The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 141 - Theory, New Stage, Results, New Orders

On top of a flat boulder dressed with white cloth, some medical equipment were present.

Touka inserted the test plate beneath the microscope.

A small specimen test machine was beside her, it was oval in shape as the top rotates.

"You're done for today, go get some rest" Kenta said to Izumi and Mary. Both of them along with Asano, were what was left of the medical team.

They nod walking away.

"It's a good thing you were able to collect samples from the Alpha" Hachiro said, he was seated in front of Touka in between the lay out equipment.

"It's important, I could I forget" Touka said. 

Hachiro eyes wandered around, luckily Kenta and Kashi were gone.

He faced Touka back with a more serious expression.

"Is that Hiro's blood sample?"

"Yes" she replied, her gaze going to the binoculars of the microscope.

Hachiro could still remember everything Touka told him about Hiro's fight with the Alpha.

"Well what does it say?" He asked with itching anticipation knowing Touka has been testing his blood to know what stage he was in.

She took her gaze off the binoculars.

"That's the point Hachiro, I can't identify it, I have been at it for hours thinking the equipment were broken or something due to the attack but that's not the case" she said puzzled.

"What are you trying to say, Touka-san?"

"I'm saying Hiro's stage is unidentified"

He froze at her words.

"You mean like Sp0?".


Behind the wall, close to the entrance of the small room, Ten was present, his glasses blank white as he listened closely.


"At some point that's the name for it, there are solely just 4 stages of the virus we discovered over the years. Sp1- the early stage of symptoms they all undergo at first, of bleeding from their eyes, nose and mouth. Sp2- the mutation of their cells, where Hiro originally was. Sp3- the stage of being a bio-genetics and the abilities they posses and then the Sp4- death, that we're keeping the bio-genetics from reaching with the help of the serum we invented SPS (Synthetic Proliferation)" Touka states.

"Sp1, Sp2, Sp3 and Sp4... all the stages of the Sp-virus and yet Hiro is in none of these stage" Hachiro said with shaky eyes.

Touka was as just as confused as he was, it was difficult to decipher, because this virus was still unknown to them and they were still studying it, if more stage keeps popping out without them knowing then this will surely get out of hand.

"What does this mean?" Hachiro said puzzled.

"It means in the moment of desperation, a life and death situation... instead of Hiro entering the normal level of stage he should be in, Sp3, he rather created a stage known as Sp0, an unidentified stage of the virus" Ten said walking in.

They turned to him in awe.

"Permit my intrusion..." he adds adjusting his glasses as they cleared revealing his green eyes.

"...but I believe that's the solid point you're looking for".

"Ten" Touka said stun.

Hachiro looks harden as he rise to his feet.

"How much do you know?" He demands in a serious tone.

"Hachiro!" Touka hissed not liking his tone.

"Not much but enough to tell that Mosu knows... he's the one who told me" Ten said folding his arms.

They froze at his words.

"This is bad, if Mosu knows... then he could" Touka eyes shakes at the outcome and disaster it would cause, especially when the Prime Minister finds out.

"Relax Dr. Touka... Mosu is a cunning person, he surely won't go out and say it, rather he will play it smart and use it to his advantage" Ten said sternly.

"I guess this is something we can't escape then" Hachiro said facing Touka.

She gulps.

"This was bound to happen" he turns to Ten.

"Let's hope Mosu is the kind of person you say he is" he adds.

Ten adjusts his glasses.


He turns to Touka.

"You didn't confront Hiro about it, did you?" she asked with pleading eyes knowing it was already tough on him already.

Ten sighs.

"No, couldn't bring myself to" He adds with sad eyes.

"I see" Touka said.

"What you said earlier about Hiro entering the Sp0 stage as a result of life and death, this theory of yours, how positive it is?" Hachiro asked knowing there was more, given the genius Ten was.

"Well because, we all gained our powers when we all experienced the situation of life and death, the first training in the stimulation to be exact, so that could only explain how Hiro created a stage for himself or..."

"Or what" Hachiro asked intrigued.

