The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 190 - Formidable

"DAIKI IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE" he screamed on top of his lungs.

He turns back to the raging beast coming for him, he leaned against the wall as he shouts.

The Alpha uses his head, ready to use his horn to plunge Daiki.

But Daiki unconsciously phase as the Alpha horn then slammed on the wall instead.

Taking harsh uneven breath as he crawled out.

The Alpha turned, it's eyes shinning like a sniper, pissed.

It came at Daiki, using it head to fling him.

Daiki shouts with white eyes as he then lands on the ground hard, his blood weapon coming off from the impact.

The scroll rolled open in front of him, Daiki's injured hand on top of it.

Daiki had spinning eyes as he sat on, his gaze then drift to the paper with blood on it, his eyes then sadden, what he saw in his own vision wasn't blood but ink, as a dark memory flood in, and a woman pulling his ear painfully as she shouts.

Daiki shaky took the scroll, the blood stain on the paper looking like a spark.

The Alpha roared gaining his attention.

He was alerted as he turned mortified, the Alpha dashed after him in speed.

In fear he flings the front of the scroll in front of the Alpha and then a spark happened.

Anzai uses his hand to block the light of the mild explosion that shock the earth.

"What's happening?" Anzai said in panic, he quickly looked as the explosion died down, he waited in anticipation as the steams cleared.

Revealing Daiki taking harsh breaths with widen eyes of shock and the the Alpha was gone.

"Where did the Alpha go?" Anzai said puzzled looking around but then he paused.

He turns back to Daiki, in front of him steams were there along with a burnt mark, Anzai froze as his blood ran cold.

'He...' his eyes shakes. 'He disintegrated it!'


Operation Base

"W-what happened?" Touka said in a shaky voice, she didn't understand what just happened, neither did the rest of them, they were shocked.

"I don't know... just a spark and the Alpha just disappeared" Yukio said with shaky eyss.

"I don't think it disappeared" Hachiro said sternly, his eyes not leaving where the steam was coming out from. 'Did he blow it up?' He thought puzzled. 'No if he did there would have been parts but there are none... then' he froze as he eyes widen in realization.

"Masaaki Daiki" Kaede began with widen eyes gaining their attention.

"Sp3: Level 3!"

The same level as Hiro and Yuki, and now there was a third and the person they most least expected.


Mount Sefuri 

Daiki still took uncontrollable harsh breath, still in shock.

The scroll beside him that was once stained with blood was wiped clean, not even the faintest blood on it.



Yumi took harsh breath, her hands stretched out were trembling, her body covered in dirt.

She took a deep breath, before her was a giant ball about 15 feet tall.

Her stretched out hand trembles more, the giant ball slowly decrease to a medium sized ball, it levitates towards her and stationed, she was the one controlling it.

Her eyes drift to the Alpha crushed to the wall, electricity sparks going off.

Anzai appeared beside her.

"Your technique is good" Anzai began.

Yumi brought down her hand down, exhausted still taking harsh breath.

"But you only just crushed the Alpha... in other words if it were the real deal then it would just regenerate back".

She gulps hard, as her eyes shakes at his words, he was right, she simply just got the victory on this one.

Anzai placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I will never be able to defeat an Alpha will I?" She said in a faint sad voice.

"Normally according to the law of Japan you're too young for all for this, let alone the others but be-"

"Because I'm a bio-genetics" she cut him off.

She raised her palm as the ball levitates towards there, it was her blood weapon, oval in shape a red dot line at the center, black in color.

"We possess strong abilities that prove useful to the government, we don't exactly have a say" she adds.

Anzai eyes sadden at her words, Yumi was only 12, the youngest of them all and yet she endured and saw things kids her age shouldn't see, he remembered her fight with the Alpha a few hours ago, she was terrified as she kept jamming the ball at the Alpha as if it were an ant, a natural instinct to protect herself.

Even now she was still shaking.


Operation Base 

"Takai Yumi, Sp3: level 1" Kaede announced.

"The lowest we have gotten so far" Hachiro said adjusting his glasses.

Touka eyes sadden.

"And the smallest" she said faintly but Hachiro heard her.

"If this keep up then there no way I can get the mechanic Alpha back on check for the next level of training" Kazuya said with anime tears.

"Look at my beautiful creations, they are beyond repair" she adds sighing.


Mount Sefuri 


Kaname smirks as he rotates his scythe, the blade crimson from his blood.

The Alpha roared at him fiercely, one hand and leg cut off.

"Now to go for the head" he said smiling but he shaking on the inside. He knew all too well that if this was the real deal he would have been dead even he could even stay longer. 'I can't back down now' Kaname thought with shaky eyes.

The Alpha roared once again.

Kaname gave a loud battle cry as he charges towards the Alpha.



Mosu growled as he fiercely pulled his spar out of the Alpha's dismantled head, he took harsh breath as the robot before him gave electricity sparks. 'Keep going' he thought with clenched teeth as a flash of San dead face ranged in his head. 'Must keep going no matter what... i won't stop, not until I kill every last one of them' his fist clenched hard on his spear.

Anzai where he was seated watch closely, Mosu had a look he was all too familiar with...

Mosu turns to Anzai his looks stern.

"Will when I fight the next level, sir" he demands with anticipation.

Anzai eyes narrowed, a look of someone driven by a desire that was almost terrifying.

"The First stage of your training is over, it's best you get some rest" Anzai said sternly.

Mosu looks darkened.


Mary stood alone in view, the wind blowing harshly around her, her gaze still fixed on the path Sand walked.

Her eyes sadden more.



Aimi lands perfectly taking harsh breath, the two guns she had bringing out steams from the muzzle.

The Alpha drops to the ground immobile.

She smiled at her victory.


Operation Base

"Aimi is good with her blood weapon, she can infuse just the right amount of energy to take down the Alpha" Yukio said.

"Ōta Aimi, Sp3: level 2" Kaede said.


Mount Sefuri 


Mirai slides backwards abruptly going in position to launch at the Alpha, she raised her fist as it clenched hard, her bio-genetics eyes beaming dangerously. Her blood weapon was present which were two white finger less thick glove, embodied with crimson lines which was her blood, three blades at the knuckles area were present, red in color, it came from her blood.

'Nakata Mirai is strong willed, perfect form and a formidable opponent' Anzai thought as his eyes narrowed.

'I must keep my defenses up if I were to win this' Mirai thought sternly.

The Alpha roared as it summoned a beam of energy from it mouth, Mirai was instantly alerted, that was her cue.

The energy zap at her in extreme speed, she quickly slides to the side as it zapped right pass her, she then charge towards the Alpha in speed, the Alpha being persistent kept shooting the energy right at her but she kept dodging as she tired to her hardest to get close.

With one foot to the ground she was up in the air, the energy zapping at her but she simply just dodges it on air too, a difficult task for her but she wasn't backing down.

"Blood Technique!" She hissed setting her fist as she descends on the Alpha.

"BLOODY CLAW!" she hissed as the three blades position on her knuckles from both her hands beamed the brightest red.

With one slash at the Alpha it sent a six claw mark slash towards the Alpha in speed slamming right at it.

The force pushed the Alpha backwards as the sharp force waves around it.

It's head snaps towards where Mirai was ready to attack but it was too late.

Mirai was already in front of it, with one wave of her hand, the head was off in a matter of seconds.

Mirai took harsh breaths as she watch the Alpha's head drop to the ground.

'She used her technique as a decoy just to get close to the Alpha' Anzai thought with shaky eyes, he then smiled.


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