The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 149 - Escort Mission (Part 4)

"Bio-genetics, how long are we gonna hang around in the middle of nowhere," the personnel said pissed walking up to them.

"We need to check if there are any potential threats around first, it might be risky to move right now and besides our Hellhound jammed a little, it could take some time before the engine starts up," Raiden said.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" He snaps.

"I say let get moving right now, the sooner we move the sooner we get to Fukuoka, we have no time to waste"

Hiro's teeth clenched as he rose to his feet abruptly, even though the man was taller than Hiro, he wasn't gonna let that stop him.

"As you can see, some of us are hurt, we can't just move without coordination!" Hiro hissed.

"I don't give a damn about coordination, you're just a bunch of soldiers, aren't you... so follow the orders like a good boy and do your job and get us out of here!"

Hiro growled about coming at him, but Shino quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from acting wildly.

"Hiro!" He hissed.

"Tsk", Hiro made a sound annoyed, he was so ready to punch that bastards face, he didn't give any regard to his comrades that were injured from the crash of the current unknown state they were in, they only just give a damn about getting to Fukuoka unscathed.

The small device Yukio held made a beaming sound, he blinks at it puzzled.

"What is that?" Touka asked rising to her feet.

"Just a small signature device, but it's acting weird," he said puzzled staring at the red wave coming close to them.

"Just do your damn job and get us out of here!".

At the sound of the voice they turned to the scene, a personnel was arguing with Hiro.

Hiro was beyond pissed at this moment, if it wasn't for Shino gripping his shoulder he would have launch at him and give him a piece of his mind.

Hiro was about to launch at him with words but then he paused as a feeling overwhelmed him.

Hiro paused as he moved his head behind the personnel, he sensed it, it was glossy almost like it was transparent, the shape, the movement, it was that of a Kaiju, he panicked because it was coming right at them fast and unseen almost like it was... invisible?

"GET DOWN" Hiro shouts bringing out his gun.

Seeing the gun all of the sudden, the personnel duck in fear.

The Kaiju's came in a few on-air, stunning everyone, it came right at Hiro but he quickly gave it a head shut, blood splashed as it drops to the ground in front of Hiro.

"A Kaiju?" Raiden said stun, everyone was shocked too.

Yuki senses picked more dangers coming ahead.

"They are coming!" She hissed.

Instantly come about 10 Kaiju's came at them coming out of their invisible shell, the bio-genetics attacked the Kaijus head-on.

Raiden cock his gun which was his blood weapon, looking like a sniper gun, he shot three at once, Hiro did too as they shoot at perfect synch.

Mosu growled as he uses his spear to pierce at two Kaijus at once.

San shoot at many as he could with his gun.

Asano uses her Crossbow and bolt around her wrist as she shot red arrows at the incoming Kaiju, but the force only just pushed it back she couldn't get a head shot.

It launch after her but Yuki quickly came into view as she uses her twin Katana sword to slay the Kaiju down.

"Yuki," she said stun.

The 10 Kaiju were defeated all dead on the ground as their bodies decayed, giving off hot steams.

"So what now they are invisible Kaiju's now!" Akira hissed pissed at the fact.

"That's all of them," Raiden said for certain seeing no threat around again.

"Are you okay Shino?" Hiro asked turning to him.

"Yes I'm fine... but I couldn't lift a finger though, I'm sorry," Shino said with sad eyes staring at his broken robot hand.

"It's okay, you don't have to," Hiro said.

Shino's eyes sadden more at his words.

Hiro turns to the personnel who was still squatting, hands on his head as he quivered in fear.

"How long are you gonna stay like that?" Hiro said grimacing, the man had a big mouth earlier but after seeing the Kaijus first hand he was quivering like a child, typical.

"We should move out of now" Sumi spoke up.

"Can anyone still not wrap their head about the invisible Kaijus that just attacked!" Akira hissed once more, was he the only one stunned by the fact?

"I wouldn't say invisible" Touka said sternly.

Their attention drifts to her.

"Earlier they were phasing" she began.

