The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 125 - Operation "Take Down The Alpha" (Part 2)

"Dammit Sand are you gonna seat there!" Raiden hissed shooting at the Kaiju's with his sniper gun.

Sand was seated on the floor, his back against the edge of the rooftop.

His hair covered his eyes, his knees against his chest, his lips pressed in a thin line.

With no response.

"Dammit, what's with you?!" Raiden hissed not taking his eyes off the far targets.

Wire squealing could be heard as Aimi slide up squatting on the edge taking harsh breath.

"I have only been able to take out 4" she said with shaking eyes, her gun had steams from the muzzle signifying the many bullets she has shot but only got 4 Kaiju's at the end.

She sighs.

"Sooner or later we are gonna run out of bullets and our supplies are way down there" she said with shaky eyes of horror as she stared at the Hellhound beneath.

"Hey Aimi, do you know what's wrong with Sand? He should get up and fight, we can't have anyone slacking" Raiden said finally facing her.

Aimi's bio-genetics eyes drift to Sand seated at the space, she looks away.

"It's none of my business" she murmured with dark looks, as she slide down back to attacking the Kaiju's.

Raiden was puzzled, as his eyes lands on Sand, he didn't know what to say neither did he know what to do.


*Harsh Breath*




*Heavy Breathing*




*Heart Slamming Loudly*

Homura was in a tight space breathing heavily, his body shock in extreme fear, his hand clenched his head tightly, he got separated from the others when the Kaiju's attacked, he remembered as he kept running and running without looking back not knowing what to do and then he found himself here, inside this building.

*Distance Gunshots and Snarls*

'The others' he thought with widen eyes of horror.

'They must be fighting the Kaijus' he gulps hard. 'Dammit, what's the use, they are overpowering us every chance they get, we aren't gonna survive this, why can't they see that, WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!'

Suddenly a loud terrifying roar came in, shooking the building, in panic, Homura held onto the wall, it felt like the building would collapse just by the mere sound of it, and worse. He looks up with widen eyes of horror.

'It's coming from the top' he panics more. What could be that thing, a bear? A dragon?

"A Kaiju?" He said with trembling eyes, but that sound can't belong to a Kaiju, then what was it? His body shock in fear more, hie eyes fixed on the ceiling, after the ceiling was the rooftop and he was right beneath whatever that thing was.

He gulps hard.


Hiro took harsh breaths running on the rooftops and jumping with the help of the Gunbelt, Yuki beside him, running also.

They got to an area they halt, all gathered together on the a particular rooftop, Touka took harsh breath, it was impossible to keep up with these kids, they were insanely fast, if it wasn't for the Gunbelt she would have been left far behind.

She turns to the a distance where the gunshot could be heard.

"From this far distance" she said gulping hard.

"The Alpha was able to control the Kaiju's" she adds with shaky eyes.

"Shino, Hiro" Ten said elated.

"Why is Dr. Touka here?" Haya asked.

"She's here to support" Shino said with a smile agaisnt his lips.

"Hiro, did you sustain any injures at all?" Touka asked worried knowing if he did it won't be good, he didn't have a bio-genetics traits after all. The rest stares at her puzzled except Yuki, but they quickly shoved it off.

Hiro shakes his head negatively.

"I'm fine" he said in simple tone.

Touka too a deep breath of relief.

"Our main priority is taking down the Alpha" Shino said in a serious tone as he walks ahead, he squat a bit along with the others.

"Is that it?" Haya began with shaky eyes.

"The Alpha?"

"Yes" Hiro said sternly, it was the exact strange aura he felt one year ago, the aura wasn't just red but a very wild one, around like a flame, spreading around wildly, at the center was a black flame on top of its head.

"It's so different" Touka said wide eyes starting at the monster five buildings away.

Yuki had wide eyes staring at it.

On a rooftop, the Alpha growled deeply. It wasn't like the rest of the Kaiju but different. It has long legs on all fours, having sharp large claws, hunched back-like position, meat-like skin which was reddish-brown just like the other Kaiju's but was bigger and taller than the rest. No eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no skin, vibrating like a humming sound, ready to detect anything a mile away. It also had shark-like teeth but having two canine teeth, very sharp like a saber tooth. Two big deadly horns at its head.

"Commander Shino, I'm sure you have a plan to take that thing down" Yuki said facing him, they all did.

"Yes I do" he said sternly facing them.

"We're attacking it head on"

"Head on?" Hiro hissed.

"Yes Hiro, the pack is being occupied right now so it just 5 of us against the Alpha, we have the upper hand" Shino said.

His eyes then land on Haya.

"Haya" he said.

She read his lips.

"When Ten, Hiro, Yuki and I, keep the Alpha distracted then you come in... I want you to gather as much vibration as you can get and focus it at the Alpha, your powers are like a nuclear bomb if displayed, that's the best chance we have of defeating the Alpha" he states.

Haya's eyes turned determined but she sweated a bit, she wasn't really sure she could pull a power display bigger than the last one she did, the last one took a toll on her body, how was this one gonna affect her?

"But Commander Shino, Haya's powers maybe effective, but it has a limit, we can't risk it" Ten hissed with stern eyes.

She read his lips, she knew what he said. 'Ten' she thought with shaky eyes. 'Is he worried about me?' 

"I know" Shino said sternly as his eyes lands on Hiro.

"That's where you come in.... Hiro!".

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