The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 210 - Departure

"W-What? you want me to ride with you?" Touka said with heated cheeks.

"Yes," Anzai said leaving no room for question.

"But I can perfectly ride a Hellhound by myself!" she protests.

Anzai sighs rubbing his temples.

"Would you prefer I carry you back to the medical base and lock you in there" he threatened.

Touka frowned.

"That's violating my rights!" she yelled.

"Then you listen to me unless that will happen, without considering your rights!"

She gasp at his words, she then made a face walking away.

Anzai sighs, she just doesn't get it, he was trying to keep her safe and she was just throwing a fit.

"General Anzai"

He turned seeing Tori.


He forced a smile.

"You know what you have to do"

"Yes, I know"

"The researchers here will need you... you should stay".

He nods.

Anzai moved close to him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You should tell her how you feel... we don't know when we will be back to Fukuoka," Anzai said with a smile against his lips.

Tori scratched the back of his head nervously.


"Okay that's everything," Kazuya said sighing.

"If only we had enough resources to for choppers," she said sighing once again, seems like being on road will be their daily routine, for now, she will surely find a way to engineer choppers, she just needs time, lots of help from her workers, that will be her top goal when she gets back to base, no matter how hard it will be, she will accomplish it.

"Hey," Tori said walking into the workshop from behind.

Kazuya turned.

"Hey," she said.

"I heard you're staying" she adds.

"Yeah, can't leave here unprotected"

"I see," she said with sad eyes.

"You have a lot of things to accomplish" he began.

"I know you will".

She smiled.

"I just need all the help I can get... the bio-genetics shouldn't be the only weakness against the Kaiju's, if I can just get the right plan and yes... there's Haya, she seems like an expert, we can work on something together and make the strongest gadgets the world has ever seen"

"You talk too much," Tori said taking a step closer, cupping her cheeks with his hands.

Kazuya froze at his sudden actions but before she could speak, he pressed his lips against hers, her eyes widening at his action.

He pulled away.

"Hope I didn't cross my boundaries with you," he said chuckling slightly.

Kazuya growled, he froze at the sound.

"What boundaries are you even talking about... we have crossed so many. Took you long enough Tori-Kun" she said wrapping her arms around his neck and then smashing her lips on his.

It instantly turned into a heated kiss in less than a second, her mouths roaming each other endlessly, Tori groaned feeling her large bosom press against his chest, his hands straddled on her waist.

"Engr. Kazuya, we are ready to move out" Homura said stepping in.

Seeing the scene his mouth dropped all to the way to the ground.

They quickly pulled away.

"Homura," Kazuya said with a harsh breath.

Homura shakes his head trying to snap out of it, why was he always caught in these scenes, and now it was the adults doing it.

"I should probably go," he said zapping out.

Tori chuckled.

"That's not funny" Kazuya scolded bumping his arm with her fist.

"Kazuya" he began in a serious tone.


"Don't say it" she yelled covering his mouth.

He took it off, with puzzled looks.


"Because we will see each other again and then you say it," Kazuya said.

"Kazuya," he said with trembling eyes.

Her looks darkened, she grabbed her bag walking out.

Tori's eyes sadden, he turned but she was already gone.

Kazuya was behind the wall out of sight, she took a deep breath.

'We have to see each other again, I don't want this to be our last words' she thought walking away.


"Yumi, what are you doing here, we're about to leave," Mirai said finding Yumi at the rice plantation.

Yumi squatted as she felt her hands on the plant.

"Haya-chan spent so much effort to plant these and now we won't get the chance to see it harvest... it's sad" Yumi said melancholy as she rise to her feet.

The wind carried her blond yellow hair packed in two ponytails.

"Yumi... we will come back okay and then you can have all the rice you want," Mirai said sweetly.

Yumi turns to her with tears in her eyes, she nods.

Mirai smiled with shaky eyes.