"Phasing?" Izumi said puzzled.

Touka nods.

"Faster than the normal eyes can see just like Daiki does whenever he's scared, he subconsciously phases" she explained.

"Then if Daiki phases and he's in the Sp3 stage then does that mean we're currently facing Sp3 Kaijus?" Hiro said almost panicking.

"It's most likely" Touka said with shaky eyes.

Yukio's device beeped again.

"It's doing that thing again," he said with shaky eyes as the red signature was forming around them in the device.

"Could this mean-"

Before he could finish his words, the two vehicles went up in a loud blast.

They turned as they watched in shock, stunned at the sudden move, they didn't sense anything, there wasn't any warning at all.

The vehicles went high in the air, the personnel's inside panics but it too late as from beneath a bigger Kaiju came forth, that caused the vehicles to somersault in the air was revealed.

It was an...

"AN ALPHA!" Shino shouts.

Instantly blue beams formed in its mouth directing at the vehicles, it caused a loud explosion as it drops down, the force pushing everything in a wave backwards, along with their Hellhounds everything crashing along with fire.


Team D

*Loud Distant Explosion*

On hearing the sound Anzai turned slightly to a distance.

"General Anazi" Tori said as they ride, knowing he heard it too.

"The explosion... it's coming from one of the routes".


Team B

"Ten do you hear that?!" Sand riding beside them, asked.

"Yes I did, it sounds like an explosion but I can't pinpoint where," Ten said puzzled.

"The comms are jamming again we can't get through to others," Kaname said ahead of them.

"Dammit!" Ten cursed. 'How will we stay in touch with the others?' He thought with clenched teeth.

"Ten," Haya said behind him, noticing how tense he was.


Team A

The Alpha roared loudly, long legs on all fours, having sharp large claws, hunched back-like position, meat-like skin which was reddish-brown just like the other Kaiju's but was bigger and taller than the rest. No eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no skin, vibrating like a humming sound, ready to detect anything a mile away. It also had shark-like teeth but having two canine teeth, very sharp like a sabre tooth. Two big deadly horns at its head, beaming a bright red colour like it was beating, you could hear the haunting sound.

What lay before it was nothing but destruction, flames around, the vehicles on fire with the personnel's burning inside.

"ASANO!!!" a loud shout came.

The Alpha's ears vibrates at the sound, tracing it, the flames aroud made it difficult.

"ASANO!" Raiden shouts with tears in his eyes.

He was on his knees, covered in cuts, bruises and slight burns from the fire, bleeding all over, his eyes gushed out endless tears as he stared at the horrifying sight before him.

About two Hellhounds were lying on Asano, due to the weight and force of it, she was crushed by it, her blood flowing endlessly around, he knew it was her because just her hand could be seen as  her remains, it held her blood weapon, so it was no doubt  her.

"Asano" he cried with wide eyes of horror as they shook vigorously, his trembling hands took her hand remains bringing it to his chest not minding the blood spilling.

Unable to take it anymore his head shook backwards as he gave an ear piercing shout in agonising pain.

Shino on the ground covered in dirt, having cuts and burns, his robot hand completely off his amputated arm due to the hard impact to the ground.

His eyes slowly open but his vision was blurry, he couldn't move, his body whole body was paralysed in pain.

His vision finally cleared, his weak gaze lands on Raiden crying and shouting.

A loud roar came that shook the earth, it was Alpha surely, he didn't have to move to tell it was it.

"Rai..." he said in a muffled voice, he couldn't speak, the pain was unbearable, his wounds were healing but too slow.

"Rai...Raid" he whispered, he had to find a way to warn him, he had to find a way to tell him to run or else he will be good as dead, he didn't know if anyone made it but he know it was a slim chance, the explosion was far well spread.

"Raid...Raiden" he tried once again, his teeth clenched in excruciating pain, the tears sliding down his cheeks as he tried to move his body but to no avail.

"Raiden..." he growled, his amputated arm lifting from the ground lightly, the tears sliding down his cheek.

The loud roar sound came again, the Alpha was coming.


".... run"

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