The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 238 - On Deaths Door

"Kenta is there anything you know? Did you see Kashi last?".

He shook his head.

"No I didn't, but ever since we came back from our mission, he's been acting strange,"

"Strange?" Touka said puzzled, in all the time she spend with him when they were back he has always acted himself, there was nothing strange about him.

"You guys might not know but I'm sensitive to all these things, almost too observant, sometimes I would see him holding his chest in pain and sweating profusely"

"Yes on his way to the Civilians level I caught a glimpse of him, he looked very pale," one of the doctors said.

"Dr. Touka if I may ask, does Kashi spend time in your office?" Kenta asked.

"It's restricted but I trust Kashi in going there..."

Kenta sighed, his looks sad.

"This might be hard to believe but I think Kashi might have tampered with the samples you keep of the bio-genetics, none of us are allowed in your office except him"

"Yes, but he can-" she then froze, her eyes went wide.

"He was in there a few days ago... to collect SPS for the bio-genetics," she said faintly, could he have?

Unknown to them, Kenta smirks darkly.

"No way," Touka said lost holding her forehead.

"There's no way he would" her body trembled.

"So Kashi is the one responsible?"

"I don't believe this"

"He was always so clumsy, wouldn't hurt a fly"

"To think he would do such a thing"

The whispers went on amongst the doctors.

Kenta placed a hand on Touka's shoulder.

"I too don't want to believe this," he said sadly.

"Even though we weren't really close. Kashi was like a friend to me, I always pushed everyone away, using work as an excuse, but Kashi was different, he insisted he wants to be my friend"

"Kashi is always like that" Touka said faintly, her eyes filled with tears.

"He always wanna play friendly with everyone... to think... to think he would do something like this, I don't believe it", the tears fell nonstop.

"Dr. Touka," Kenta said with sad eyes as his hand placed on her shoulder trembled.

Touka's teary eyes met his.

"I need to see him and ask why, why he would go as far as doing something like this"

"If it isn't too late we will, I would do anything to save him, to bring him back," he said with shaky eyes.

Suddenly a banging sound came from the other hall.

Akio's eyes widen.

"That sound, it's from the entrance" he yelled.

They froze, the Kaiju's has finally found them.


Level 14

*Harsh Breaths*

"Come on Ten, wake up!"

*Continuous Breathing*

"Hang in there"


"Come on, breath"


The corner of Haya's eyes spilled water as she pressed her two palms on Ten's chest, to get his heart started.

"Come on" she cried, pausing, going down and bringing her lips to his, blowing air into it and resuming to pressing his chest with an easy pace.

"Ten please wake up" she cried and sobbed as she helplessly tried to revival him.

Homura and Sumi behind watch with sad eyes, they fought Kaiju's along this path, and then they found Ten lying unconscious on the ground, a wound at his neck, in the pool of his blood, no longer breathing.

"Haya" Homura said as the tears fell, just by seeing Ten he knew, his paled skin, he had lost so much blood there was no way he would survive this.

"Please stop... he's" he broke in tears, burying his face in his arm as he cried.

"He's gone"

Haya took a harsh breath as she desperately tried to revival him, and blow air into his mouth, but to no avail, Ten was no longer breathing and his heart was no longer beating.

Sumi with a dark look walks towards Haya, squatting at the other side of Ten's body, facing her.

Tears spilled at the corner of Haya's eyes as she kept pushing up and down.

Sumi placed a hand on Haya's shoulder, her action slowly reduced, and then she stopped.

Her teary eyes landing on Sumi's sad eyes, Sumi shocks her head negatively, a sign for her to stop.

"No," she said in tears.

"No!" she yelled turning to Ten's body.

"He can't die... he can't" she broke in more tears, her heart felt like it was pierced with a dagger as she stared at his lifeless body.

"HE CAN"T DIE!" she buried her face in his neck as she cried.

