The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 191 - A Coward Or A Fighter!


Aimi lands perfectly taking harsh breath, the two guns she had bringing out steams from the muzzle.

The Alpha drops to the ground immobile.

She smiled at her victory.


Operation Base

"Aimi is good with her blood weapon, she can infuse just the right amount of energy to take down the Alpha" Yukio said.

"Ōta Aimi, Sp3: level 2" Kaede said.


Mount Sefuri


Mirai slides backward abruptly going in position to launch at the Alpha, she raised her fist as it clenches hard, her bio-genetics eyes beaming dangerously. Her blood weapon was present which were two white finger less thick gloves, embodied with crimson lines which were her blood, three blades at the knuckles area were present, red in color, it came from her blood.

'Nakata Mirai is strong-willed, perfect form and a formidable opponent' Anzai thought as his eyes narrowed.

'I must keep my defenses up if I were to win this' Mirai thought sternly.

The Alpha roared as it summoned a beam of energy from its mouth, Mirai was instantly alerted, that was her cue.

The energy zap at her in extreme speed, she quickly slides to the side as it zapped right past her, she then charges towards the Alpha in speed, the Alpha being persistent kept shooting the energy right at her but she kept dodging as she tried to her hardest to get close.

With one foot to the ground she was up in the air, the energy, zapping at her but she simply just dodges it on air too, a difficult task for her but she wasn't backing down.

"Blood Technique!" She hissed setting her fist as she descends on the Alpha.

"BLOODY CLAW!" she hissed as the three blades position on her knuckles from both her hands beamed the brightest red.

With one slash at the Alpha, it sent a six claw mark slash towards the Alpha in speed slamming right at it.

The force pushed the Alpha backward as the sharp force waves around it.

Its head snaps towards where Mirai was, ready to attack but it was too late.

Mirai was already in front of it, with one wave of her hand, the head was off in a matter of seconds.

Mirai took harsh breaths as she watch the Alpha's head drop to the ground.

'She used her technique as a decoy just to get close to the Alpha' Anzai thought with shaky eyes, he then smiled.

'Smart!' he smiled in acknowledgment.

Mirai smirks standing up fully, she cracks her knuckles.


Operation Base

"Nakata Mirai, Sp3: level 2" Kaede announced.

"As expected of the heiress of the most famous Dojo in japan" Kashi said with a smile against his lips.


Mount Sefuri


Homura took heavy breaths, his kneels to the ground, his palms against it also, his face drenched in sweat, his body covered in bits of dirt

He slowly raised his head as he stared at the opponent before him, the mechanic Alpha, growling deeply.

He gulps hard, fear gripping his body.

"Dammit!" he drawled as he grabs the gun beside him.

He didn't know what to do, this was all too much for him to handle.

He forced his body up, taking a deep harsh breath, his body practically trembling.

"How long are you gonna keep that up?" Anzai asked where he was seated.

Homura's body stiffen at his words, he turned.

"General Anzai," he said with shaky eyes.

Anzai was seated on the edge of the walls that barrage the place.

"That gun is effective against the Kaijus, but that's not really your blood weapon is it" he adds.

Homura gulps, as his head hung downward.

"Why not use your blood weapon?" he asked.

"My blood weapon," he said so faintly that Anzai didn't hear him.

Anzai stared at him puzzled.

"Because..." his voice was shaky, he slowly raised his head and met Anzai's gaze.

"I don't know how to use it" he said biting his bottom lip.

"Or you're too scared to" Anzai said sternly.

Homura's body went stiff.

"I said i won't be impartial in this" he said closing his eyes for a brief second.

The wind blew harshly around.

"So I will ask this... are you willing to fight or not?"

"Of course, I'm willing to fight!" Homura hissed, then gulps knowing he raised his voice a little too high.

"Sir" he adds.

"Then draw your weapon and fight! I cannot teach you how you use your blood weapon because it is an extension of who you are that can only be done by you.... but i can lead you and tell you, that as long as you still wanna fight no matter how scared you are then i will keep saying this words... Draw your weapon and fight!" he said hissing the last part.

Homura's eyes shake at his words, he took a deep gulp before turning to the Alpha, roaring dangerously.

His legs were shaking, his whole body was trembling, he was scared to death, he wanted to run but still, his trembling legs wouldn't move, he was pined there by something he couldn't understand.

'I see' he thought with shaky eyes, he knew why... ever since that day Hiro saved him and then the day he hid for his life while others fought, the gruesome sight he witness when Shino's arm was amputated before of the severe injuries he got while saving his friend.

When he sat together in a circle with Ten, Hiro, Shino, Haya and Yuki. He felt out of place, that he didn't fit, the indifference was too much, he was always the one giving so much of an outburst of why they should always run but yet the others always stayed, he was always running... even when he followed the others Ryoji one year ago, during their first mission to head back to base when they were attacked by Kaiju's, he ran like a coward, he has always been running like a coward and always hiding, never drawing arms against the very beings that threaten the world.

'All my life i have always been running... for as long as I can remember' his lips pressed in a thin line, his fist then clenched hard.

"I don't wanna run anymore!" he hissed, he was tired of it even when he couldn't help it, he was fed up. The tears streamed down his cheeks hotly, he was scared as hell, he was always scared, he was always crying, he wanted that to change so badly, he didn't wanna be a coward anymore, he didn't wanna hide anymore while his comrades fought, he wanted to stand by their side during battles.

An image played in his head, Kimura Hiro standing before him, his back turned. 'Even though he went through a lot of things none of us could ever endure' he thought with shaky eyes, staring at the illuminating figure before him.

'Even though he woke up blind he still wanted the chance to see his parents'. He remembered when they awoke in the white room, Hiro's voice the loudest, that he wanted to see his parents even though he could no longer see.

'Faced with a mistake he could never forgive himself for' he remembered their first training in the stimulation, Rin's death by the cause of Hiro's awakening abilities that went out of control.

'Faced with death'. the news of Hiro's sudden death. 'But still...' his teeth clenched hard as well as his fist.

The memory of when he was lost after the death of Ryoji and others, leaving only him to wander, the footsteps he heard and then behold it was Hiro, he was alive and he came to save them on his own accord. 'He keeps moving... he keeps fighting!'

The display of Hiro's powers when he defeated the first Alpha. 'His blindness isn't a weakness for him, being sidetracked definitely is not!'

His body trembled, 'Kimura Hiro!' he raised his head, the tears spilling from his eyes, not knowing all this while he was inspired by Hiro's braveness and his strong desire for still moving forward in spite of all the challenges he has faced and endured. His teeth clenched hard

"I WANNA BE LIKE YOU" he shouts on top of his lungs.

The sudden outburst took Anzai off guard.

"What is he going on about?" he said raising an eyebrow, he was puzzled, puzzled by this new determination he saw coming from him, the boy always gave off fear but right now he saw something else, a spark.

Homura brought out his blood weapon from his pouch, it was a medium size handle, dark red in color.

"Ho? he's finally gonna use it," Anzai said smirking, as his insides thrilled with anticipation.

"If i can meet up to him" his eyebrow formed in seriousness.

"Then I'm one step in becoming less a coward!" he hissed, as from both sides, a long sharp blade budges out, both six feet long.

"A double-bladed sword, huh?" Anzai said in amusement.

"Let's see what you got, Homura!"

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