The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 227 - Outbreak [Part 2]

"General Anzai is the bio-genetics ready?"

"Yes they are on standby"

"Good because this will only be a simple extract mission to get the civilians out, and contain whatever that thing is," he said sternly.

"Yes, sir we will," Anzai said for certain.

"In the meantime, let's try to contain this as much as we can, a mass outbreak could annihilate us all" Kiyoshi said sternly.

Anzai turned to Shino.

"You know what to do"

"Yes Sir!" he salutes before walking out as the door slides open.

Touka continued to watch the footage trying to make a sense out of it, 'An outbreak just like that' she thought with trembling eyes. 'Something doesn't feel right...'

"I will get the operators to find a way to open the door so that the bio-genetics can get in and get everyone out and then we contain this threat," Kiyoshi said.

'What on earth is going on?' Anzai thought with clenched teeth.


Level 12: Civilians Level

Lobby Entrance to the Marketing section

The bio-genetics waited patiently for the door to open, they were all geared up and ready, guns at hand ready to shoot at any anomaly.

"I don't believe this... an outbreak within the base, this is a disaster," Ten said with trembling eyes, his body trembled as well.

"Kaiyo" he murmured almost on the verge of tears he was beyond worried for her sake, he hoped and prayed that she was okay.

"Everything is gonna be alright Ten," Hiro said.

Ten turned to him.


"Commander Shino said, the civilians are being vaccinated to boost their immune system, so we shouldn't worry about air contamination," He said forcing a smile turning to Ten.

"But if a Kaiju is in there how long before they are infected by their bite or more eaten by those things," Ten said in eyes of horror, he was losing it.

"It is not confirmed yet that a Kaiju is there, we still don't know what's causing this outbreak," Shino said, he stood very close to the large metal door.

They gulped hard at his words.

"Then let's get this over with then," Kaname said sternly.

The others nod in agreement.

Homura and Daiki shakes where they stood but held unto their guns tightly.

They heard the door.

"It's opening!" Shino announced holding his gun up.

"We still don't know what we're dealing with, so this is a simple extract mission," Anzai said through Shino's comm.

"Yes sir!" he took a step forward with fearless looks.

"Hiro, Ten, Kaneki, Raiden, Fuijo, with me! The rest stay behind but be alert!"

"Roger!" they replied in unison.

The team Shino called followed him, the large iron door was already raised but to a certain level, sterilizing steam blowing.



"Look at this place, I can't see a thing," Ten said looking around" it was covered in mist, everything in smoke.

Hiro points his gun at every area, and then his blood ran cold.

"This feeling," he said as his blind eyes trembled.

"What is it, Hiro?" Fuijo asked.

"I don't know I can't explain it, it feels familiar but at the same time it's not"

"Okay I'm lost," Kaneki said puzzled.


They turned to Shino.

"Look," he said staring up.

They all did, something slowly descends like it was snowing, but instead of white dew it was deep red, it suddenly filled everywhere like it was hazardous.

"It's just like black storm day," Raiden said with trembling eyes, remembering the day the virus spread.

Hiro caught one, feeling his hands against it.

"Something doesn't feel right... I can't feel any life force here" Hiro said stepping forward, walking ahead.

"What do you mean like there's no one here?" Ten asked panicking.

"Hiro, what is it?" Shino asked knowing something was up.

They couldn't see a damn thing in this mist, even their bio-genetics eyes couldn't break through the layers but Hiro had his senses, it was vital at this point, they needed it to gain insight and find the civilians.

He heard static noises from his comm.

"The connection line is jamming," Shino said and then he froze. 'Just like the footage we watched it was jamming also' he thought with trembling eyes. 'What could be causing it?'

"Then we are off our own here, wouldn't be the first time," Raiden said with a shrug.

"I feel something coming from here, but it's faint" Hiro points towards a direction.

"Stay alert let's follow Hiro's lead"

Ten, Kaneki, Raiden, and Fuijo nodded in agreement.

Hiro walked ahead, they followed behind while keeping up their guard.


Level 20: Prime Minister's Level

"Dammit, I can't get through to them!" Anzai cursed with a tightened fist.

"I'm going there", he turned to leave.

"Anzai!" Touka said about rushing to him.

"Dr. Touka, we need you here!".

She halts at Kiyoshi's voice, her fist tightening.

Pissed she quickly turned to the interface footage against the desk, her fingers went fast against the transparent keyboard.

"What are you doing?"

"In every problem, there's always a cause and I'm gonna find it," she said determined going through all the footage.


Level 12: Civilians Level

Section One: Marketing Hall

"Dammit, my eyes can't see through this mist," Kaneki said pissed, his bio-genetics eyes beaming.

"Just stay alert," Raiden said.

Hiro instantly halts.

"Hiro, what is it? did you find something?" Shino asked.

Hiro just stood stiffened, his eyes trembling.

"Hiro," Ten said.

"What the hell is this" Hiro said as his eyes widen in horror.

The rest gave him puzzled stares, but they knew something was wrong because Hiro was trembling because of something.

*Metal Clank*

At the sound they got alerted, pointing their gun towards the direction it came in but the damn mist still got in the way.

"Hiro if you got something tell us," Kaneki said panicking slightly.

Hiro stretched his hand forward, his eyes turning to his bio-genetics ones, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, the corners of his eyes going in thick veins, the tip of his hair going blue all the way to the roots, now a mixture of red and blue.

His palm then shut close, the mist instantly dispersed, and they saw what was before them, what got Hiro trembling.

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