The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 235 - Outbreak [Part 10]

Level 15

The level was filled with what remains of Humanity, a million of them, spread out in different areas of the level, taking each space of their own.

Suddenly the area shook in turbulence, shouts and panic screams could be heard, it was the 5th time this happened, they were beginning to wonder if they were safe or if the base would hold on from the much shaking, fears, and confusion on their faces, of what to come and what lies outside the level coming for them.

Prime Minister Kiyoshi from the top tower watch the civilians with shaky eyes, he could feel their fears and panic, kids crying as they heard unto their parents, the elderly being attended to by the young ones.

"Anything yet Touka?" Kiyoshi asked turning to Touka who shared the office with him, still going through the controls.

"Nothing," she said with sad eyes.

"I can't get through to Anzai or the bio-genetics, the connections are jamming" she states once again facing him.

"We need Kazuya on this"

"We haven't heard from her too, she didn't make it to this level".

Touka's fist tightens, she was worried and angry, they had no idea what was going on outside this level, this level served not just as an emergency level but a barrage from any attack, the perfect stronghold, but Touka was beginning to doubt it, she has seen how aggressive the Kaiju's can be when attacking, human's turned to beasts with an animalistic nature to get their prey, not to talk more of the Alpha who was most likely on this base.

"The Alpha could be one of the civilians infected," Touka states going through the controls.

"You have figured it out?" Kiyoshi said with wide eyes, he knew she has been on it ever since, trying to find the cause of the sudden outbreak and how it was originated.

Touka nods.

"Someone within the base was infected but not from the surface," she said for certain, that was the only explanation because no one carried any infection from the surface during their mission.

"What are you saying Touka? That the virus that caused this outbreak was originated within the base?" Kiyoshi said sternly, he was stunned by this fact also, how can a virus originate out of thin air within the base and cause an outbreak, it could mean only one thing.

"We have a traitor in our midst" Touka announced.

"Someone, created and meant for this to happened" her eyes trembled.

"Someone from the medical team", that was the only explanation.

A doctor rushed into the office.

"Kiyoshi-sama, Dr. Touka" he greets.

They gave a nod.

"Dr. Touka I have checked every doctor here"

"And what did you get?" she demands in anticipation, when she suspected this could be the work of one of the doctors, she had him do a checklist of every doctor.

"Dr. Kashi isn't here"

Touka froze as her eyes went wide in shock, she anticipated one of them but not Kashi, there was no possible way Kashi was the one involved, it couldn't be... there should be some kind of explanation for this.

Touka shakes her head negatively.

"No way," she said faintly. 'It can't be Kashi!' she thought her eyes on the verge of tears.

"So this Dr. Kashi is the traitor and the cause of the outbreak, huh?" Kiyoshi said sternly, the reason their lives were at risk and every civilian life on this base was in danger was because of this Kashi.

"No, that's not it!" Touka snaps gaining his attention.

Kiyoshi turns to her.

"There's no way Kashi would do such a thing, there's no way he's responsible"

Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed.

"But you said it yourself, a doctor from your unit is responsible and so far as we came to this level all doctors were made sure to come along, but conveniently this Dr. Kashi isn't here"

Touka gulps, everything points to him, his mysterious absence, but that can't be it, Kashi wasn't that kind of person, there should be more to it.

She turned to the controls.

"Dr. Kashi was also part of the team that went to the civilians level to vaccinate the civilians, he could be the culprit, Dr. Touka." the doctor said, he was also certain.

Touka's fist tighten, her teeth clenched in a tight hold.

"Let's go Akio," Touka said the doctor's name as they turned to leave.

"We need to question the doctors on who last saw him" she added.


She halts at his voice, but she didn't turn to him.

"Kashi wouldn't hurt a fly or do something as dangerous as this, there no way," she said sternly.

"You really believe in this Kashi"

"I have worked with him for years, he's harmless, he wants only to make friends and live a good life, he gets scared over a little thing and he's always clumsy", tears filled her eyes.

Her teeth clenched as she turned to Kiyoshi with a fierce look.

"Kashi isn't the culprit!"

Kiyoshi froze at her outburst.

"Permission to investigate this, Kiyoshi-sama!" she demands.

Kiyoshi's lips pressed in a thin line.

"Permission granted," he said faintly.

Touka gave a bow as did Akio, they stepped out of the office.

Kiyoshi's eyes saddened, the moment of her outburst, the looks in her eyes, the pure look of determination to find the truth, the burning desire in her eyes.

'You look just like your mother... Touka...' his eyes saddened more.


Hiro took harsh breaths as he ran along the lobby, he instantly halts his step, turning his head back and forth between the two paths.

"His aura is coming from here," he said as he dashed after the path General Anzai's aura was coming from.

He slammed the door open seeing the mountain of stairs, these stairs lead to level 25 where he felt where General Anzai's aura was.

His fist tighten, and more he wasn't just his aura he felt, he also felt that beast he fought, which could only mean General Anzai was close to the Alpha.

He instantly rushed the stairs going up in a hurry, the blood rushing to his head, he had to get there as fast as he could before it was too late.


Level 25

Anzai took harsh breaths, the 10 Kaiju's that attacked him dead at his side, going up in steams, the Alpha still mounted against the wall before him, staring at him with its dangerous eyes.

He was lucky he defeated the Kaiju's without any claws or bite marks, thanks to the special uniform he wore, it was hard against the Kaiju's attack but that didn't sustain him from any non-infected injury.

He growled going on one kneel, his body ached from constantly running and shooting at the Kaiju's and also enduring hits from them.

But still, he smirked.

"No more your underlings huh?" he said in amusement despite the pain he was in,

The Alpha growled deeply.

"Seems just that 10 was here to protect you... I guess it's just me and you now" he adds the last part in a dark tone cocking his gun, his dangerous red eyes not leaving the Alpha.

The Alpha roared.

"Let's end this shall we!" he yelled as the Alpha flashed at him in speed.

Anzai shot bullets at him but the Alpha dodges it like a walk in the park.

The Alpha roared using the claw to slam Anzai against the chest but luckily it didn't penetrate, that was how strong his uniform was, but that didn't stop the energy from getting to him.

He was sent zooming off and slamming against the wall hard, his gun flying away from his hand in the process. The wall he slammed into deepen at the impact.

He slides down to the ground, on his knees, holding his chest in pain, coughing blood.

"Dammit!" he cursed in pain, he shouldn't dull right now, he had to kill the Alpha and stop the Kaiju's the bio-genetics are trying their hardest to keep at bay.

All this time whenever a bio-genetics faced an Alpha some must die during all their experiences with the Alpha, he was tired of watching them die, he was tired of watching them suffering as they tried their hardest to bring peace.

He was a soldier also designed to create peace also, but what he faced were men, who were monsters, themselves, but this time it was different, he wasn't just fighting against men who were monsters, he was fighting against the actual monsters.

His fist tightened, he wasn't gonna give up, he will destroy the Alpha even if it kills him.

"Still wanna play?".

At the deep dark voice, that sounded double and distorted, Anzai gasped as his wide eyes landed on the Alpha. 'It can't be...' his eyes shook vigorously, did it just talk?

The Alpha smirks, its red eyes beaming dangerously.

Anzai was paralyzed where he was, the realization struck him like thousand tons of bricks.

"Let's play more!"

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