The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 237 - Strange Beast [Part 2]

Hiro's hand he used in punching the energy was up in steams but not a single scratch on it, he raised it to his face and then cracked his fingers, his eyes beaming dangerously.

He took heavy unstable breaths, it came like a growl, also like that of a Kaiju, his eyes beaming the brightest blue color, the Alpha was buried in the iron rubbles.


Hiro gasped on hearing his name, his composure coming back to normal as he turned.

"General Anzai!" he yelled rushing to his side, kneeling in front of him.

"Are you alright sir?"

"Idiot!" Anzai hissed with white eyes, he instantly pulled his ear.

Hiro gave a loud cry.

"You're supposed to be with the others, and I stay here and fight the Alpha alone that was the plan!" he yelled letting go of Hiro's ear.

He rubbed his now red ear, groaning.

"I'm sorry"

Anzai sighs deeply.

"You don't just listen, do you," he said shaking his head negatively, Hiro was very stubborn, to begin with, telling him to stay put never works on him, he always acted on impulse.

"But I couldn't help it"

Anzai's gaze lands on him, Hiro's eyes trembled.

"You fighting the Alpha alone is suicide..." he add in a shaky tone, he couldn't bear the thought of losing him, General Anzai was the only family he had, the thought of losing him sent chills down his spine, it gave a hurtful feeling he couldn't explain, a twisted pain to his chest, the same feeling he felt when he learned of his parent's death.

Anzai smiled, he knew what he meant without him finishing his words, it only warmed his heart.

"You just don't listen," He said forcing his body up, he stumbled a bit but held his ground.

"General Anzai!" Hiro said worried, he could sense his aura, he could tell how hurt he was and it still amazed Hiro he still stood, he wondered how many hits he took and withstanding the Alpha for so long, not even having a bio-genetic power to back him up, he survived until this very moment with just his physical strength.

'With all those many hits, his aura still feels very strong' Hiro thought with trembling eyes. 'General Anzai is amazing'

"Since you're here Hiro, I could use a hand," Anzai said smirking.

Hiro smiled nodding.

"But this particular Alpha is something else" he adds with a frown.

At his words the Alpha roared loudly, shocking everywhere as it busts out of the rubble.

"Yeah I felt it too, all the Alpha's we have faced until now have red aura's with a hint of black, but this..." Hiro's said as his eyes narrowed, seeing the strange aura it possess.

"This has two like a divided aura of red and black, something from the same virus but different"

"I had the same hunch too" Anzai states walking up to his gun and picking it.

"This thing originated within this base which could only mean that someone altered the Sp-virus and created this"

"What are you saying, General Anzai?" Hiro asked puzzled but then his eyes widen in realization.

Anzai saw his look knowing that he understood.

"Yes Hiro, this Alpha and the Kaiju's in this base isn't the only thing we should worry about, we have a traitor that is most likely the cause of this".

Hiro's eyes went wide, this explains all the anomalies, the sudden outbreak didn't come from the surface, someone was responsible for this and was within the base, someone who tapered with the virus.

"That means this isn't really the villain then, the person responsible for this is still out there," Hiro said sternly.

Anzai nods.

"Yes, this Alpha before us is most likely the first to come in contact with the virus or more the source," Anzai said with narrow eyes, he knew for certain that from the footage he watch, this was the person that collapse in the video in the civilian's Level during vaccination, and more the person that collapse was wearing a lab coat, which could only mean the person before them was one of the doctors.

"Someone from the doctors unit infected another," Anzai said.

"But why?" Hiro said pissed as his fist tighten almost drawing blood.

"Why would someone do something like this and for what possible reason?", his teeth clenched, his body boiled in anger, the traitor wreaked havoc within the base and killed thousands of civilians, for what cause, he didn't understand this, why?

"Another of my guess is this particular person could be who cause Black Storm"

Hiro froze at Anzai's words.

"The person behind Black storm?" Hiro said with trembling eyes, the person behind the end of the world.

"But that part isn't clear yet, there are still so many loopholes I'm dying to cover," he said sternly.

Hiro's eyes shake more he could feel Anzai was angry about this too.

The Alpha growled deeply, taking harsh breaths.

"Don't wanna play anymore!" it growled.

"It can talk?!" Hiro yelled.

"Yes in fact it does, I must have left that part out," Anzai said shoving a cigar in his mouth.

"But all it has been saying makes no sense at all like the virus got to its brain or something" he added, lightening the bottom of the cigar and shoving the lighter in his pocket.

'How could he possibly smoke right now?' Hiro thought with a twitching eyebrow, he really was addicted to that thing.

"Want... to" it growled as then suddenly its body came up in mix aura of black and red.

Anzai and Hiro froze at the action.

"What the fuck is that?" Anzai said seeing the weird color around it, it was like when the bio-genetics were training when they release the energy from their body all at once, but this was different, this was powerful, this was a whole different level.

"KILL!!!!" It roared the energy dispersed.

Anzai and Hiro raised their elbow to block the air dispersing and also stood their ground so that it wouldn't blow them away from the mere force.

The entire base shock also from the power display, the metal making loud clank ground as it would come apart from the energy.


Level 15: Emergency Level

Panic sounds could be heard amongst the civilians as they cower at the constant shocking, the fear and panic increasing, doubt of if they were safe if they would last long, and if danger was coming to them soon.

Kenta opened a can of water, beads of sweat hung his features, he shakily chug his water, the contents spilling on his clothes, he took the can off his mouth taking panics breaths, trying to calm himself down.

'My greatest creation' he thought as his eyes trembled vigorously, he held his head like he was losing it, his eyes wide in horror.

"Which of you saw Kashi last? before the vaccination routine".

He heard a voice, he turned slightly seeing Dr. Touka questioning some doctors politely.

"Not really, I was stationed in another department" one answered.

'She's asking questions' he thought sternly, did she figure it out?

"I did see him but not really, I was the one who called him from his room for the vaccination time, he wasn't out of bed yet, like he was sick"

"Sick?" Touka said with trembling eyes, that didn't sound good.

"Other than that I know nothing Dr. Touka we are not part of the Vaccination team this week, the team he belonged to are the ones at that level during the outbreak"

"They are probably dead by now".

Touka's eyes shake at their words, could it be Kashi who collapsed in the footage? If he was then that means Kashi was infected by the virus. 'He couldn't be the culprit' Touka thought, someone else must be behind this, someone must have caused this outbreak, and Kashi was caught in the middle of it, that has to be the only explanation.

"Dr. Touka"

At the sound of her name, she turned to Kenta who approached her.

"Is everything alright?" he asked worried.

"Kenta is there anything you know? Did you see Kashi last?".

He shook his head.

"No I didn't, but ever since we came back from our mission, he's been acting strange,"

"Strange?" Touka said puzzled, in all the time she spend with him when they were back he has always acted himself, there was nothing strange about him.

"You guys might not know but I'm sensitive to all these things, almost too observant, sometimes I would see him holding his chest in pain and sweating profusely"

"Yes on his way to the Civilians level I caught a glimpse of him, he looked very pale," one of the doctors said.

"Dr. Touka if I may ask, does Kashi spend time in your office?" Kenta asked.

"It's restricted but I trust Kashi in going there..."

Kenta sighed, his looks sad.

"This might be hard to believe but I think Kashi might have tampered with the samples you keep of the bio-genetics, none of us are allowed in your office except him"

"Yes, but he can-" she then froze, her eyes went wide.

"He was in there a few days ago... to collect SPS for the bio-genetics," she said faintly, could he have?

Unknown to them, Kenta smirks darkly.

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