The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 197 - Resilient

Sand's body where he laid twitch, coming awake, his blurry vision lands on Hiro and the Alpha.

"" he intoned weakly, his wounds healed but his body still shook in pain.

"Hiro" he drawled trying to force his body to move.

"Are you going to let him die too big brother?" Daisuke's voice came in, his dark figure squatting down where he laid.

Sand's eyes shock at his words.

"Everyone you bond with dies".

Sand's lips pressed in a thin line.

Daisuke turns to him, part of his face was covered in blood.

"Me, Charlie, Hanka"

Sand squats down in a whimper, his elbows against the ground, his whole body quivering tremendously.

"Because you can't do anything about it"

"Stop it," Sand said in a shaky voice, his body quivering. His fist tighten against the ground

Daisuke tilts his head to the side.

"And now Hiro is gonna die too"

"No more, ya know!" he growled forcing his body up, his body vibrates in form of red lightening around him.

"NO MORE!" he shouts.

The Alpha's head snap toward the direction he was in, it snarled.


The coil device stationed on both his boots, shifted to his blood weapon which was a gauntlet model style boots, black in color, lined red with his blood, beaming crimson.

The red electricity around him became more fierce.

"I WON'T LET ANYONE DIE!" He shouts the wind carrying his hair off his eyes revealing his beaming bio-genetics eyes, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended.

The Alpha growled deeply, the tail buried in Hiro's forehead retreated, his body creeping in red veins, covered entirely in it, Hiro found it hard to breathe, his mouth ajar, he was unable to move, his body completely paralyzed.

"Sand..." he said in a struggled breath, the Alpha's claws still tightly around his neck.


The Alpha roared like a sonic wave spreading across the mountain like a beacon.

"There's no way I'm leaving you, ya know!" Sand retorted as in a quick lightning speed he charged at the Alpha faster than the normal eyes could see.

But it was like catching an insect as the Alpha grabs Sand by the neck before he could even land a hit.

With one swing Sand was flung to the air and then smashed against a tree, breaking it into two at the collision.

The Alpha growled, snapping its head back to Hiro.

But then a snap sound made its head turn, it snarled when he saw Sand back on his feet, covered in blood.

He took deep harsh breaths, he split a tooth out.

"I'm just getting started, ya know!" he retorted, his body going up in wild electricity.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" he gave a loud battle cry as he zapped towards the Alpha once again, in a flash.

But once again, the Alpha kicks him like he was nothing more than an insect, he slammed into another tree branch with a hard impact.


"What is this, I can't get through from this point," Kaneki said irritated, he slammed his hand on the invisible force before him like a glossy wall, it only just gave a vibrating sound as he punched, it still wouldn't budge.

"It's a barrier," Sumi said sternly.

"Just like the one the second Alpha made".

"You mean that collision was caused by the Alpha?" Mirai said with a frightened look in her eyes.

"Yes, it might be, let's hope no one is at the other side, or else it can't be good," She said for certain, the Alpha must have surely put up this barrier so that no one would pass through, but why?

'Is an Alpha here for Hiro?' she thought with shaky eyes, it could be, because the last one came for him, maybe this one did too, but why Hiro? Why was an Alpha always after him, what made him so special, she didn't get it.

"Commander Shino!" Yumi said elated seeing Shino and Ten coming in view.

"We heard the bang sound and followed it here but there's a barrier keeping us from getting through" Kaneki explained.

"A barrier? Then an Alpha is here" Ten said for certain.

Sumi's gaze met with Shino's, they lingered on each other for what seemed like seconds before she broke the gaze looking away.

Shino did too, facing the others.

"What of the others?" Shino asked seeing just Kaneki, Mirai, Yumi, and Sumi.

Mirai shakes her head negatively.

"We don't know where they are, we just hope none of them are at the other side of the barrier where the Alpha is," she said.

"Commander Shino," Ten said sternly adjusting his glasses.

"Ah... I know" Shino said frowning, he knew what Ten meant. Hiro gotta be within that barrier, no doubt this Alpha was after Hiro again, after one month an Alpha was able to plunge through the barrier but how and why now?

"We need to find a way to get through that barrier" he announced.

"Getting through won't be easy, by the feel of it, this barrier is very strong," Ten said feeling his palm against it.

He turned to him.

"We need a stronger energy source... we need Haya-chan!"


Sharp breaths could be heard, Yuki ran as fast as she could towards the direction she heard the bang from.

'Hiro' she thought, he was in danger, she could feel it in every fiber of her bone, she just prayed and hoped she will get there in time.


The Alpha growled deeply, steams coming out of its mouth, dragging Hiro, its claws against Hiro's hair as he did, Hiro's body still paralyzed.

The Alpha heard a branch snap, it halt its steps instantly, growling as it did.

Sand stood once again, this time holding his arm, taking a harsh uneven breath.

"You're..." he began in a feeble voice.

"Not..." he said raising his head, his lips holding a smirk.

"Taking him.... anywhere, ya know"

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