The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 189 - On Edge

Sand sat alone in the park watching the other kids play, he tried as hard to do so to allow the sinister figure beside him, the dark bloody figure of his little bro who followed him around.

Sand hair bangs now covered his eyes and he didn't mind, as long as his parents didn't have to look him in the eyes and be disgust.

"Ha... what a sunny day" a voice came in as a man sat beside him.

Sand turned to the strange man, he looked in his late forties, he had rings from the top of his ear down, also pierced, he had short brown hair, his eyes covered with round goggles, he was on a white suit, a yellow scarf around his neck. His skin was chocolate almost rare to see such color around here.

"Yo kid can you tell me where I can find the supermarket, I'm a bit lost, I ain't from around here" he said scratching the back of his head.

Sand stared at him dumb folded.

"Crap my bad, you don't hear English do you, my Japanese is a little bit rusty" he said chuckling.

"Okay here it go" he said taking a deep breath.

"Could you tell me where the supermarket is, ya know" he said in Japanese.

"I do hear English but it's not that good," Sand said in English.

"Well is that so, then I'm lucky then" he said smirking.

"Weird" Sand said in Japanese rising to his feet about walking away.

"Well I forgot to mention I do hear Japanese, ya know" he said in Japanese but you could still hear his English words.

Sand froze at his words as he gulps hard.

"Now isn't it disrespectful to call your elder weird" he adds.

Sand turns to him his head hung down in shame.

"Tell me boy, what's ya name?" he asked in amusement.

"Acker... Acker Sand".

"Sand huh? Why did your folks call you that?"

"Because of my hair color" Sand said referring to the color of his hair.

"Well you don't say" the man said nodding seeing his hair and no doubt it looked sandy.

"Well boy, I'm Charlie Smith"

The wind blew harshly around them.

'That was the day I met him, Charlie Smith, ever since that day I helped him out with things around in Tokyo, he was visiting our country from New York, he taught me a lotta things ya know. And we became close. But the time came when he had to leave Tokyo but still we talked, he saw me as a son... until Black Storm Day'


Present Day 

The Year 2024

Sand still staring at the skies as he recalled the past.

'Being with Charlie I learnt a lot of things and picked up his habits, he saw me as a son, and I saw him as a dad... but that' he head hung down as he turned towards a coverage of trees.

'That wasn't enough to keep my demons at bay' 

At the side of a tree, Daisuke stood, with his ever illuminating dark figure.

Funny he thought he might be seeing Hanka too, but he didn't, his little bro still tormented him.

"Daisuke" Sand said.

"Big brother... so cold" Daisuke said in a faint voice, his grip against the tree tighten, his body trembling.

"So cold... it's so cold big brother" He adds.

Sand's lips quivered at his words, his heart clenched in a tight knot, he was always cold, ever since that day.

"Who's Daisuke?" A voice came in.

His head instantly snapped to where it came from.

It was from Mary, she stood giving him an odd look, her clothes in a mess as well as dirt on her face, signifying she just finished with her Alpha.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked with puzzled look.

"No one, ya know" Sand answered.

Her gaze drift to his packed bag.

"Are you leaving?" She asked.

In silence Sand walks all the way right pass her.


The sound of her voice made him halt, the wind blew around them in waves.

"Why?" She asked with shaky eyes, she knew ever since Hanka death he has always blamed himself and pondered on it.

"Because I ain't fit to be a soldier" he states as he continued his walk.

Mary looks sadden at his words, she wanted to stop him but she didn't know exactly what she should do, even though they were comrades she knew nothing about him, they weren't close, she didn't know how to help but still, her fist clenched hard.

"Are you really gonna walk away from this" she said sternly, her cat like eyes laced with seriousness.

Sand slowly halt his steps.

"Should the rest of our comrades death in vain? Are you really gonna back away from all this!"

Sand lips pressed in a thin line.



"BLOOD TECHNIQUE: THREAD OF DEATH!" Sumi shouts as her blood weapon which was two thin wire, thick like a material as it wrapped around the Alpha's neck, as well as the rest of the body, her blow flowed to it more making it beam crimson, the Alpha was then cut in halves.

