The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 142 - Why We Strive

"I see" Prime Minister Kiyoshi said sternly having heard everything that happened from General Anzai.

In the video, he had a stern unreadable expression, the back of his hands to his jaw, his arm resting on the glass table.

"Out of 51 bio-genetics only 30 remains" he said faintly but they heard him.

"I would like to know what our next step will be on this, there are causalities that would take days to heal, our supplies shorten, we don't know what we might encounter on the way again, we have a reason to believe there might be another pack and an Alpha" Anzai said sternly.

Kazuya shivers just by the mere sound Alpha, she could still remember the horrifying roar sound that got her body shaking.

"I see" Kiyoshi said as his lips pressed in a thin line.

"Have samples been collected of the Kaijus?" He asked.

"Yes Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai replied.

"But they are still being tested"

He closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them.

"This is my next order" he began rising to his feet, his fingers against the table.

"Continue the mission!" He announced.

Kazuya froze as her eyes widen, this can't be right not after what the bio-genetics have been through, not after what they have been through.

She turns to Anzai and Tori seeing the looks on their faces it then dawn on her. 'I see' thought facing forwards, her lips pressed in a thin line. 'They knew this would happen' her body trembled. 'They are used to the fact that no matter the casualties as long as they can still move, the mission takes utmost priority, is this what being a soldier means?' Her eyes shakes.

"Reclaiming Fukuoka is necessary and important for the sake of humanity to have a stationed base on the surface. But there will be a change of plans" he said.

"You all will no longer have to operate this base but rather be the protectors to lead the personnel's who would run the base, due to the casualties you suffered" he adds.

"So this will turn out to be an escort mission then" Anzai said sternly.

Kiyoshi nods.

"I shall dispatch 30 personnel that will run the new base in Fukuoka. This means as soon as your escort mission is over, you get to return to base".

"Yes sir!" Anzai and Tori said in unison.

'30?' Kazuya thought with shaky eyes. Her lips pressed in a thin line. 'We're still going on with this' her eyes sadden. 'An escort mission now'

"Engr. Kazuya!"

"Kiyoshi-sama" she said standing up abruptly bowing her head slightly.

"The tech you created to jam the Kaiju's signal, is under construction, thanks to your design, we might have a way of shielding ourselves from these Kaiju's, it's a big step" Kiyoshi said.

"The team shall come to the surface in 2 days time, be ready" he adds final.

"Yes sir!"

The video went offline.

Kazuya sighed, she turned to the two soldiers behind her.

"You both knew we would still go on, didn't you?" Kazuya said for certain.

Tori's eyes sadden knowing she wasn't happy about the fact.

"The bio-genetics are no longer viewed as kids" Anzai began, shoving a cigar in between his lips, he haven't gotten a good smoke ever since.

"They are seen as soldiers" he states once again, lighting the tip of his cigar with a small silver lighter.

"You do know what that means, Engr. Kazuya", his red eyes lands on her.

Kazuya eyes sadden in response, understanding his point.

"I know, but-"

"The best I can do is keep them alive, no matter how, I have to try" he said sternly.

Kazuya eyes shakes at his words.

"General Anzai" Tori said sadly.

Anzai blew a smoke from his lips, their deaths still replayed in his head, it wasn't the first time he had seen his comrades died before him, even then he was an SFGp member (Japan's Green Berets and Delta Force) they still engage in some battles that lead to bloodshed.

"All we have to do is survive this, whatever we may face on our journey to Fukuoka, we have to stay strong" his eyes shakes in response.

"Otherwise the death of the 70 bio-genetics from the very beginning will all be in vain" he states not breaking gaze with her.

Kazuya's eyes trembled at his words.

"We strive to reclaim the surface, for humanity... that motto isn't simply just words, I can hear it in their hearts as they died for us, I still hear it, i still hear their voices, which is why we have to keep moving no matter what"

A tear slide down from one of Kazuya eye.


Close to the place, Shino a few minutes ago was almost entering, to consult Genersl Anzai about something, but overhearing their conversation he stopped, his eyes trembling at his words.


"This is bigger than all of us Kazuya, there are so many loopholes in this so called end of the world, our will to reclaim the surface will cover all that, we have to keep moving" he states.


Shino's fist tightens a he turned walking away, Anzai's words ringing in his head, he walked all the way back to where the rest of the bio-genetics were in, he was sure it was pass midnight but none of them seemed to find the will to sleep, they were all still awake, mostly staring at the automatic flame in center keeping them warm. How could they? How could they have an eye shut after what they have all been through?

With lips pressed in a thin line he walks all the way to another corner, walking further away from all of them, to another side of the building.

"183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190..." 

He heard struggled counting, he halts his step instantly, turning to a corner he could see some light from that area, curious he walks towards it.

He came in view of Hiro doing one hand push up, seeing his state you could tell he has been going for hours.

His jacket was off, revealing the black sleeveless net shirt he wore beneath, his body with beads of sweat.

Yuki was seated on a boulder adjusting a couple of gun, her eyes then avert to Shino.

"Commander Shino" she said.

Shino froze knowing she caught notice of him.

Hiro stops his actions instantly.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt" he said stepping in fully.

Hiro rose to his feet.

"Don't worry about it" he said.

Shino smiled.

"Why are you doing push ups, your body is still in pain isn't it?" He asked puzzled.

"Yes... but I'm use to the pain, in order to more tolerant to it i exercise, it sought of implies the term Isometrics".


"Yes, I have a weak body, due to isometric i was able to eliminate that fact, but it wasn't easy" Hiro said as the one year replayed in his head, it wasn't easy at all.

"Commander Shino could use some isometric" Yuki said gaining their attention, she points the fixed gun to an area, closing one of her eyes.

Hiro gaze drift to his amputated right arm understanding what she meant.

"How good are you with your left hand, if you don't mind me asking" 

"Not that good apparently, I was kind of a lefty when growing up but I stopped so-"

Instantly a strong punch came at Shino fast, in panic he quickly dodged it using his left hand to hold it firm.

"What are you-"

"Your grip is strong, it still shows you're a lefty" Hiro said smirking.

Shino gulps. 'What is he?' Before he could think, Hiro waved his hand off as he sent another punch but Shino quickly deflects them as they kept coming fast at him, but Shino was firm and steady with his left hand.

With on spin, Hiro sent a high kick, Shino froze closing his eyes but the kick only stopped mid air, just a few inches to his face, a small breeze blew right pass him signifying the energy displayed.

"Your form is good" Hiro acknowledged.

At the sound of his voice, Shino slowly opened his eyes, meeting his combat boots, his eyes shakes.

Hiro pulled down his leg.

"So are you" he argued.

Hiro smiled.

"General Anzai taught you, didn't he?" He asked.

Hiro gave a nod.

"That means the past one year you weren't exactly bedridden were you?"

"No" he answers firm.

"I see" Shino said staring at palm, it clenched tightly.

"Show me how" he began.

Hieo turned to him.

"Show me how to build my body more, I don't want to be a liability" he states his eyes laced with seriousness.

Hiro froze at his words, remembering that was the same words he used a year ago, they were so similar and yet so different.

Shino was a friend Hiro never knew he had, he sacrificed an arm for him which would be forever inbuilt in his head, a debt he didn't know how to pay, a kindness he didn't know how to repay.

"You got it!" Hiro said pulling up his hand for him to grab.

Shino nods taking it, their palms clenched tightly against their each other.

They smirked in unison, marching each other in a perfect synch.

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