The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 236 - Strange Beast [Part 1]

Anzai was a soldier also designed to create peace too, to fight for humanity, but what he faced were men, who were monsters, themselves, but this time it was different, he wasn't just fighting against men who were monsters, he was fighting against the actual monsters, created by a virus.

"Still wanna play?".

At the deep dark voice, that sounded double and distorted, Anzai gasped as his wide eyes landed on the Alpha. 'It can't be...' his eyes shook vigorously, did it just talk?

The Alpha smirks, its red eyes beaming dangerously.

Anzai was paralyzed where he was, the realization struck him like thousand tons of bricks.

"Let's play more!"

'Impossible', Anzai's eyes shook vigorously, he couldn't believe his ears, the Alpha spoke words before him, was that even possible? For a turned creature to speak?

"Let's be friends and play more" The Alpha's distorted double voice sounded in amusement.

"What?" Anzai said with trembling eyes.

Even though it speaks, it didn't make any sense.

"Where's the fun if you won't play!" it roared.

Anzai's eyes harden.

"So you can speak huh?" Anzai said rising to his feet and wiping the blood against his lips.

The way it talked was not like a normal human being, it sounded sick and twisted like the virus got to its brain also, maybe it did, this beast was already far too gone if he saw this as playing and them being friends.

"So many weird things about this virus, they never seem to amaze you," he said with dark looks cracking his knuckles.

The Alpha smirks, and growls deeply, getting in a stance to launch.

"You wanna have fun huh?"

The Alpha growl in amusement.

"Sick you find this amusing", he flashed his eyes beaming red eyes open, his body like it was swelling with dark energy.

Anzai smirks.

"Well then let two beasts have some showdown!" He yelled.

The Alpha launched at him like a blink of speed, Anzai's eyes moved only as he raised his elbow, the Alpha's hit slammed on it, the energy dispersing, the floor he stood on deepened but yet he stood his ground.

The Alpha roared, but before it could blink, Anzai gave a hard punch and then grabbed the head down and used his kneel to slam the Alpha against the jaw, the force caused it to raised above the floor.

Anzai's eyes shined like a laser as he then gave a kick to the Alpha's face, the force pushing it backward.

But the Alpha held its ground but felt the pain, its jaw was cracked.

"Only human", It cracked its jaw back in place.

"What? got a problem with that" Anzai said darkly.

"I may be human but I'm gonna kick your ass"

The Alpha smirks, its dread moving like worms against its head.

"Come at me Alpha!"

The Alpha roared coming at Anzai in speed with one punch Anzai was sent flying across the wall and then slamming his back against it hard.

But he was back at his feet in a blink of an eye, The Alpha sent another punch but he stops it with palm, for a moment there he swore he heard his bone snap but he didn't care, the blood was rushed to his head that he couldn't feel any pain.

"AAAAAAHHHHH" he gave a loud battle cry sound as he gave a fierce punch to the Alpha's jaw, it snaps once again, making the Alpha more pissed.

The Alpha sent its claw at him, but Anzai instantly duck, sliding down to where his gun was.

The Alpha growled finally realizing his plan.

Anzai grabs his gun, cocking it.

"Too slow!" He yelled firing.

The Alpha roared as red energy formed in its mouth, Anzai gasped as his eyes widen, 'Shit'

Before the bullet got to the Alpha the energy released slamming directly at Anzai.

The base shooking tremendously at the impact.

It went on for a few seconds, smoke covered the entire area from the attack.

The Alpha growled in amusement, knowing that his prey was dead from the energy it blasted.

"What's so funny, you damn Alpha!"

The smoke cleared revealing Anzai, his gun was placed in front, a blue glossy barrier covered him from it, that protected him from the blast.

"You think I came here unprepared!" He yelled.

The Alpha roared pissed.

'That was close...' his eyes trembled, he was lucky he put up the shield on time, and it was all thanks to Kazuya's design.


Hours Ago 

Level 50: Weapons Design Factory 

Kazuya used a cloth to cover Koji's body.

"You intend to go after the Alpha alone," she asked rising to her feet.

"Yes, and I need all the help I can get... I want the bio-genetics to concentrate on securing level 15, that's where the last of humanity lies" Anzai said sternly.

Kazuya took a deep breath turning to Anzai, her eyes stern.

"What do you need?"

"The weapon," Anzai said.

"But it's not ready yet"

"Still it can work can't it? I'm going after the Alpha so I need it".

Kazuya's eyes went wide.

"What? Alone? What about the bio-genetics?"

"They are trying their very best to keep the kaiju from reaching the last of humanity, it's up to me to slay the Alpha and end this" Anzai said sternly.


"Look at what happened here!" He snaps.

Kazuya's eyes trembled.

"Something like this could happen to those children and women in that level, seeing them turning, and then we have no choice but to put a bullet in their head, that is hell!" Anzai said as a memory flashed in his head of a familiar Kaiju, his teeth clenched hard at the memory.

"No one gets to do that all the time, it's not fair"

Her eyes shake more at his words, but then it paused.

In silence Kazuya walks to an area in the hall, against the wall, she pressed some code and it opened, she pulled a long flat box from it dropping it to the ground.

Anzai came to her.

"At your request, I have been working on this weapon for a month now, there weren't many resources I could use back in Fukuoka but here I was able to do more modifications" she states opening the box, inside was an Ak-48 gun, black, looking advanced than the average Ak-48.

"The perfect blood weapon only you can wield," Kazuya said.

Anzai's eyes shake staring at the design, she really put so much work into it, and to her, it wasn't enough?

"Able to slay an Alpha!"


Present Day 

Level 15

Anzai rise to his feet, the shield dispersing, the black body of the gun embodied with crimson lines.

The Alpha growled deeply, pissed at the man before him that was proved resilient, and bent on slaying him no matter the cause, this wasn't playing.

"No longer friends!" It roared, pissed.

Its eyes beaming dangerously.

"Tsk!" Anzai made a sound annoyed knowing something big was coming.

The Alpha slammed the floor causing the metal to disperse from the ground and coming at Anzai like a wave.

Anzai quickly jumped away avoiding the attack but that was a distraction.

The Alpha head butt's Anzai, the force pushing him to the ground, blood spilling from Anzai's mouth.

Anzai against the ground as the Alpha summoned the energy from his mouth in a blink of an eye.

Anzai's panics turned to the weapon that was now far from him, trying to reach it in the state of pain he was in but it was already too late, the energy came close. 

Everything went slow around him like death itself flashed before him, and all he could have was two faces at that very moment.

Suddenly like a ball slammed the energy, it didn't get to Anzai as something cut right through it.

The Alpha's eyes went wide at the action and then a hand came? A fist guided by blue energy, it was that same fist that cut through the energy.

The Alpha finally came in view of Hiro and his ferocious looks.

"YOU'RE NOT LAYING A HAND ON HIM!" Hiro shouts as the punch slammed at the Alpha's face the immense force pushing the Alpha off like a bullet, slamming the hall and breaking through it into another hall.

Hiro took harsh breaths his bio-genetics eyes beaming, the iris color a bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, the corners of his eyes going in thick veins.

Before him, was a long line of destruction all the way to where the Alpha was slammed, luckily the ceilings were high up, or else the level would have collapsed.

Hiro's hand he used in punching the energy was up in steams but not a single scratch on it, he raised it to his face and then cracked his fingers, his eyes beaming dangerously.

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