The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 221 - Test Subject

Room Hall

Hiro flashed his eyes open, sitting up with a start as he took harsh breaths. Ten was fast asleep on his bed.

"Yuki!" he panics dashing out of the room into the lobby and straight to her room.

He slide the door open as he rushed in.

Yuki turned on her bed.

"Hiro?" she said puzzled sitting up.

And then he did the unexpected, he rushed and embraced her tightly, Yuki's eyes went wide at the sudden action, her eyes trembling.

"I thought..." his body trembling, the feeling he felt was extreme, it was fear and it wasn't his, he felt the overwhelming feeling coming from Yuki like she was in danger and he didn't know why.

He broke the hug his hands resting on her arms.

"Hiro are you okay?"

His grip tightens slightly on her. 'Why?' he thought rising his head, to meet her gaze, the aura he saw right now sent chills to his body.

One part of her aura was white and the other side black, the white surpasses the black but it was like the black was spreading.

His eyes trembled more, was his senses playing mind tricks on him? It should be, right?


The sound of her voice snapped him back to reality, he quickly let go of her.

"Sorry," he said moving away from the bed up his feet.

"That was wrong of me... I shouldn't have barged into your room like that" he said backing away.

"Good night," he said rushing out and slamming the door.

Yuki blinks puzzled.


Hiro leaned against the door, taking harsh breaths. He held his head, what came over him? The thought of Yuki being in danger got to him than expected, the sudden panic he felt. He held his chest, his heart still slamming against his chest, he found it impossible to calm down.

"Deep breaths Hiro," he said faintly to himself, walking away.


Level 19: Scientist/ Doctors Level

Private Room

"Yes... Yes!" Kenta exclaimed, his eyes shocking vigorously.

"It's complete", he held unto a medium-sized slender tube, a blue substance within, bubbling.

"I have recreated my own, my very own virus made from the bio-genetics blood... I thought I would just study it but now, I have the power within my grasp" he said with widened eyes of horror.

Tears at the corner of his eyes.

"Power!" he held unto it tightly.

"With this... I can become a bio-genetic" he smirks at the idea, as he recalled the bio-genetics training, the tremendous power they displayed, simple humans with the abilities to possess such power, he wanted it, he wanted to feel powerful too.

His forehead sparked in pain, he held it, gripping unto it hard, he took a deep unstable breath like he was having a panic attack.

"Power" he murmured.

He took a deep breath and then like a snap and swift action he grabs a syringe, pressing the needle at the top of the tube drawing everything, he then raises the sleeve of his lab coat, grabbing a tiny pipe tying his arm for vein, he then brought the syringe close, but then stops.

He took a harsh uneven breath, his hand holding the syringe trembling.

"What... what I'm doing," he said shakily.

"I must be out of my mind," he said as a faint smile crossed his lips, he shakes his head negatively.

"No, I'm not... I have made a scientific discovery I can't back down now, the only way to prove the theory is to be a living prove myself... I have created something that can surpass the Sp-virus, in my own making". He gulps, pulling the needle close, tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I can't... back... down... now", the needle almost pierced his skin.

*Slight Knock*

"Kenta-san, are you there?" Kashi's voice came in.

He gasped.


Kashi sighs.

"He's not answering... he has locked himself in there all night, what's he doing?" Kashi said rubbing his neck.

He sighed once again, and then suddenly the door slide open slightly, Kenta plunging his head forward.

Kashi yelled when he saw his looks.

"Man are you okay? What have you been doing in there... exercising or what?" he asked worried, seeing his sweaty looks.

"Kashi," Kenta said forcing a smile.

"What is it?".

"Well you told me I shouldn't bring your food anymore, but I can invite you right?" Kashi said grinning.

"I see"

"Whatcha say, let's go eat"

Kenta steps out fully.



Doctors Cafeteria

Small chatter went around the cafeteria.

Kenta sat slowly while Kashi rushed his food.

He slurped on his noddles.

"It tastes awful but still good," he said with anime tears.

"I miss my grandma's cooking's" he added.

"Your grandma?"

"Yeah she was mom, dad, and everything to me," Kashi said as his eyes grew wistful.

"My parents passed away when I was just a kid, but my grandma was there... but time wasn't favorable to her".

"Time" Kenta drawled.

"Annoying isn't it," he said chuckling.

Kenta's weak gaze fell on him.

"No matter how we say we have all the time in the world we just don't" he add running his hand through his dark blue hair, staring into space.

"I never experienced any love... grew up an orphan, from one foster home to another, the only thing important to me is my work," Kenta said with shaky eyes.

Kashi's sad gaze fell on him, he really has been through a lot, maybe he misjudged him for being such a work engross person and not socializing more, everyone had a reason for ending up the way they did.

"Well you have me, Kenta, I'm your friend," he said grinning.

"Yes I can see that...", a smile pressed against his lips.

"And friends always help each other right?"

Kashi nods rising to his feet.

"Will get more ramen, you have gotten slimmer, you need to eat more" he offered.

"Yes thank you," Kenta said forcing a smile.

Kashi rushed to the table with reserved food.

'Friends' Kenta thought dully, he turned to the small cameras against the ceiling. 'The sound of that almost gives me hope' he turned back to their food and then the water. 'But my hope for anything other than my work died a long time ago...'

Kashi hummed grabbing a few cups of ramen before returning to their table.

"Here you go," he said dropping them and taking his seat.

"To our friendship," Kenta said raising his glass of water.

Kashi grinned taking his.


They cheered.

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