The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 211 - Arrived!

Medical Base

From the window Aimi watch as they exit the city, the barrier shutting close.

Her eyes trembled, she prayed and hoped they would reach the base alive.

She turned her sad eyes to Sand's unconscious body.


Operation Base

"They are out of range now," Kaede said.

Yukio's eyes shake, they were all tense.

Tori's eyes saddened. 'Kazuya' he thought, she was so positive about them seeing again, but why wasn't he?

"I hope they get to the base in one piece," Kaede said.


You could hear the faint clamor of the engines, as the Hellhound's moved in the deserted area.

"We have exactly 11hrs 36 minutes before we arrive at base" Anzai said through the comm, getting to all the Bio-genetics.

"Keep your eyes for any threat!"



11 Hours Later

"I Don't believe this" Saho said as his eyes trembled.

"11 hours and nothing... completely nothing" he adds in awe.

"Shh! Don't jinx it!" Ryu scolds who was riding beside him.

Touka checked the small device she held, the size of a phone, it was designed to check the Kaiju's heat signatures movement.

"There's nothing in sight... nothing at all," she said stunned by the fact.

"Weeks ago the drones we sent saw Kaiju's around this area, how come there's nothing," Anzai said puzzled.

"So far so good, no Kaiju in sight," Ten said his eyes traveling around every corner, beads of sweat hung his features.

"Seems like we're good," Shino said still finding it hard to believe.

'Nothing? I feel nothing' Hiro thought as his blind eyes trembled. 'I can't feel her anymore... I can't feel the Queen Kaiju!' he was stunned by this fact because ever since that day he has always felt her haunting presence but right now nothing, it was like she didn't exist anymore.

"We're approaching Base!" Anzai said in a shrill tone gaining their attention.

"I don't believe it," Kaneki said in disbelief.

"We made it!"

Yumi almost went teary as she held unto Homura who had a smile against his lips also on the verge of tears.


Tokyo Underground Base

Level 20: Prime Minister's Level

Prime Minister Kiyoshi was in deep thought, his elbows rested on his glass desk, his palms against his jaw, his body in a tense, it has been hours and still nothing from the bio-genetics, he hoped and prayed they got here in one piece.

"Prime minister Kiyoshi!" a man rushed in.

"What is it?"

"They have arrived!"

At his words, Kiyoshi rose to his feet abruptly, his eyes wide. They made it!


The End Level

The level metal ground slowly went below, the hatch closing, sterilizing steam blustering around.

As the steams cleared it revealed Prime Minister Kiyoshi before the Bio-genetics.

"Prime Minister Kiyoshi," Anzai said saluting, the bio-genetics did too.

While Touka, Kazuya, Kenta, and Kashi bowed in respect.

A smile pressed against his lips.

"It's good to have you back General Anzai..." his eyes traveled to the rest.

"It's good to have you all back... welcome home"


Fukuoka Base

"They made it!" Kaede said elated seeing the message they got from the base.

Hachiro took a deep breath of relief he didn't even know he was holding.

A smile pressed against Tori's lips.

"Thank goodness," Yukio said almost on the verge of tears.


Tokyo Underground Base

Level 12: Civilians Level

Section One: Marketing Hall

"Today our heroes have returned to us... Humanity's greatest defense team" Prime Minister Kiyoshi announced through the live video playing for all Civilians to see, they also showed the Bio-genetics.

Kaiyo smiled when her eyes lands on Ten, he was okay. Her eyes went all teary.

"Anzai" Kado said sniffing as the tears fell.

"For this glorious return, a homecoming party shall be held in the civilians Level, so that you all can have the chance to meet your heroes".

The entire Civilians went in an uproar of applaud when they heard the word party, something they haven't heard in 3 years, and more meeting the bio-genetics that fought for humanity.






The crowd applauded loudly.


"Hmm... a party in our honor, was not expecting that," Kaname said, the rest nodded in agreement.

"Our heroes have returned!" Kiyoshi said in a shrill tone, the uproar getting louder.


A loud beat of music could be heard, played by some traditional playlist at a corner, the wide hall of the civilians level flooded with people mostly around where the bio-genetics were in.

"So there are creatures called the Kaiju's inhabiting the surface," a girl said curiously, a cluster of them were around Kaname.

