The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 196 - The Unknown

Operation Base

A loud red alarm blew in the wide hall, everyone in confusion.

"What's going on?" Anzai demands, rolling the wheelchair he sat on further.

"The alarm system is picking up something," Kaede said searching for the cause of it through the system.

"What could that be?" Touka said with shaky eyes.

Kaede froze seeing the cause.

"It's the barrier!" she yelled.

"Something is trying to break through!"

They froze at her words.

"It could be a Kaiju," Kashi said in a panic.

"Or worse an Alpha!" Kenta retorted.

"Quick we must put the cannon weapons online, it isn't modified yet but it should be active," Kazuya said as her fingers went fast against the transparent keyboard. 'One month wasn't enough to modify it, but I hope it's enough, we don't know where the collision is coming from' she thought trembling.

"It's coming from the mountain!" Kaede yelled.

Kazuya froze.

"Kazuya! Your cannons aren't stationed there" Tori said.

"Why?" her eyes shake, why did the Kaijus choose to attack from the mountains.

"Our surveillance isn't picking anything up, not a single Kaiju or alpha in sight, where is the collision coming from," Yukio said checking the footage but he couldn't see a thing.

"We have lost all visual with the mountain, the sudden collision caused it!"

"Something doesn't feel right," Anzai said sternly.

"Yes, I feel it too," Hachiro said with a frown.

"It's like they are after something, why attack from the mountains? And more what is attacking?".

"The bio-genetics aren't safe there," Anzai said forcing his body up, his legs were weak, he held the table for support.

"General Anzai you can't move yet," Touka said worriedly.

"We need to find a way to get to that mountain right now!" he hissed.


Mount Sefuri

The earth kept shocking until it suddenly stopped.

"It stopped," Hiro said in confusion.

But then suddenly a loud bang sound came from above.

Sand watch as a spark was formed on the glossy barrier.

"The barrier!" he yelled.

"Something is trying to get through!"

Hiro froze at his words, he gasp as he felt something like a red aura mixed with black zapped through. The realization struck him.

"AN ALPHA!" Hiro shouts for certain.

As suddenly something lands in front of them, creating a puff of dust and a loud bang sound.

Hiro and Sand stood their ground as the blast waved around, it then stops.

They waited in itching anticipation as the smoke cleared, they heard a deep growl as the being was revealed.

"W-what... is that?" Sand said drawing back stunned at what was before them, it was unlike anything they have ever seen.

Hiro trembled where he stood, this aura was certainly that of an Alpha but this before them was unlike anything they have ever seen.

The being growled deeply, standing fully, black electricity sparks radiated off it. It stood on two feet, having a body shaped like a werewolf, skin brownish and meaty just like the rest of the Kaijus, having no eyes, only coil ears like a humming sound vibrating able to detect any noise from a mile distance.

Teeth shark-like, two dangerous canines laid in front, sharp claws of complete five fingers, the body bulky with thick meaty muscles like a well-built monster. Two horns laid at the top of the being head, black in color, giving off slight black electricity sparks just like the one radiated off its body.

It growled deeply, bringing out steams from its mouth.

"Hiro, what is that thing, ya know... it can't be an Alpha" Sand said paralyzed in fear at the monstrous being that stood before them.

"It is an Alpha..." Hiro said trembling where he stood, fear gripping his insides, the aura he felt was suffocating unlike the rest, but he was certain this certainly was an Alpha.

"... but this... this is something more," He said in a shaky voice.

The Alpha growled slowly raising one of its hands, they froze at the sudden action, and then it pointed.

"Hiro... why," Sand said in a shaky voice.

"Why is that damn thing pointing at you!"

"Sand! We have to get out of here!" Hiro said in haste, he didn't know why the strange Alpha was pointing at him but whatever it is, it can't be good, and fighting this wasn't exactly an option, he knew both of them couldn't take it, it was a gut feeling, they needed reinforcement.

