The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 130 - One Soldier, A Stick

Touka rips Yuki's shirt, only around her stomach area, she gasps when she saw her stomach embodied in black blood within, signifying internal injury.

Hiro's heart slammed a loud heartbeat when he senses it, his brain fuzzing and snapping, his body stiff and paled, his inner body succumbing to pain and anger.

"I don't have enough equipment here," Touka said with widened eyes of horror, these kids' conditions were too much to handle all by herself, she needed help.

"The Alpha" Ten said weakly as he forced his body up, Haya and Homura helped his seat up.

"Yuki's blade couldn't even scratch it, it was almost like," he said with widened eyes of horror.

"Almost like our blood weapons don't work on it".

They froze at his theory as extreme fear shocked their body.

"That thing is on a whole different level, Haya-chan's energy would have been able to cut but it deflected it using its horn, nothing else can work, nothing," he said with, trembling body.

"Ten," Haya said with sad eyes reading his lips.

"We can't defeat the Alpha, at this rate" the tears fell from his eyes.

"We aren't gonna make it alive" he adds crying.

"The others risking their lives to keep the rest of the Kaijus distracted aren't gonna make it at this rate" he held his head shaking.

"I can't think of anything" he shakes more.

"I can't think of any solution" he sobs as his eyes drift to Shino and his state, which he saw earlier, that's broke his heart to a million pieces, this was too much.

"We are in no position to fight anymore... it's over".

Hiro's lips pressed in a thin line, his bag beside him, he grabs it bringing out the small black stick.

He slowly rose to his feet, his body shock in tremendous pain but he ignores it.

*Sounds Of Footsteps*

All eyes land on him as limps to the front.

"Hiro?" Touka said with trembling eyes puzzled by his actions.

In silence Hiro limps to the destroyed edge standing in front, they all watch him with wide eyes, was he seriously thinking of fighting?

The wind blew around caressing his spiky red hair, flapping his clothes, the stick stretched to its normal height.

"Hey Hiro," Ten said rising to his feet, his eyes trembling.

"What are you thinking of doing?" He asks, stiff.

Hiro's mind replayed the state they were in.

"Yuki..." he said with clenched teeth, remembering her internal injury.

"Ten". His body was covered in series of cuts.

"Shino". His amputated arm, and his body lying unconscious, on the cold floor as well as Yuki's.

"I can't take it" he adds as a tear slide down his cheek, it was like his chest was squeezing tightly from an unknown pain, in response to that, he clenched his hand against his chest, his teeth clenching more. His grip against the black stick tightens more, his sense drifts to the Alpha circling on the rooftop. His body boiled in rage, his heart slamming loudly in his chest, that thing was the cause of everything, that thing was the reason his friend's where in this condition, that thing was the reason their comrades were dying like sheep's, that thing was the reason their comrades were risking their lives.

"Hiro?" Touka said with shaky eyes, her eyes lands on his hand gripping his stick, she froze when she saw his blood travelling through his veins down to his hand and then to the stick, the black body embodied with crimson lines.

'How's that possible?' Touka thought with shaky eyes, she couldn't believe her eyes. 'Hiro's not on the Sp2 stage... there's no possible way you can do what the bio-genetics can... its not possible.... unless' her wide eyes shaking vigorously. 'Is he in the Sp3 stage already?'

The Alpha a few distance away, stops in its track, sniffing the air as a scent caught its nose, it growled deeply as it turns its head to the direction. It snarled when it caught the location of Hiro and the rest.

Zooming in to its inner senses it saw Hiro aura, it growled out steams from his mouth, the color, the smell of it.

"The Alpha" Homura panics.

"It's looking right at us" he hissed, his body shaking in extreme fear.

'No' Ten thought with shaky eyes. 'It's looking right at Hiro... but why' he thought deeply, puzzled by the fact or maybe the Alpha finally caught their attention but for so reason he knew the Alpha attention was on Hiro. In response to that Ten's eyes lands back on Hiro, his mouth went apart, along with the others as they saw his body illuminating in a dark blue aura, it was bright, swirling around him in a most captivating way.

That moment Yuki's eyes slowly opened, her head turned to Hiro seeing the bright light around him.

"Hiro," Yuki said weakly.

'No' Touka thought in total bewilderment. 'He's entering the sp3 stage right now... it has to be!' she was lost of words, something as enticing as this was happening before her, she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"The blue aura around him," Haya said with shaky eyes, the color, the wave, it was so bright and enthralling.

"Amazing" Homura said with shaky eyes.

Seeing the bright blue aura, The Alpha roared loudly that shock the earth, going down like it was about to launch right at the building, but instead its throat beamed blue all the way to its mouth, round energy forged in its mouth.

"It's doing that thing again" Ten hissed in a panic knowing one hit from that energy will surely destroy them.

Hiro's grip on his stick tighten more as his blood flowed more into it, his other hand came gripping on it also, in a fighting stance. It was him against that thing, all odds against him, him against that energy with just a mere stick but yet he didn't fudge, neither did he shake, because he knew he was protecting his FRIENDS!!!.

With a loud roar, the energy came in lightning speed.

"HIRO!!" Yuki shouts sitting up as her eyes wide in horror.

It was him against the energy that will destroy him to bits in less than a second and yet he stood before it as it came....

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