the Kaiju.

The rest of the bio-genetics used their blood weapon to attack.

Suddenly an insanely loud roar that shock the earth came in.

"NOW!" Anzai on the rooftop shouts.

"On it, Sir!" Shino hissed as the tracking device beeped loudly.

"I got it, Hiro, Yuki, Ten and Haya with me" he hissed running on the rooftop Touka behind him.

"Got it!" They hissed as from the different location they were in they ran on different rooftop, jumping the spaces onto another rooftops with the help of their Gunbelt.

Anzai watches then from the distance he was in.

'Please' he thought deeply. 'Let this plan work, let them be safe' he thought with shaky eyes.

Before turning back to the battle field.

"MAKE SURE THEY DON'T COME UP OR PENETRATE THE BUILDING! KEEP THEM DISTRACTED!" he shouts going down with help of his Gunbelt bringing out his modernised AK-47.

He shouts shooting at the Kaiju's, they have to hold on until they take down the Alpha, they have to no matter what.


"Dammit Sand are you gonna seat there!" Raiden hissed shooting at the Kaiju's with his sniper gun.

Sand was seated on  the floor, his back against the edge of the rooftop.

His hair covered his eyes, his knees against his chest, his lips pressed in a thin line.

With no response.

"Dammit, what's with you?!" Raiden hissed not taking his eyes off the far targets.

Wire squealing could be heard as Aimi slide up squatting on the edge taking harsh breath.

"I have only been able to take out 4" she said with shaking eyes, her gun had steams from the muzzle signifying the many bullets she has shot but only got 4 Kaiju's at the end.

She sighs.

"Sooner or later we are gonna run out of bullets and our supplies are way down there" she said with shaky eyes of horror as she stared at the Hellhound beneath.

"Hey Aimi, do you know what's wrong with Sand? He should get up and fight, we can't have anyone slacking" Raiden said finally facing her.

Aimi's bio-genetics eyes drift to Sand seated at the space, she looks away.

"It's none of my business" she murmured with dark looks, as she slide down back to attacking the Kaiju's.

Raiden was puzzled, as his eyes lands on Sand, he didn't know what to say neither did he know what to do.


*Harsh Breath*




*Heavy Breathing*




*Heart Slamming Loudly*

Homura was in a tight space breathing heavily, his body shock in extreme fear, his hand clenched his head tightly, he got separated from the others when the Kaiju's attacked, he remembered as he kept running and running without looking back not knowing what to do and then he found himself here, inside this building.

*Distance Gunshots and Snarls*

'The others' he thought with widen eyes of horror.

'They must be fighting the Kaijus' he gulps hard. 'Dammit, what's the use, they are overpowering us every chance they get, we aren't gonna survive this, why can't they see that, WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!'

Suddenly a loud terrifying roar came in, shooking the building, in panic, Homura held onto the wall, it felt like the building would collapse just by the mere sound of it, and worse. He looks up with widen eyes of horror.

'It's coming from the top'

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