At Hiro's words, the Alpha roared chaotically like it knew what they said. The sound was sonic and ear piercing, resulting in them shutting their ears. The black electricity sparks radiate widely.

"It's so damn loud!" Sand yelled, the sound made his ears feel like they could burst.

Like a zap of lighting the Alpha was suddenly in front of Sand, towering over him by 10 feet.

Sand neck tilted backward, gazing upon the monster that stood before him, he couldn't move neither could he do anything.


With one wave of its hand, Sand was plunged away in a deep force slamming into two trees in an instance breaking it instantly at impact.

Hiro was in awe of what just transpired, it was fast so damn fast that he couldn't even keep up.

The Alpha's head snap to Hiro, in a split second it had its deadly claw around Hiro's neck, carrying him off his feet, his legs waggled from the loss of gravity, the grip around his neck pressing his windpipe, it was difficult to breathe.

His blood weapon wasn't within his reach, it was inside his tent and due to the bang earlier, it was pushed in a distance, it was probably covered up or buried somewhere out of his reach.

The Alpha tilts its head to the size as Hiro struggled to break free, the other clawed hand reach for Hiro, ripping the Ring off his eyes, the torn material drops on the ground in pieces.

Hiro's body instantly went up in a wild blue aura, but funny... Hiro felt paralyzed even though his wild energy was spun free, he couldn't do a thing, the hold around his neck was seriously distracting him from thinking straight, the claws dug in his throat.

And then the Alpha's tail swings forth, the tip opened like a lotus flower, revealing a black sharp edge like a needle, it instantly dug in Hiro's forehead, he gave an ear-piercing scream at the sudden pain.


"That sound," Shino said with shaky eyes, it was coming from a far distance.


"Commander Shino!" Ten's voice came behind as he rushed towards him.

"Something entered through the barrier!"

Shino froze at his words.


The wind blustered to where Yuki was, a strong feeling overwhelm her as her eyes went wide in shock, she turns as the wind carried her long brown hair as she did.


She was about rushing towards the distance she heard the scream from but suddenly a sharp pain shock her head, she screamed in agonizing pain, going on her knees while holding her head with both hands.

"Why?!" she yelled, as a sonic sound rang in her head, it was unbearable.

Her body vibrates like she was phasing, a phasing of her current body and that of another that couldn't be seen properly, but the same length and color of hair as hers, but eyes covered with a box-like device.

Her lips went apart as she screams inaudible to herself.


The Alpha automatically snaps its head towards the far distance of Yuki's voice.

It growled deeply.

Hiro's hands fell to his side, blood licking from his forehead, the tip of the tail still buried in his head, his eyes weakly ajar, his blind faded to light brown eyes, in his subconsciousness, two mixed color eyes haunted him with its presence, one he saw before, blue and red like bio-genetic eyes. 

Sand's body where he laid twitch, coming awake, his blurry vision lands on Hiro and the Alpha.

"" he intoned weakly, his wounds healed but his body still shook in pain.

"Hiro" he drawled trying to force his body to move.

"Are you going to let him die too big brother?" Daisuke's voice came in, his dark figure squatting down where he laid.

Sand's eyes shock at his words.

"Everyone you bond with dies".

Sand's lips pressed in a thin line.

Daisuke turns to him, part of his face was covered in blood.

"Me, Charlie, Hanka"

Sand squats down in a whimper, his elbows against the ground, his whole body quivering tremendously.

"Because you can't do anything about it"

"Stop it," Sand said in a shaky voice, his body quivering. His fist tighten against the ground

Daisuke tilts his head to the side.

"And now Hiro is gonna die too"

"No more, ya know!" he growled forcing his body up, his body vibrates in form of red lightening around him.

"NO MORE!" he shouts.

The Alpha's head snap toward the direction he was in, it snarled.


The coil device stationed on both his boots, shifted to his blood weapon which was a gauntlet model style boots, black in color, lined red with his blood, beaming crimson.

The red electricity around him became more fierce.

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