The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 148 - Escort Mission (Part 3)

'The doctors are covering for him also' he thought with clenched teeth. His eyes burning hate where he was.

'What's so special about him, huh?' His fist tighten on his throttle.

"Mosu, are you okay?" San asked puzzled behind him, he noticed how tensed his body was.

"I'm fine" he said sternly as his biogenetics eyes beamed dangerously.

"Perfectly fine" he adds.

San blinks puzzled, knowing he didn't sound fine.


"So far so good, I don't see anything" Sumi said looking around.

"Seems like we're getting to Fukuoka without any attack" she adds.

"But still, don't let your guard down, you know the Kaiju's are unpredictable" he states.

Sumi just rolled her eyes, it then lands on his robot arm.

"Nice arm" she said sarcastically.

"You totally took bad ass now... tell me what does it do" she said smirking.

Shino sighs knowing Sumi was starting again.

"Do you ever get tired of annoying people?" he began facing her, their eyes meet.

"What's with the sudden question" she asked grimacing.

"I'm curious to know" he said.

"Curious to know what?!"

"How you turned out like this" he states.

Sumi froze at his words, her eyes went wide... no one has ever been inquisitive about her, they were all so certain she was this way with her attitude but never for once ask her why.

A flick of blue light passed, Sumi gaps as her eyes travelled to it but it was too late as a blue beam of enegry smashed right in front of them causing a crash.


*Loud Ring Sound*

"Commander Shino"

"Commander Shino"

"Dammit Shino! Wake up!"

Shino groaned in pain slowly opening his eyes, he met with Hiro.

"Hiro?" He said.

Relief flushed Hiro's face.

"You're okay" he said helping him sit up.

He growled in pain, turning to his robot arm, it was turned the other way giving off electric sparks.

"The beam it came out nowhere" Hiro said.

Shino finally looked around, his hellhound was in pieces, he gulps hard at the sight, the rest of the Hellhound were in disarray but not completely destroyed.

"Sumi!" Shino panicked.

"Relax she's okay, Dr. Touka is tending to her," Hiro assured him.

He turned seeing Dr. Touka helping her bandage her leg, the bruise wasn't much.

Their eyes met but she looks away with a stern expression, Shino's eyes sadden.

"That crash" Sumi said with shaky eyes.

Touka paused her action.

"It should have killed us" she adds.

Touka blinked puzzled.

Sumi in her head, at that dire moment, it was like time stopped, she was puzzled by it but she knew Shino did something in a blink of an eye, but what? Because surely they should have ended up as that crushed Hellhound but they got out with just scratches.

"After the beam came at you guys, you crashed into us, we had to stop to check if there was other casualites" Hiro explained.

Shino held his head.

Yuki helped Izumi up, her body still shock in pain from the crash.

"Thank you Yuki" she said with a smile against her lips.

"Izumi are you okay?" Akira asked worried.

She nods.

"Our Hellhounds are jammed, it could take a while before we get it starting" Hiro said.

"Commander Shino, Hiro" Raiden said walking up to them.

They turned, he held his blood weapon at hand.

"I just finished surveying the entire area, not a single sight of Kaiju or any Alpha in sight, where the beam came from is still unknown" he said finding it hard to believe himself.

"That can't be right, that beam must have come from somewhere" Hiro said for certain but still he couldn't pinpoint any weird energy signal around, then what was it?

"Bio-genetics, how long are we gonna hang around in the middle of nowhere" a personnel said pissed walking up to them.

"We need to check if there's any potential threats around first, it might be risky to move right now and beside our Hellhound jammed a little, it could take some time before the engine starts up" Raiden said.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" He snaps.

"I say let get moving right now, the sooner we move the sooner we get to Fukuoka, we have no time to waste"

Hiro's teeth clenched a he rose to his feet abruptly, even though the man was taller than Hiro, he wasn't gonna let that stop him.

"As you can see, some of us are hurt, we can't just move without coordination!" Hiro hissed.

"I don't give a damn about coordination, you're just a bunch of soldiers aren't you... so follow the orders like a good boy and do your job and get us out of here!"

Hiro growled about coming at him, but Shino quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from acting wildly.

"Hiro!" He hissed.

"Tsk", Hiro made a sound annoyed, he was so ready to punch that bastards face, he didn't give any regard to his comrades that were injured from the crash or the current unknown state they were in, they only just give a damn about getting to Fukuoka unscathed.

The small device Yukio held made a beaming sound, he blinks at it puzzled.

"What is that?" Touka asked rising to her feet.

"Just a small signature device, but it's acting weird" he said puzzled staring at the red wave coming close to them.

"Just do your damn job and get us out of here!".

At the sound of the voice they turned to the screen, a personnel was was arguing with Hiro.

Hiro was beyond pissed at this moment, if it wasn't for Shino gripping his shoulder he would have launch at him and give him a piece of his mind.

Hiro was about to launch at him with words but then he paused as a feeling overwhelmed him.

Hiro paused as he moved his head behind the personnel, he sensed it, it was glossy almost like it was transparent, the shape, the movement, it was that of a Kaiju, he panicked because it was coming right at them fast and unseen almost like it was.....

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