The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 140 - Sample

"I need a bath" Kaname murmured scratching his hair, he didn't smell right, and he wasn't so sure he was gonna get that bath, there wasn't a sight of single water from a mile away.

Suddenly someone grabs him, pulling him behind a wall.


Homura quickly hush him to keep shut, seeing that it was Homura. But then he gave him a puzzled look for grabbing him.

"What's your deal?" He snaps silently but then he paused when his nose sniff.

"Love is in the air" he states.

Homura sweat drop behind his head.

"The what now?" Homura said with twitching eyebrow.

Kaname's eyes shinned like a sniper as he peeps seeing Raiden and Asano in their love play.

"Oh the couple of the year" he said smirking devilishly.

"Hey Kaname don't make a sound" Homura hissed silently.

"Relax Homura, check this out" Kaname said in amusement, as he squats.

"Let me let you on some tips" he began, knowing this was his speciality.

"Right at the moment now he's gonna touch her cheek gently" he said.

Homura gave him a puzzled look turning to the couple, he froze when he saw Raiden doing exactly what he said.

Raiden gently used his thumb to stroke her cheek gently.

"And she's gonna feel it" Kaname said.

Asano blushes more as she shut her eyes close, tightly, shivering slightly.

"Raiden-kun" she said softly.

"Now his gaze will drift to those lips of hers, imagining what it will taste like" he went on.

Homura gulps at his words.

"What lips taste like?" he said with shaky eyes, watching Raiden who now had his gaze on her lips.

He could tell he was tense just by the look of it.

"Eager to find out, he will lean down gently, slowly not to alarm her".

Homura's heart beat loudly in his chest, seeing Raiden doing exactly what he explained.

His head bending downwards slowly.

'He's doing it' Homura thought alarmed. 'He's really doing it... he's gonna...' He gulps hard once again as their lips almost touch.

His eyelid twitch, they weren't stopping, and both of them didn't hesitant, they were gonna DO IT. And they were both gonna watch.

Their lips brushed against each other.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Homura shouts.

Raiden and Asano instantly pulled away from each other, Asano blushed like a red tomatoes, almost fainting.

Raiden had a stun look having no idea someone was watching them.

"I'm sorry but I can't take it" he said with anime tears looking down, but then he paled like a blank paper.

"Huh?" He made a sound dumbfounded, the space Kaname occupied was empty, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Traitor!" He hissed.

An angry vein popped out of Raiden forehead.


"I can explain!".


"Connecting to base" Kazuya said adjusting the headset she wore and the small mic close to her lips.

The interface computers before her were nothing but static screens.

General Anzai and Sergeant Tori were behind her waiting.

"And we're online" she adds as the screen showed a video chat with the Prime Minister.

"Prime Minister Kiyoshi" Anzai said saluting along with Tori.

Kiyoshi had an unreadable expression.

"Report!" He demands.


On top of a flat boulder dressed with white cloth, some medical equipment were present.

Touka inserted the test plate beneath the microscope.

A small specimen test machine was beside her, it was oval in shape as the top rotates.

"You're done for today, go get some rest" Kenta said to Izumi and Mary. Both of them along with Asano, were what was left of the medical team.

They nod walking away.

"It's a good thing you were able to collect samples from the Alpha" Hachiro said, he was seated in front of Touka inbetween the lay out equipment.

"It's important, I could I forget" Touka said. 

Hachiro eyes wandered around, luckily Kenta and Kashi were gone.

He faced Touka back with a more serious expression.

"Is that Hiro's blood sample?"

"Yes" she replied, her gaze going to the binoculars of the microscope.

Hachiro could still remember everything Touka told him about Hiro's fight with the Alpha.

"Well what does it say?" He asked with itching anticipation knowing Touka has been testing his blood to know what stage he was in.

She took her gaze off the binoculars.

"That's the point Hachiro, I can't identify it, I have been at it for hours thinking the equipment were broken or something due to the attack but that's not the case" she said puzzled.

"What are you trying to say, Touka-san?"

"I'm saying Hiro's stage is unidentified"

He froze at her words.

"You mean like Sp0?".


Behind the wall, close to the entrance of the small room, Ten was present, his glasses blank white as he listened closely.


"At some point that's the name for it, there are solely just 4 stages of the virus we discovered over the years. Sp1- the early stage of symptoms they all undergo at first, of bleeding from their eyes, nose and mouth. Sp2- the mutation of their cells, where Hiro originally was. Sp3- the stage of being a bio-genetics and the abilities they posses and then the Sp4- death, that we're keeping the bio-genetics from reaching with the help of the serum we invented SPS (Synthetic Proliferation)" Touka states.

"Sp1, Sp2, Sp3 and Sp4... all the stages of the Sp-virus and yet Hiro is in none of these stage" Hachiro said with shaky eyes.

Touka was as just as confused as he was, it was difficult to decipher, because this virus was still unknown to them and they were still studying it, if more stage keeps popping out without them knowing then this will surely get out of hand.

"What does this mean?" Hachiro said puzzled.

"In means in the moment of desperation, a life and death situation... instead of Hiro entering the normal level of stage he should be in, Sp3, he rather created a stage known as Sp0, an unidentified stage of the virus" Ten said walking in.

They turned to him in awe.

"Permit my intrusion..." he adds adjusting his glasses as they cleared revealing his green eyes.

"....but I believe that's the solid point you're looking for".

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