The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 229 - Outbreak [Part 4]

"BLOOD TECHNIQUE!" Ten shouts as the blood on his palm formed like a round red ball, beaming crimson, medium-sized.

'I have to be careful so that I don't hurt Kaiyo' he thought and he had to do it fast, the hatching was almost getting to her ball.

"DRAGON BALL!!!" he shouts as the energy in form of his blood zapped to the ball in speed, jamming with it, and causing a very loud shock, the ball spin like a spiral on top of the ball and then disperse.

Kaiyo instantly burst out, Ten quickly caught her before she hit the ground.

"Ten get her out of here and warn the others!" Raiden yelled cocking his sniper gun and shooting at many creatures as he could.

"Raiden you're..." Ten said with trembling eyes, he was shooting at these things, things that were once civilians that inhabit this base, they could be children or women or elderly.

"You should know by now Ten there is no going back" Kaneki yelled.

"It's just like the Kaiju's that inhabit the surface, there is no saving them if they have turned!".

He was right, Ten knew his words were true.

The beast roared finally surpassing Hiro, he was sent flying across the hall in a far distance.


The beast then roared like a sonic wave, it caused everyone to shut their ears in pain as their ears could burst at the mere sound of it.

Like a sonic wave, as well as invisible energy that blew wind around.


Outside The Hall

"What is that?!" Ryu yelled, shutting his ears at the sound, other did too, even Haya, for some strange reason she could hear the sound, but like ringing in her ears, it hurt like hell.

"Hiro!" Yuki yelled, she had a feeling he was in danger, removing her hands from her ear they bleed but she didn't care, she dashed inside.

"Hey, Yuki!" Mosu yelled, the sound overpowered him from doing anything.



General Anzai inside the elevator shot his ear at the sound with clenched teeth, the sound was piercing.

Not only that the elevator came to a sudden stop, the power going off.


Level 15: Emergency Level

The rest of the Civilians scattered at the emergency level all closed their ears too at the sound, children crying because of the pain.


Level 50: Weapons Design Factory.

"What is that damn sound!" Kazuya yelled, closing her ear tightly.

Her assistant Koji did too, tears in his eyes, with clenched teeth.


Level 20: Prime Minister Level

"That sound where is it coming from?" Kiyoshi said in pain closing his ears.

"I don't know," Touka said with the same action. 'This sound... it's like an Alpha's' she thought with trembling eyes.


Level 12: Civilians Level

Section One: Marketing Hall (Inside)

The bio-genetics growled, their eyes closed, but then the fierce sound came to a halt.

The underlings of the Beast roared as they dashed out.

"THEY ARE LEAVING!!!" Fuijo shouts in panic, if they leave this hall they are done for.

"Dammit!" Shino yelled bringing out shrink arrows, his bow forged on his hand from the bracelet he wore, the arrows shrinking to normal size, he shot at many as he could repeatedly, but they were just so many.


Yuki took harsh breaths as she ran at the space, she froze when she heard growls, her eyes going wide when a swamp of Kaiju-like creatures came forth in speed all roaring.

She quickly drew her twin katana's but sweated, there was no possible way she could take them all by herself, but to her surprise, they passed her like she wasn't even there.

She gasped at the action, her body trembling.


Hiro pushed the heavy metal blocking him, he took harsh deep breaths, he froze when he no longer sensed the beasts or the underlings. He shifted his sword back to the stick and shrank it.

He quickly rushed to where the others were.

"Hiro!" Shino said relieved he was okay.

"They just passed us like we weren't even there," Raiden said with trembling eyes, for a minute there he thought he was a gutter because there were just so many of them.

"They are after something," Ten said with stern looks for certain.

"They have animistic nature what could they possibly want if not Hiro..." Kaneki said.

"No offense"

"None was taken," Hiro said, his eyes narrowed.

"These are no Kaiju's and that beast is definitely not an Alpha, they seem like the same but something more," Hiro said sternly. He couldn't explain it but he was certain, and also there was this familiar feeling he couldn't explain.

"Hiro!" Yuki's voice came in.

"Yuki," Hiro said stunned when he heard her voice.

She came in view panting.

"They are after the Civilians!"

They froze at her words.

"A distress call came in, an alarm... those things are headed towards Level 15!"

"Level 15? That's where the civilians are kept on safety lockdown!" Shino said in a panic, this was bad real bad, why were they after civilians?

"That beast..." Ten said with trembling eyes, but then his looks turned stern.

The realization struck him, it made sense now, how else was the Queen Kaiju in charge, it was just like this beast.

"The beast is trying to build its pack but it needs non-infected blood!" Ten announced.

"What are you saying Ten?" Hiro asked.

"Why else do you think the Kaiju's has always eaten us or killed us so far? Have you ever thought what they could do if they are around civilians?"

Their eyes went wide in horror, Ten words true and also a shocking realization.

Ten knew that has to be the case and also the unexplained theory how Kaiju's now inhabit the surface and them being sired to the Queen Kaiju, it was just like this beast and as Hiro said, this was something more.

"Yes... they are going to infect every bit of humans they find, we're talking about the wipeout of what remains of humanity!"



"Dammit, the damn elevator won't budge!" Anzai cursed trying to work the controls but they didn't blink, like the whole power of the elevator went off.

His teeth clenched that sound he heard earlier sounded like an Alpha's, what was an Alpha doing within the base? And how did it get in without them knowing? He had a strong feeling that something was wrong, and more he had a feeling that the Alpha came from within the base, but how was it possible that anyone could have been infected? They made sure they were careful when they on the surface, tested blood just to be safe and now an outbreak happened out of nowhere.

He looked up at the ceiling of the elevator. He had to find a way out of here.

"Struck in a damn elevator," he said with a growl as with one jump he punched the top of the elevator, the hatch coming off from his immense strength.

With one jump he held unto the edge, bringing himself up, he stood fully on the top of the elevator looking up to the long length that awaited him to climb.


Suddenly an alarm blew and the area shock tremendously, he held his ground as it did, careful not to fall to his death.

The alarm meant danger and more what was that vibrating, it was like something was hammering on the base but from the inside, did all hell break lose?

His comm made static noise, finally, there was a connection in a place he never thought there might be.

"Gen-" a voice came in.

He immediately recognized it.

"Shino! Can you hear me?"


"Shino! Hey Shino!"

"General Anza-"

More static noise came in.


"General Anzai, can you hear me?"

"Yes I can Shino report what's going on, are you guys okay? did you guys save the civilians?" He demands.

"Sir we're okay but the civilians are dead... more they are no longer humans!"

Anzai froze at his words.


"They were infected by something, we don't know what it is... but right now they have escaped the hall and they are coming for non-infected blood!"

"Non-infected blood?" He said puzzled but then his eyes widen in realization.

"The civilians"

"They are headed towards Level 15, they are about 2000!"

"Shino! You and the bio-genetics should make sure they don't get there you hear me? You have the strength in numbers to take them down so do that!"

"Yes Sir!"

"The thing that infected them where is it?"

"We don't know sir, the beast escaped us too, it's somewhere around the base"

"Focus on stopping those things from getting to that level" Anzai hissed.

"I will find the beast" he adds sternly.

The comm went offline.

The civilians were their top priority, and he knew from their experience getting rid of the Alpha means the extinction of the creatures just like they did before to the Alpha and its pack.

This beast must be the Alpha, the bio-genetics will get the time he needed to find it, he didn't have to hasten senses like the biogenetics.

He looks down at the long way down. But he can find something similar to that.

He jumps.

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