Sumi's eyes shake as she watch Haya cry helplessly, the tears and the pain she was feeling and her emotion all over the place, and then she knew, it was no doubt Haya loves Ten.

Her pain, the sadness. Sumi's lips pressed in a thin line, to lose someone you loved, was this how it felt, she has almost forgotten what it felt like, suddenly the feeling of losing Shino overwhelmed her body.

"Wake up Ten" Haya cried her tighten fist hitting his chest.

"Please wake up... please".

"Haya" Sumi said with trembling eyes.

"Please", her fist tightened against his jacket.

Suddenly a spark was formed there, Sumi caught this along with Homura.

"Haya?" This time Sumi said her name for a different reason.

Spiderweb energy formed around her hand against his chest, making the air around blow widely.

'What's happening?' she thought with trembling eyes, was Haya doing this?


Suddenly it went off like a wave, along with a bright light, Sumi covered her eyes along with Homura.

Ten's body gave a thorough shook as the red electricity flowed through his body and then his heart started beating.

The energy subsided, 'She restarted his heart' Sumi thought, stunned, and seems like she had no idea because Haya was still crying her face buried in his neck.

Haya felt Ten's body move, she froze sitting up.

"Ten?" she said feeling his chest, his heart was beating.

She turned to Sumi in shock.

"You did this, you restarted his heart," she said.

Haya read her lips.

"W-What?" she said stunned, having no idea she did it, she turned to Ten.

"His body is no longer pale," Homura said elatedly.

Ten stirred awake.

"Ten!" Haya said with tears of joy.

Ten groaned slowly opening his eyes, revealing his green eyes.

"I-I'm dead? am I in heaven?" he said weakly.

"No you're not," Haya said hugging him, burying her face in his neck.

"You're alive. you came back to us" she cried, for a minute there she thought she lost him never to see him again, but he came back.


Level 25

"What the fuck is that?" Anzai said seeing the weird color around it, it was like when the bio-genetics were training when they release the energy from their body all at once, but this was different, this was powerful, this was a whole different level.

"KILL!!!!" It roared the energy dispersed.

Anzai and Hiro raised their elbow to block the air dispersing and also stood their ground so that it wouldn't blow them away from the mere force.

The entire base shock also from the power display, the metal making loud clank ground as it would come apart from the energy.

Suddenly the energy subsides, the Alpha growing more in height, its features looking wilder, its canines dropped more, its claws extended, looking more beastly than ever.

"It's like..." Hiro said as his eyes trembled, he could feel it, the change in a power surge, how enormous it felt.

"...It powered up"

"Tsk" Anzai made a sound annoyed.

The Alpha growled deeply, going in a stance like it was about to dash at them like a storm, the mixed energy of red and black swirling around it like a wave.

Anzai's eyes widened knowing it was about to make a move.

"Here it comes Hiro!" he yelled.

They got in a stance.

Like a zap of a lightning bolt, it charged towards them, the area around it going up in destruction, its eyes beaming a very dangerous red, it slammed into him as everywhere shook from the wave.

Anzai flew in another direction at the force.

Hiro flew on the air as he did, he brought out his stick as it shifts to his sword, five to six feet long, the body smooth, silver in color, the edge of the blade slightly slanted, the handle dark red in color, the edges of the handle extended, in a curve style, the center of the sword had a small round wheel embodied in it, spinning with an automatic start-up sound, powered by his blood. The body swirled with blue energy the same as the one around his body.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" he gave a loud battle cry sound as with one wave of his sword a cluster of blue energy was sent towards the Alpha, with an amount of force.

The Alpha's eyes beamed as it saw it coming, its nails turned crimson, as with one wave it sent a five slash red mark, towards the blue energy, they collided together sending a wide wave.

It pushed Hiro backward fiercely, Instantly the Alpha zapped in front of Hiro, both of them on air.

Hiro gasps at the immense speed it displayed, as his eyes went wide, the Alpha smirks, and then roaring as it sent....

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