Medical Base

Mary stood at the door, unable to enter or more thinking whether she should, she just stood there for what seemed like minutes.

"Aren't you gonna go inside?" A voice came in.

Her gaze turned, finding Hiro, one hand in his pocket.

"Hiro," she said.

"I have felt your aura several times for weeks, but you don't seem to go in".

"What? No... I think you might have mistaken me for someone else" she said nervously while poking her index fingers.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Well look at the time... we should head back we will be moving out soon," Mary said in haste walking right past Hiro.

"If I had the chance there are a lot of people I should have said goodbye to".

At his words, she halts her steps.

"But whenever I had the thought I considered myself stupid... i was like... it's not like the world would end or anything" He said with a chuckle but it seized.

"But it did," he said sternly.

Mary's lips pressed in a thin line.

Hiro turns to her.

"You know after we leave here, we're are not gonna come back until we end the war".

"We all have said our goodbyes Hiro... the moment the war between Kaiju's and Humans began," she said with sad eyes, with that she walks away.

Hiro's eyes sadden.


"I'm really gonna miss this place," Kashi said sighing.

"Worry about missing later... let's worry about getting to the base in one piece," Kenta said irritated setting his Hellhound.

"Alright, alright," Kashi said walking to his.

Kenta's gaze lands on Hiro walking to his Hellhound, his eyes narrowed. 'The very one bio-genetics the Alpha's are after' he thought sternly. 'The one with the special connection with the Queen Kaiju, Kimura Hiro' his fist tighten.

His eyes then went wide, a smirk evident on his lips, 'I want to know more!'

"Hey Kenta, don't forget to put on your protective gears, the air is still deadly to us remember" Kashi's voice came in distracting him from his thoughts.

"Ha yes I know," he said rubbing his neck.


"Psst... what's going on between you and Sumi huh?" Ten said sneaking up at Shino.

Shino jumps slightly at his action.


"Hmm," Ten said waggling his eyebrow up and down.

"Stop that will you" Shino retorts with blank white eyes.

Ten just shrugs smirking.

Hiro straddled his Hellhound as others did too, they were all riding individually this time, except Haya who rode with Ten, and Yumi with Mirai.

Hiro turned to his side as he sensed Yuki straddling her Hellhound, she caught his gaze, she blinks turning to him, she tilts her head to the side.

"Is everything okay?"

Hiro faced forward.

"It's nothing"

"It seems like something is bothering you," she said, a look of worry against her features.

"What if we don't make it to the base," he said remembering the nightmare he had.

"What if the Were-Alpha comes after us again, because of me"

Yuki faced forward.

"It's a possibility it will... which is why we have to stay alert at all times," she said sternly.

Hiro's fist tightens against the throttles of his Hellhound.

Anzai straddled his Hellhound, Touka behind him.

"All ready?"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright lift the barrier, Kaede," Anzai said to his comm

They watch as the glossy barrier lifts, creating a space they would pass through.

Anzai took a deep breath, he felt Touka wrap her arms around his waist tightly.

"BIO-GENETICS! MOVE!" Anzai shouts as his Hellhound geared up zapping towards the opening in speed.

The Bio-genetics followed behind making sure they maintained proximity.


Medical Base

From the window Aimi watch as they exit the city, the barrier shutting close.

Her eyes trembled, she prayed and hoped they would reach the base alive.

She turned her sad eyes to Sand's unconscious body.


Operation Base

"They are out of range now," Kaede said.

Yukio's eyes shake, they were all tense.

Tori's eyes saddened. 'Kazuya' he thought, she was so positive about them seeing again, but why wasn't he?

"I hope they get to the base in one piece," Kaede said.


You could hear the faint clamor of the engines, as the Hellhound's moved in the deserted area.

"We have exactly 11hrs 36 minutes before we arrive at base" Anzai said through the comm, getting to all the Bio-genetics.

"Keep your eyes for any threat!"


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