"Yeah some badass creatures but the worst are the Alpha's," he said dramatically.


A few distances away, Ten, Shino, and Haya watch the scene.

"I hope he realizes he shouldn't say too much, like the Kaiju's we're at war with are humans," Haya said turning to them.

"Yeah... he may be full of himself but I'm sure he's smart to know that," Shino said, they nodded in agreement.

"Why the long mood guys," Ten said wrapping his arms around both their necks.

"It's our party let's enjoy ourselves, we might not know when we will get the chance for another".

Shino's eyes drifts to Sumi, some guy was talking to her and she seemed uninterested.

"Um sure... right back at ya... just give me a sec," Shino said walking away.

Ten saw the direction he was headed.

"I knew something was going on between those two" Ten said rubbing his chin.

Haya giggled at his antics, Ten turned to her.


"Nothing," she said cutely, making Ten blush slightly.

"Say Haya... the rest are probably doing whatever... wanna hang out".

Haya blushed, reading his lips.

"You mean like a date?"

Ten chuckled nervously.

"No no no not that I mean as friends you know... I mean we're friends let's just hang out as friends"

"Oh" Haya made a sound downhearted, for some reason she felt hurt by his choice of words.

"I see," she said sadly.

"Haya what's wrong?" Ten asked worried he might have hurt her feelings.

"Ten... I" she began biting her bottom lip and then pulling some strands of her dark brown hair behind her ear.



At the sound of his name Ten turned, his eyes went wide in shock when he saw who stood before him.


She smiled warmly at him.

Ten's eyes trembled.

Haya watch puzzled but then Ten embraced Kaiyo tightly, Haya froze at the sudden action and affection he displayed.

"I thought you were dead," Ten said in tears.

Kaiyo wrapped her arms around his back tightly, the tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I thought you were too," she said in tears.


"So cool... you're a bio-genetics... you guys like survived the deadly virus right?" once again the annoying boy said.

Sumi just rolled her eyes for the 5th time, the boy just went on and on, it was obvious she didn't wanna talk to him but he just kept talking.

"Hey," Shino said coming at them.

Sumi smirks.

"There you are Shino-Kun," Sumi said sweetly wrapping her hands around his arm.

'SHINO-KUN???' he thought loudly in his head not believing his ears.

The boy stared at them dumbfounded.

"I have been looking all over for you, dummy," she said blushing.

Okay, this was becoming creepier than expected, the Sumi he knew was never straightforward.

"Okay... I'm gonna go seems like you two got a lot to catch up" he said walking away.

"Ugh, finally he got the message," Sumi said with an eye roll pulling away from Shino.

"So you did that just because you wanted him out," Shino said raising an eyebrow.

Sumi gave him a look like wasn't it obvious.

"So the kiss then... it meant nothing?"

She looked away.

"It could have meant anything," she said pulling some strands of her dark hair behind her ear.

Shino frowned.

"Sumi when I kissed you I-"

"Don't!" she snaps.

"I don't wanna talk about it" she adds walking away.

"Wow of all the girls, you chose the annoying one," Mizuki said from behind, in amusement drinking his soda.

Shino shot him a look of fury.

"Easy there, Commander Shino... I come in peace" he said raising his hand in surrender.

"You know when a girl acts like that it could mean two things" he intoned in amusement.

"What do you mean Mizuki"

"I'm saying she might not feel the same way or she does but feels she's not good enough"

"Why would she feel she's not enough?", he knew it had to be that option, because if she doesn't feel the same way why else would she kiss him back?

"I don't know like there's a part of her she doesn't want you to see that you might hate" he shrugs.

"Look Commander Shino, I mimic everything I see, and in doing that I most likely have a guess in what they feel at that moment... just consider this a hint" he adds slurping his drink before walking away.

Shino's eyes grew wistful, he was beginning to put some thoughts on what Mizuki said.


"So this is your godson you're so fond of," Kado said in amusement.

"Most certainly," Anzai said chuckling patting Hiro on the head, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Anzai always talked about you since he became general" Kado said grinning.

Hiro blushed slightly.

"Say, what about Tori?"

"Oh he had to stay behind"

"Wow, I don't believe it, humanity's first base on the surface after 3 years... I never thought we would see this moment and now look at you guys.... all heroes" he grinned, raising his glass of beer.

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