The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 200 - Volume 2: Epilogue

"Sand!" Hiro cried, he shut his eyes close.

"Please stop it... you don't have to do this... please stop" he cried.

"Just get out of here... please"

"You said freeing the Kaijus from their cruel fate might be a way of redeeming myself, ya know," Sand said faintly.

At his words, Hiro opened his eyes.

"That's not the only thing I wanna do, ya know".

Hiro's eyes shake.

Blood still gushed from Sand's chest to the ground.

"I wanna be able to protect my friends, I couldn't protect Daisuke or Hanka" he sobbed as a tear slide from one of his eyes.

"Sand," Hiro said in shaky eyes.

"This time I will" he intoned in a serious voice, that left no room for question.

The Alpha took an uneven breath, and then roaring, summoning blue energy from its mouth like a beacon.

"This time I surely will, ya know!" He stood upright, awaiting what was about to come before him.

"Because I'm a Bio-genetic!", his body creeps up in blue veins, covering all parts of his body.


Sand's words constantly echoed in Hiro's head.

*Sound Of Clock Ticking*

The sound got deeper and deeper in Hiro's ears, the only sound he could hear in the mist of all the silence, along with his slow breaths.

His head bent down, his forehead covered in bandage, his blind gaze to the floor, his hands still stained with Sand's blood.

Then Yuki's hand held it, holding unto it tightly, but Hiro spared no action to hold hers back.

Anzai walks towards them, his eyes fixed on Hiro.

"You should head back, I have already told the others they can see him tomorrow, he's still being operated on" Anzai said.

"No..." Hiro said so faintly that they almost didn't hear him.

"I will stay" he adds.

Anzai had a dark expression, his lips in a thin line, he turned walking back.

*Continuously Ticking Sound*

*Sudden Stop*


*Sound Of Beeping Monitor Machine*

Hiro stood next to Sand's bed.

"Tell me Yuki" he began feebly.

Yuki turns to him, her expression unreadable.

"Could you..." his mouth quivered.

"... tell me how he is?", all he could see was Sand's weak bio-genetics aura, it was so weak like a fading flame, he couldn't tell the exact state.

"Do you wanna hear it?" She asked in a serious tone. She turned her gaze back to Sand.

"You might not like what you hear".

Hiro's lips quivered more.

"S-say it"

Yuki nod faintly.

"He can't breath properly so he has a mouth breather covering his nose and mouth to give him oxygen, the machines around helps with that, also several wires are connected to his body to keep his muscles from deprecating".

Hiro gulps hard at her words.

"His whole body are covered in bandages from head to toe, you can't see his face, there's blood on it too, the sheets are stained from it, his blood pressure and heartbeat are so low" Yuki explained.

"I heard from Dr. Touka earlier that the wounds are taking too long to heal, she said she don't know when he will recover"

A tear fell from one of Hiro's eyes.

He sobbed using his hand to wipe the tears off his cheeks, he then turns to leave.

"Hiro" Yuki said.

Hiro halts his step.

"They are all gonna pay" he began in a deadly tone impossible for Yuki to recognise. 

"Hiro?" She said his name with uncertainty.

"Every last one of them!"


Operation Base 

"I have reinstalled the barrier to be stronger, tenfold this time! There no way any Alpha is getting in again!" Kazuya said pissed.

"I tasted the Alpha's sample from the amputated arm before it dried off" Touka began.

Hachiro sighs, adjusting his glasses.

"The samples came out as Sp3: Level 10".

Anzai eyes went wide at the discovery along with Tori.

"That high?" Tori said bewildered.

"Sand, he's Sp3: level 3 and yet he was able to fight it off" Kaede said with shaky eyes.

"No... Sand is the same level as the Alpha!" Hiro announced stepping into the hall, Yuki behind.

They turned to him.

"I felt his level come up in a blink of an eye".

"Level 10!" Kashi said in shock.

"Hiro, you should be resting, your body is still feeling the aftermath of what the Alpha did to you" Touka said rising to her feet with a worried look.

"You heard her Hiro," Anzai said sternly.

Hiro's fist tighten.

"There's something you need to know, sir" He began in a serious tone, he raised his head, his blind eyes on them, his features not holding even a bit of emotion.

"I know who's controlling the Kaiju's!" 

They froze at his words.

Yuki gasps turning to Hiro, her eyes shaking.

"What are you saying?" Kaede said startled rising to her feet.

"I felt it the first time the Alpha's tail plunge my forehead but I didn't quite understand it but then the second time, I'm certain" he said rubbing his forehead as the memories of the vision he had of two mixed color bio-genetics eyes consisting of red and blue.

"I know what it is... no" he said sternly.

"I know what she is!" he corrected.

"She?" Anzai said puzzled.

Hiro's eyes narrowed.

"The Queen Kaiju!".


Thousand of Miles Away 

Where the chemical plant exploded, the very spot it once stood.

In the area laid nothing but three years of burnt destruction, the area holding a black cloud around, not a single trail of sunlight, the area embodied with black dot dews like the place was hazard.

But that wasn't the only thing, the area was swamped with different levels of Alpha's like it was their home.

The Alpha walked towards an area, holding the blue mark against its chest.

It walked all the way to the center.

Two Alpha's that looked just like it but far bigger, stood in guard of something. They stood on two feet, having a body shaped like a werewolf, skin brownish and meaty just like the rest of the Kaijus, having no eyes, only coil ears like a humming sound vibrating able to detect any noise from a mile distance, but their body was covered in gills blue in color.

They both guarded something behind, in a red cocoon beaming the brightest red, but black contents within.

The Alpha with the blue mark growled.

Inside the coccon a pair of mixed color bio-genetics eyes flashed open.

To be Continued....

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