The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 139 - Love Is In The Air

"So it just went back to being the normal useless stick it was" Ten said adjusting his glasses observing Hiro's blood weapon, which was back to the black stick.

"I thought of speaking to Engr. Kazuya about it" Hiro said, he needed an explanation about it.

"Well Engr. Kazuya forged our blood weapon according to our blood type, and request, there isn't much she can do, the activation is up to us" Ten said handling Hiro back his stick.

"But I never told her what I wanted, I simply just said i hate guns" Hiro said.

"Well that explains it Hiro" Haya said.

They turned to her.

"You said you hate gun and then she gave you this instead so that what you desire will forge as your weapon, its a really deep manipulation if you ask me, Engr. Kazuya is a design genius, a genius known for inventing weapon beyond our wildest imagination and more adding our infected blood that can manipulate objects" she explained.

"That explain it" Shino said.

"It's not just about Engr. Kazuya design but our blood, what we are capable of and how we manipulate objects to our use" he said.

"So you mean" Hiro's fist tightens.

"It's transformed because of my blood"

'A blood still mutating' Ten thought with shaky eyes. 'Was able to create that much effect... but' he thought deeply, he remembered the astonished looks on Dr. Touka's face.

'From her looks... it could be because Hiro must have so suddenly entered the Sp3 stage which we're all in, it's only explainable' his eyes lands on Hiro. 'Hiro could be in the Sp3 stage right now'

Homura eyes lands on his blood weapon lying beside him, it in a brown pack so it couldn't be seen. A blood weapon he hasn't used, his eyes sadden.

He observed the others he sat with. 'All of them' his eyes shakes. 'They look strong, they have all faced death... and I' he trembles more.


"Wanting to live..." Hiro began.

"And being a coward are two different things"


He froze as his eyes widen when he remembers Hiro's words to him one year ago, his looks darken as he slowly rise to his feet grabbing his blood weapon.

"I'm sleepy so I will head out first" Homura said with a forced smiled against his lips.

"Sure Homura" Shino said with a smile against his lips.

Homura's eyes shakes. 'Even after the state he's in, he still smiles' he thought looking away.

"See you guys later" he said turning to leave.

His lips pressed in a thin line.

"He doesn't look like he's okay" Yuki said with a straight face.

"Everyone is still pretty shaken up about what happened, give him a break Yuki" Ten said rising an eyebrow.

Yuki just shrugs.


With his gaze glued to the ground, Homura walks the lonely lobby lost in thought, he took a deep sigh. 'Everyone' his eyes shakes. 'They all faced life and death and I just...' He halts his steps, his lips pressed in a thin. 'Idiot Homura' his teeth clenched. 'You were trying to stay alive, don't worry yourself about it' he shakes his head to snap out if his.

"Surviving" his eyes shakes.

"It's all that matters" he adds. 'Without fighting' his fist clenched.


A tiny voice came in, catching Homura's attention, he looks around in the lonely lobby, puzzled.

"A-aren't you on guard duty?". This time it sounds more clear, it was a female's.

He trace the voice walking towards it.

"It's okay, my shift is over, I really wanna see you, if that's okay". Another came in it was a male. And all the voices sounds familiar.

Hiding behind a wall his eyes finally land on Raiden and Asano in a corner, he froze as his eyes widen, his heart slamming loudly in his chest.

Both of them were so close, Asano gulped to the wall by Raiden, her head tilted backwards to his gaze, her cheeks flushed as well as Raiden, their hands locked together, as well as their bodies in that position.

She nods her head.

"It's okay, Raiden-kun" she said softly.

Homura's heart slammed the loudest beat ever as he watches the two display their affections for each other.

"From now on you stick with me okay? So that I can keep you safe" he said.

"B-but I'm on the Medical Team and you're on the Field Team" she reasons.

He sighs, knowing it was a true fact and it pained him to the core that they weren't on the same Team.

Homura heard footstep approaching, he turns in panic.

"I need a bath" Kaname murmured scratching his hair. 

Suddenly someone grabs him, pulling him behind a wall.


Homura quickly hush him to keep shut, seeing that it was Homura. But then he gave him a puzzled look for grabbing him.

"What's your deal?" He snaps silently but then he paused when his nose sniff.

"Love is in the air" he states.

Homura sweat drop behind his head.

"The what now?" Homura said with twitching eyebrow.

Kaname's eyes shinned like a sniper as he peeps seeing Raiden and Asano in their love play.

"Oh the couple of the year" he said smirking devilishly.

"Hey Kaname don't make a sound" Homura hissed silently.

"Relax Homura, check this out" Kaname said in amusement, as he squats.

"Let me let you on some tips" he began, knowing this was his speciality.

"Right at the moment now he's gonna touch her cheek gently" he said.

Homura gave him a puzzled look turning to the couple, he froze when he saw Raiden doing exactly what he said.

Raiden gently used his thumb to stroke her cheek gently.

"And she's gonna feel it" Kaname said.

Asano blushes more as she shut her eyes close, tightly, shivering slightly.

"Raiden-kun" she said softly.

"Now his gaze will drift to those lips of hers, imagining what it will taste like" he went on.

Homura gulps at his words.

"What lips taste like?" he said with shaky eyes, watching Raiden who now had his gaze on her lips.

He could tell he was tense just by the look of it.

"Eager to find out, he will lean down gently, slowly not to alarm her".

Homura's heart beat loudly in his chest, seeing Raiden doing exactly what he explained.

His head bending downwards slowly.

'He's doing it' Homura thought alarmed. 'He's really doing it... he's gonna...

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