The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 228 - Outbreak [Part 3]

*Metal Crank*

At the sound they got alerted, pointing their gun towards the direction it came in but the damn mist still got in the way.

"Hiro if you got something tell us," Kaneki said panicking slightly.

Hiro stretched his hand forward, his eyes turning to his bio-genetics ones, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, the corners of his eyes going in thick veins, the tip of his hair going blue all the way to the roots, now a mixture of red and blue.

His palm then shut close, the mist instantly dispersed, and they saw what was before them, what got Hiro trembling.

"What in the world is that?" Raiden in horror.

"Are those...." Ten's mouth quivered, unable to believe what was before him.

"Civilians" Shino finished for him, in total shock.

Fuijo and Kaneki were too stunned to even speak, the sight before them was a nightmare.

Before they were round balls like an egg, embodied with black veins, inside were civilians, unconscious within.

The balls were connected with something that looked like a black muscle-like flesh formed all the where up to the hall ceiling as well as more balls, there were about 2000 of it, the same amount of civilians they were sent to rescue.

"This is not the work of a Kaiju, something else must have done this" Shino said certainly.

"I can't hear any heartbeat," Hiro said.

"Are they died?" Fuijo panicked.

Ten helplessly walked to one of the round balls like he was lost.

"Kaiyo," he said as tears filled his eyes, he place his hand on the ball, she was inside floating.

"We should bust them out," Shino said.

They nod in agreement, they had to do it fast, who knows what will happen if it hatches.

*Metal Clank*

"It's that sound again," Kaneki said looking around but all he could see was destroyed shops, the area is a mess, hardly any light in here.

A white sticky liquid dropped on Fuijo's shoulder on his cloth, all jelly and sticky, like spit.

He felt his hand on it almost throwing up.

"Eww... what the fuck is this?" he said pissed before raising his head to find where it came from.

*Deep Growl*

His eyes widened in horror when he saw what was above him, hanging against the ceiling, he gasped.

"GUY ABOVE US!" he shouts.

They raised their head, they froze when they saw the creature hanging upside down, it had a werewolf statue like a Were-Alpha but this was entirely different.

Black muscle like forms, and also bulky, sharp claws on hands and feet, face like a Kaiju but this one had eyes, they were crimson like the Bio-genetics eyes, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, but the white part of the eyes was all black.

Sharp teeth and two dangerous canines like a saber tooth, hair black like dreads, moving like worms.

It gave an ear-piercing roar that shook the entire base, at the sound, the balls hatched like an egg, but from the top.

"THE EGGS ARE HATCHING!" Ten shouts, he turned to Kaiyo who shakes within like she was having a seizure.

The top busted out and the civilians came out but they were no wonder human, it seemed just like the beast, same eyes and stature but smaller like about five feet, on all fours.

The beast roared as it descends.

"FUIJO LOOK OUT!" Shino shouts rushing to him and pushing him out of the way, he lands on the ground hard and then turned in panic knowing Shino took his place.


Shino fired at the thing as it came from above but the bullets just penetrates not making any damage.


It got so close to crushing Shino but something zapped at it pushing it off and then slamming on the wall.

It was Hiro as he pinned the beast to the wall with his now fully transformed sword, but the beast claws held unto it with more power but Hiro stood his ground trying so hard to keep it pinned to the wall.

"We can't let those things get out of here" he yelled.

Shino gasped quickly turning to the now hatching underlings of the beast.

'They are no longer civilians' Shino thought as he reached for his pouch, his body hesitating, his teeth clenched, he has to fight these things, they were once innocent civilians but now monsters, his heartfelt heavy by this.

"BLOOD TECHNIQUE!" Ten shouts as the blood on his palm formed like a round red ball, beaming crimson, medium-sized.

'I have to be careful so that I don't hurt Kaiyo' he thought and he had to do it fast, the hatching was almost getting to her ball.

"DRAGON BALL!!!" he shouts as the energy in form of his blood zapped to the ball in speed, jamming with it, and causing a very loud shock, the ball spin like a spiral on top of the ball and then disperse.

Kaiyo instantly burst out, Ten quickly caught her before she hit the ground.

"Ten get her out of here and warn the others!" Raiden yelled cocking his sniper gun and shooting at many creatures as he could.

"Raiden you're..." Ten said with trembling eyes, he was shooting at these things, things that were once civilians that inhabit this base, they could be children or women or elderly.

"You should know by now Ten there is no going back" Kaneki yelled.

"It's just like the Kaiju's that inhabit the surface, there is no saving them if they have turned!".

He was right, Ten knew his words were true.

The beast roared finally surpassing Hiro, he was sent flying across the hall in a far distance.


The beast then roared like a sonic wave, it caused everyone to shut their ears in pain as their ears could burst at the mere sound of it.

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