"It could be a stage that exist within the virus that we didn't know about"

"This won't do, we have to get back to base if we were to analyse this theory more" Touka said for certain.


He looks at Hachiro.

"Do us a favour and keep an eye on Hiro, anything out of the ordinary, you let us know" he said.

"You're asking me to spy on my friend?" Ten said not liking the sound of it.

"It's for his own good!"

"Hachiro!" Touka hissed.

She sighs.

"Enough please" she said with shaky eyes as she faced them.

"Ten you don't need to do anything you're not comfortable with" she began.

"All we should be concerned about is this new stage, we know nothing about... nothing shows on the test of how we can study it and avert any incoming dangers... nothing" she said emphasising the word nothing clearly.

"The SPS Hiro still takes it right?" Ten asked.

"Yes he does but a different kind" she said.

Ten blinks puzzled.

"What do you mean by a different kind?"

"A kind that was meant to make sure he gets to the Sp3 stage fast, staying in the Sp2 stage for long could have cause complications in his body" Hachiro states firmly.

Ten's eyes went wide.

"It was merely a way to help Hiro but rather the results we got wasn't what we expected" Hachiro explained.

"He will go back to the regular SPS, slowing down whatever stage he's in now is the only solution" Touka said.

That moment the specimen test machine made a beeping sound, their attention averts to it instantly.

"Is that?" Ten said, certain it was a specimen test machine. 'The Kaiju's samples... they are testing it' Ten thought for sure gulping hard.

"Seems like the testing is done, we will lay out the results" Hachiro said.

Touka gave a slight nod.

He turns back to Ten.

"You can leave now Ten, leave Mosu to me, I know what to do" Hachiro said sternly.

Ten sweats profusely. 'Why does his look have to be always scary and moody?' Ten thought with twitching eyebrow.

"Um okay" Ten said turning to leave, he was curious to know what the Kaiju samples said but he figured he would find out later.

Making sure Ten was out, he turns back to Touka already checking the results.

"Well? What does it say? What species are these things?" He asked.

Touka turned to Hachiro with a mortified look, her eyes wide in horror.

"It said..." her eyes trembled vigorously.

"... human"

Hachiro eyes went wide in shock as his heart slammed a loud beat.



"I see" Prime Minister Kiyoshi said sternly having heard everything that happened from General Anzai.

In the video, he had a stern unreadable expression, the back of his hands to his jaw, his arm resting on the glass table.

"Out of 51 bio-genetics only 30 remains" he said faintly but they heard him.

"I would like to know what our next step will be on this, there are causalities that would take days to heal, our supplies shorten, we don't know what we might encounter on the way again, we have a reason to believe there might be another pack and an Alpha" Anzai said sternly.

Kazuya shivers just by the mere sound Alpha, she could still remember the horrifying roar sound that got her body shaking.

"I see" Kiyoshi said as his lips pressed in a thin line.

"Have samples been collected of the Kaijus?" He asked.

"Yes Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai replied.

"But they are still being tested"

He closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them.

"This is my next order" he began rising to his feet, his fingers against the table.

"Continue the mission!" He announced.

Kazuya froze as her eyes widen, this can't be right not after what the bio-genetics have been through, not after what they have been through.

She turns to Anzai and Tori seeing the looks on their faces it then dawn on her. 'I see' thought facing forwards, her lips pressed in a thin line. 'They knew this would happen' her body trembled. 'They are used to the fact that no matter the casualties as long as they can still move, the mission takes utmost priority, is this what being a soldier means?' Her eyes shakes.

"Reclaiming Fukuoka is necessary and important for the sake of humanity to have a stationed base on the surface. But there will be a change of plans" he said.

"You all will no longer have to operate this base but rather be the protectors to lead the personnel's who would run the base, due to the casualties you suffered" he adds.

"So this will turn out to be an escort mission then" Anzai said sternly.

Kiyoshi nods.

"I shall dispatch 30 personnel that will run the new base in Fukuoka.. This means as soon as your escort mission is over, you get to return to base".

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