The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 199 - Acker Sand [Part 2]

"Sand!" Hiro cried, he shut his eyes close.

"Please stop it... you don't have to do this... please stop" he cried.

"Just get out of here... please"

"You said freeing the Kaijus from their cruel fate might be a way of redeeming myself, ya know," Sand said faintly.

At his words, Hiro opened his eyes.

"That's not the only thing I wanna do, ya know".

Hiro's eyes shake.

Blood still gushed from Sand's chest to the ground.

"I wanna be able to protect my friends, I couldn't protect Daisuke or Hanka" he sobbed as a tear slide from one of his eyes.

"Sand," Hiro said in shaky eyes.

"This time I will" he intoned in a serious voice, that left no room for question.

The Alpha took an uneven breath, and then roaring, summoning blue energy from its mouth like a beacon.

"This time I surely will, ya know!" He stood upright, awaiting what was about to come before him.

"Because I'm a Bio-genetic!", his body creeps up in blue veins, covering all parts of his body.

The lines on his gauntlet boots were no longer red from his blood, but then they became a bright color of blue, as it creeps all the way up as well as the gauntlet boots forging all the way to a full body armour, but in a transparent form, like a construction of dark blue lights, the body a lighter shade of blue.

Hiro's shaky blind eyes on him, the aura he felt was intense coming from Sand, the raw power was so overwhelming and then it dawn on him.

Armour wings spread out behind Sand's back elegantly, his face armed also, his bio-genetics eyes beaming a very bright color.

The Alpha then release the fierce energy at Sand.

Sand moved forth.

Hiro gasped seeing Sand's aura as form of a guardian angel protecting him with its wings spread out.

The energy collides with Sand, going off in a large amount of blue aura.


Yuki got to where the barrier was in, seeing some of the bio-genetics but that wasn't her concern right now but the blue energy that spark up all of a sudden.

She along with the others, watching in awestruck at the bright light spreading across the area.

Suddenly the barrier put up by the Alpha dissolved, sprinkle of blue lights like snow descends.

"That lights where is it coming from" Haya said stunned.

"Hiro" Yuki said dashing forward.

"Hey Yuki, don't just run in!" Raiden hissed but it was already too late.

"Dammit" he cursed dashing after her.

"Hey wait!" Mary hissed running away him.

Mosu scowled going in too.

"Guess this can't be helped can it" Kaname said rushing in.

The rest followed behind.


"General Anzai look" Touka said stretching her palm out taking some sprinkle of blue dust came from above.

Anzai observed it.

"What is that?" Hachiro asked puzzled.

"We have to keep moving" Anzai said turning his gaze to the direction of the blue glow until it subsided.


The Alpha took deep angry breaths, panting, the cut off hand rengerates, it felt its chest, a blue mark was present, imbued by Sand, along with a hole, it snarled angrily.

Steams blew everywhere.

Sand was still shielding Hiro, one knee to the ground, steams coming out of his body, cuts and bruises all over and more blood, his chest still bleeding, the area he knelt on still in a circle of blood, his head bent downwards like he was unconscious.

The Alpha roared taking a step forward but it was like a zap of electricity passed right through it.

The Alpha instantly halts its step, he growled with the little bit intelligence it knew that came from Sand.

Although he was like that, beaten out and weak, he knew if it came forward Sand would definitely strike back with all he had, an impulse, a very strong impulse.

The Alpha growled with clenched teeth.

Suddenly It's ears vibrates like a humming sound like a loud frequency, of waves from a distance calling to him.

It roared chaotically looking up, above where the barrier was cracked a bit.

With one jump it zapped off out of the stronghold.

Sand's body finally gave out dropping to the ground.


Yuki took harsh breath as she kept running, others coming from behind.


She turned at the sound of her name still running, she saw Shino and the other coming towards them as they ran towards the same direction.

They instantly halts getting to the scene.

Mirai covered her mouth as her eyes shakes.

"What the hell happened here?" Homura said with trembling eyes.

The area was covered in a mass destruction like a nuclear bomb went off, at the center of everything Hiro was on his knees Sand in his arms, covered in blood.

"HIRO! SAND!" Shino shouts in panic as he, Ten and Yuki rushed forward.

Others were just dumbstruck at the scene before them.

That moment Anzai, Touka, Hachiro and Yukio came in view, they stared at the scene in shock.

Tears from Hiro's eyes fell on Sand's face.

"Hiro" Yuki said with trembling eyes, it was fixed on the mark on his forehead that still bled.

"Hiro" Shino said softly.

"Sand..." Hiro began between sobs and sniffs.

"He..." the tears gushed out more.

"...he protected me" he cried.

Aimi eyes shakes seeing the state Sand was in.

"He didn't stop, he didn't run" he shakes his head negatively.

"He just kept fighting... and fighting" his fist clenched against Sand's still body.

Shino's eyes sadden.

Tears filled Ten's eyes as they streamed down his cheeks hotly.

"He was brave... so brave"

Anzai in silence walks towards them, he placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder.

"A-and I couldn't do anything" he said in trembling body.

Touka walks further, squatting.

"Lemme take it from here, Hiro" Touka said with sad eyes.

Hiro broke in more tears.

Yuki walks up to him, squatting, giving him a hug as Hiro cried.

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