The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 131 - Hold On!!!

"I can't take it" he adds as a tear slid down his cheek, it was like his chest was squeezing tightly from an unknown pain, in response to that, he clenched his hand against his chest, his teeth clenching more. His grip against the black stick tightens more, his sense drifts to the Alpha circling on the rooftop. His body boiled in rage, his heart slamming loudly in his chest, that thing was the cause of everything, that thing was the reason his friends were in this condition, that thing was the reason their comrades were dying like sheep's, that thing was the reason their comrades were risking their lives.

"Hiro?" Touka said with shaky eyes, her eyes lands on his hand gripping his stick, she froze when she saw his blood traveling through his veins down to his hand and then to the stick, the black body embodied with crimson lines.

'How's that possible?' Touka thought with shaky eyes, she couldn't believe her eyes. 'Hiro's not on the Sp2 stage... there's no possible way you can do what the bio-genetics can... it's not possible.... unless' her wide eyes shaking vigorously. 'Is he in the Sp3 stage already?'

The Alpha a few distances away, stops in its track, sniffing the air as a scent caught its nose, it growled deeply as it turns its head in the direction. It snarled when it caught the location of Hiro and the rest.

Zooming into its inner senses it saw Hiro's aura, it growled out steams from his mouth, the color, the smell of it.

"The Alpha" Homura panics.

"It's looking right at us" he hissed, his body shaking in extreme fear.

'No' Ten thought with shaky eyes. 'It's looking right at Hiro... but why' he thought deeply, puzzled by the fact or maybe the Alpha finally caught their attention but for so reason he knew the Alpha attention was on Hiro. In response to that Ten's eyes land back on Hiro, his mouth went apart, along with the others as they saw his body illuminating in a dark blue aura, it was bright, swirling around him in a most captivating way.

That moment Yuki's eyes slowly opened, her head turned to Hiro seeing the bright light around him.

"Hiro," Yuki said weakly.

'No' Touka thought in total bewilderment. 'He's entering the sp3 stage right now... it has to be!' she was lost of words, something as enticing as this was happening before her, she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"The blue aura around him," Haya said with shaky eyes, the color, the wave, it was so bright and enthralling.

"Amazing" Homura said with shaky eyes.

Seeing the bright blue aura, The Alpha roared loudly that shock the earth, going down like it was about to launch right at the building, but instead its throat beamed blue all the way to its mouth, round energy forged in its mouth.

"It's doing that thing again" Ten hissed in a panic knowing one hit from that energy will surely destroy them.

Hiro's grip on his stick tighten more as his blood flowed more into it, his other hand came gripping on it also, in a fighting stance. It was him against that thing, all odds against him, him against that energy with just a mere stick but yet he didn't fudge, neither did he shake, because he knew he was protecting his FRIENDS!!!.

With a loud roar, the energy came in lightning speed.

"HIRO!!" Yuki shouts sitting up as her eyes wide in horror.

It was him against the energy that will destroy him to bits in less than a second and yet he stood before it as it came.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS AGAIN... SO GO TO HELL, YOU MONSTER!!!!" Hiro shouts on top of his lungs as the aura around him went wide, along with his spiky red hair as they mixed with the aura around him, the tips of the spikes going blue, beaming brightly all the way to the roots, a mixture of his natural hair color and the blue aura color.

The energy came.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" he gave a loud ear-piercing battle cry sound as he uses the black stick embodied with red lines to slam the energy ball, it collides, shocking the entire area as well as the building.

The others stood their ground so that they wouldn't fly away by the intense wind, or worse the building might collapse just by the mere shocking sound almost like an earthquake or worst.

"SHINO-SAN!!!" Ten shouts seeing that Shino's unconscious body was moving, almost flying away.

He quickly rush as he grabs Shino, holding him firm, he almost flew himself but he held on to a wire embodied in the building.

Others held onto something.

Hiro growled as the energy slides him backward, the ground beneath his feet cracking in craters. But still, he stood his ground, he had to or else his friends were gonna die.

His hands were killing him, he felt like his skin was burning just by the effect of the raw energy power, his stick was surprising enough still intact but for how long? He couldn't tell... all he knew was he had to hold on, no matter what.

The Alpha wasn't backing down it was so bent on destroying them.

'Hold on!' Hiro hissed in his head with clenched teeth. 'You have to hold on Hiro... HOLD ON!!!!' his parents face flashed in his head, they were smiling at him. 'HOLD ON!!!' his teeth clenched more. A picture of Shinzo smiling brightly also appeared, and then Shino, Ten, in their aura form how he as always recognized them, the fatter boy shaped aura which was Ten and the tall figure which was Shino. 'HOLD ON!!!'. The black stick cracks.

Yuki's white aura appeared also, the feminine structure, the shape.

The stick cracks again.

"HOLD ON!!!" he shouts as everything went bright.

The harsh wind around died down, as the intense shocking and vibrating stopped.

Everyone's closed eyes opened, it then lands on Hiro, steams were present until it clears.

Ten's eyes widen in shock staring at what was before him.

"His stick..." he was baffled, others were too.


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