The parts dropping to the ground in thump sound.

Her blood weapon swirled back to her, moving around her body in waves like she wielded it to.

She turns to Anzai, smirking.


Operation Base 

"Miyuki Sumi, Sp3: level 2" Kaede said.

"Her improvement are fast, it seems like the bio-genetics will level up in no time" she adds.

"Um what about him? He's been running around ever since" Kashi said with twitching eyebrow, pointing at the screen.

The footage showed Daiki.

"Forget the fact he's already in level 2... but is he only capable of fighting?" Kenta said folding his arms.

The rest sighs.


Mount Sefuri 


Daiki's loud screams could be heard as he ran around the arena, the Alpha dashing after while shooting the energy beams, which he dodges helplessly.

"DAIKI BETTER GET YOUR ASS WORKING OR I WILL DO IT FOR YOU!" Anzai shouts pissed with white eyes, getting fed up of Daiki's overbearing tantrums, the kid have been running in circles, not even landing any hit at all.

"DAIKI DON'T WANNA DIE SIR!!!" Daiki screamed on top of his lungs with white eyes as he ran for his dear life, tears slipping from the corner of his eyes as he did.

"JUST TAKE OUT YOUR BLOOD WEAPON DAMMIT!" Anzai shouts as an angry vein popped out of his head, he was beyond pissed.

Daiki halts in front of one of the wall, hammering on it, comically.

"LEMME OUT, LEMME OUT" he cried.

"DAIKI IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE" he screamed on top of his lungs.

He turns back to the raging beast coming for him, he leaned against the wall as he shouts.

The Alpha uses his head, ready to use his horn to plunge Daiki.

But Daiki unconsciously phase as the Alpha horn then slammed on the wall instead.

Taking harsh uneven breath as he crawled out.

The Alpha turned, it's eyes shinning like a sniper, pissed.

It came at Daiki, using it head to fling him.

Daiki shouts with white eyes as he then lands on the ground hard, his blood weapon coming off from the impact.

The scroll rolled open in front of him, Daiki's injured hand on top of it.

Daiki had spinning eyes as he sat on, his gaze then drift to the paper with blood on it, his eyes then sadden, what he saw in his own vision wasn't blood but ink, as a dark memory flood in, and a woman pulling his ear painfully as she shouts.

Daiki shaky took the scroll, the blood stain on the paper looking like a spark.

The Alpha roared gaining his attention.

He was alerted as he turned mortified, the Alpha dashed after him in speed.

In fear he flings the front of the scroll in front of the Alpha and then a spark happened.

Anzai uses his hand to block the light of the mild explosion that shock the earth.

"What's happening?" Anzai said in panic, he quickly looked as the explosion died down, he waited in anticipation as the steams cleared.

Revealing Daiki taking harsh breaths with widen eyes of shock and the the Alpha was gone.

"Where did the Alpha go?" Anzai said puzzled looking around but then he paused.

He turns back to Daiki, in front of him steams were there along with a burnt mark, Anzai froze as his blood ran cold.

'He...' his eyes shakes. 'He disintegrated it!'


Operation Base

"W-what happened?" Touka said in a shaky voice, she didn't understand what just happened, neither did the rest of them, they were shocked.

"I don't know... just a spark and the Alpha just disappeared" Yukio said with shaky eyss.

"I don't think it disappeared" Hachiro said sternly, his eyes not leaving where the steam was coming out from. 'Did he blow it up?' He thought puzzled. 'No if he did there would have been parts but there are none... then' he froze as he eyes widen in realization.

"Masaaki Daiki" Kaede began with widen eyes gaining their attention.

"Sp3: Level 3!"

The same level as Hiro and Yuki, and now there was a third and the person they most least expected.


Mount Sefuri 

Daiki still took uncontrollable harsh breath, still in shock.

The scroll beside him that was once stained with blood was clean not even the faintest blood on it.

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