The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 220 - Strange Gazes

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Ten sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry guys, I went overboard"

"Yeah go ahead and expose our secrets," Homura said sarcastically, he heard the information from them.

"I was angry! Well, Hiro started it!" Ten said pointing an accusing finger at Hiro.

Hiro shot him a death glance.

"Guys" Shino sighs.


"But say, Commander, is it true you and Sumi have a thing?" Raiden asked.

Shino slammed his hand on the table making them jolt.

Ten just dig into his food.

"Psst... have you guys noticed the girls are giving us angry stares" Fuijo whispered.

They turned seeing the girls across the table with their angry looks.

"You don't think they by chance heard you guys quarrel in the bathroom"

"I doubt that," Ryu said with a shrug.

Hiro turned to Yuki a table away eating alone, he frowned, she always had a habit of eating beside him, boys or no boys.

She turned to him but looks away.

Shino turned to Sumi, sitting across a table, she must know he was staring but she didn't spare him a glance, he sighs facing his meal back. 'Why do girls have to be so hard to reason with?'


After dinner hours the Bio-genetics strolled to their room hall while discussing.

"General Anzai wanna see us at the training hall, first light" Shino told them.

"What? don't tell me it's for another training" Ten said pouting.

Shino hasn't still told them about the war plan, it would be revealed tomorrow.

"Commander Shino," A military man said walking towards them, judging from his uniform, he looked like a guard from the Civilians Level.

"General Anzai wants to see you" he states.

Shino nods following him, the rest just continue their walk, exiting the lobby.

Yuki came in view.

"Hey Yuki," Hiro said behind, she halts her steps but did not turn to him.

"Are you okay? You seem... I don't know off".

Her lips pressed in thin, she faced him.

"What, are you worried about me now?"

Hiro blinks puzzled at her choice of words.

"What are you saying, Yuki?"

She frowned.

She turned away from him.

"I have nothing to say to you since I'm not too attractive for you".

'Crap' he thought, she must have heard their talk in the bathroom, maybe all of them did, that can't be good.

She was about to walk away but Hiro grabs her arm.

"Yuki... I just said that to get Ten off my back okay?"

"I see," she said faintly.

"Yuki," he said her name puzzled, he couldn't tell what she was thinking, neither sense her emotion through her aura.

"I'm sorry for what I said" he began.

"It... it came out wrong"

She turned to him.

Hiro had sad looks.

"It ok" she states pulling some strand of her dull brown hair behind her ear.

"You can let go of me now"

"Oh right," he said letting go of her arm.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"I had a dream once" he began.

"I got a glimpse of what everyone looks like... except you"

She blinks.

"All I see is just your white aura"

"White aura?"

He nods.

"Yes... your aura is so different from the others, a different color"

"Yours too"

Hiro froze at her words.

"You can sense aura too?" he said puzzled, he had no idea she could.

"Idiot," she said turning, her hands behind her back.

"Good night Hiro," she said walking away.

Leaving a confused Hiro.


As she walked, Yuki held her head, her eyes trembled. 'This feeling' she thought as her lips pressed in a thin line. 'I don't understand...' it was strange and felt like it wasn't hers.


General Anzai's Office

"Sir!" Shino saluted.

"I'm sure you know why I called you here" Anzai began.

Shino nods.

"I have already relayed the news to the bio-genetics".


"And the other"

"There's nothing out of the ordinary about Nagami Yuki... yes she is always close to Hiro but I think it's just a mutual feeling, but I will still keep an eye on her, sir," Shino said.

Anzai nods.

"I see," he said rubbing his temples, there was this gut feeling he had about Yuki, he couldn't explain it.

"Keep working on your end then".

"Yes sir!"


Shino walks out of the office walking into the lobby, his mind drifts to that day, back at Fukuoka, what Ten said about him looking for Hiro with Yuki but he had no memory of that, strange, that thought has been in his mind ever since. Because he knew there was no way he would have fallen asleep out of nowhere, something must have happened to him, but what.

Suddenly the sound of a water drop to the metal ground got his ears, he halts his steps instantly as his eyes went wide.

'This feeling...' his eyes shake, everywhere went dark around him, just him in the abyss and this overwhelming feeling that something was behind him.

His heart slammed like thousand tons of bricks.

Behind him was a distorted image of someone inside a tube, saying something inaudible.

The airs at the back of Shino's hair stood up, he gasp turning but nothing, he was sure something was there before but now nothing. The sudden abyss was no longer around, but now the view of the lobby.

'What was that?' he thought in fear as his eyes trembled, and more like it wasn't his fear he was feeling, then whose?


Room Hall

Hiro flashed his eyes open, sitting up with a start as he took harsh breaths. Ten was fast asleep on his bed.

"Yuki!" he panics dashing out of the room into the lobby and straight to her room.

He slide the door open as he rushed in.

Yuki turned on her bed.

"Hiro?" she said puzzled sitting up.

And then he did the unexpected, he rushed and embraced her tightly, Yuki's eyes went wide at the sudden action, her eyes trembling.

"I thought..." his body trembling, the feeling he felt was extreme, it was fear and it wasn't his, he felt the overwhelming feeling coming from Yuki like she was in danger and he didn't know why.

He broke the hug his hands resting on her arms.

"Hiro are you okay?"

His grip tightens slightly on her. 'Why?' he thought rising his head, to meet her gaze, the aura he saw right now sent chills to his body.

One part of her aura was white and the other side black, the white surpasses the black but it was like the black was spreading.

His eyes trembled more.

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